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Planning Board Minutes 03/26/12
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 26, 2012 @ 4:30 PM
Present: Janet Weidner, chair, Dan Greenbaum, Mitchell Posin, John Flender,
        Cathy Thompson, Andrew Fischer, Rich Osnoss, Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public: Cole Powers, Jessica Roddy, Sergio Modigliani

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Janet Weidner at 4:35 p.m.

Jennifer Christy, new administrative asst., was introduced to the Board and the reduction in hours of the admin. asst., to 14 hours/wk. from 15 hrs./wk., was announced.

Cole Powers, Chilmark Electrical Inspector:
Cole Powers was present to respond to questions regarding 200 amp service.
Chair Weidner questioned Mr. Powers on whether limiting amp service would be useful as a tool to limit house size.
Mr. Powers expressed doubt that amp service could be used effectively as a limit to house size and noted alternative energy sources that could be tapped to allow for a larger house even if the electrical amp service was restricted to 200 amps. Mr. Powers also noted newer technology in many newer and larger homes, such as LED lighting, which use much less energy, therefore requiring less overall energy for the house as a whole.
Mr. Powers noted the importance of energy conservation, particularly in the area of heating & cooling, in a homeowner’s effort to reduce energy consumption.
Mr. Modigliani questioned the legality of a 200 amp limit. Cole Powers did not have any knowledge of a community limiting amperage use and noted the likelihood electricity providers would not support it.
Mr. Powers discussed the idea of a “power factor”(the ratio of the real power flowing to the load to the apparent power in the circuit). If there is pollution in the system because of inefficient appliances/motors, the “power factor” is imbalanced. He suggested the creation of rules to limit inefficient appliances.
Mitchell Posin questioned how a larger home may affect a smaller home in terms of power efficiency. Mr. Powers noted the possibility of this situation diminishing the efficiency of the grid and creating an imbalanced “power factor”.
Andrew Fischer questioned whether there is a need for a higher amperage capacity in order to put power back into the grid. Mr. Powers responded that the power put back into the grid cannot exceed 25%.
Discussion continued regarding conservation and efficiency, incentives for conservation and alternative energy sources.

Stretch Code:
Andrew Fischer was recognized by the Chair and summarized his findings upon attending a “stretch code” seminar. He noted the pros and cons of adopting “stretch code” instead of waiting until it is International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) code (possibly within 2 years).
Mr. Modigliani discussed his experience with “stretch code” in other plaves. He noted the upfront cost for builders/contractors, the fact that quality of construction would improve, and that stretch code adoption is a prerequisite for adopting “Green Communities” and eligibility for grants.
John Flender highlighted the distinct nature of the two issues discussed: large houses is one issue, efficiency and energy conservation is another.
Cathy Thompson noted there needs to be a different process to deal with each issue.
Andrew Fischer noted Tisbury has adopted “stretch code”.

Minutes were reviewed from February 13. Approved with amendments.
Minutes were reviewed from February 27. Approved with amendment.
Minutes were reviewed from March 12. Approved with amendments.

        With no more business to discuss, Ms. Weidner adjourned the meeting at 7:00 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.