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Planning Board Minutes 06/13/11
Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 13, 2011 @ 4:30 PM
Present: Janet Weidner, chair, Rich Osnoss, John Flender, Cathy Thompson
           Andrew Fischer, Dan Greenbaum, Mitchell Posin
           Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public: Eve Vincent

The Chair, Janet Weidner welcomed Dan Greenbaum as another newly elected member.
Brine/Bigelow beach lot Form A subdivision: Map 22, parcel 123.1- 123.2:
Ms. Vincent came before the Planning Board with a Form A for a subdivision of an existing two beach lot parcels and to 7. Mr. Posin requested that Todd speak to or draft a letter to the Attorney Generals office asking how the board might proceed with this type of division of property that does have impact, but seems to be outside the Planning Boards jurisdiction since it creates an unbuildable parcel. Ms. Vincent did say that she believes this is the last remaining non-Quansoo beach Association lot within this area that is not held to the covenants that restrict further subdivision of beach lots. The Board discussed the status of Quansoo Road and the impact that this type of subdivision has on the infrastructure. It was noted that the Planning Board had turned down past subdivision proposals due to the un-improvable nature of Quansoo road to be brought up to town specification. The Board also would like Todd to contact the Martha’s Vineyard Commission regarding this subject and speak with Bill Veno. After this discussion the Board took no action. Todd will draft a letter to the Town Clerk that the Board took no action on this application and the Clerk may sign the plan after the 21 day action period has expired.
The Board thanked Ms. Vincent for coming in.

Further discussion included the parking area at Quansoo and that that area is within the shore zone and inland shore zone and that impact is made with every car. The motion was made to contact the AG’s office; that motion was seconded and approved unanimously. The motion was made to contact the MVC regarding this kind of subdivision; that motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Todd had a brief plan for the Langman property but the Board requested Doug Dowling come in to present the preliminary plan for informal discussion.

The Board reviewed the requests of three of the Housing Committee members for a one year appointment to the Chilmark Housing Committee. The Board approved all three requests unanimously. A letter will go to the selectmen informing them of this action.

Ms. Weidner discussed with the Board the various other committees that members of the Planning Board hold seats. Currently:
Community Preservation Committee: Janet Weidner
North Tabor Farm Committee: Mitchell Posin
Molly Flender Affordable Housing Trust: Cathy Thompson
Site Review: Rich Osnoss
Land Bank: John Flender (town member)
Refuse District: Rich Osnoss
Road Agent: Mitchell Posin
Rich Osnoss attended the Meeting of the West Tisbury Energy Committee and he reported on that meeting to the Board. The topics included State Grants, Stretch Code, Energy Code, 5 Criteria for Green Community designation.
He suggested reviewing information at

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm

        There were no minutes from the last meeting.

        Accompanying documents:

        With no more business to discuss, Ms. Weidner adjourned the meeting at 6:35 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.