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Planning Board Minutes 02/14/11
Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 14, 2011 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, chair, Rich Osnoss, John Flender, Mitchell Posin           
              Billy Meegan, Cathy Thompson, Billy Meegan, Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public: Doug Hoehn

Call To Order:
Ms. Weidner opened the continued Public Hearing at 4:30pm.
        Mr. Hoehn was present to have an informal discussion regarding the Bell properties located at Map 32, Lot 63.2 and 63.3. The Bells would like to re-divide their properties due to the erosion of the coastal bank. There was some question regarding the access road and whether or not this should come to the board as a Form C, as it was part of an earlier subdivision. This piece of property had been through Land Court.
        Mr. Hoehn also spoke with the Board concerning the Heineman property, Map 24, lot 23 on South Road, with a Form A to re-divide property lines to allow for setback. The Heineman’s own both properties and wish to move a lot line so a pool may be installed and meet setback. The motion was made to approve this Form A. That motion was seconded and approved by all ayes.

        The Continued Public Hearing regarding the proposed Pool/Tennis Court Bylaw was opened at 5:20pm. Ted Rosbeck and Chuck Hodgkinson were present.
        The discussion started with a complete walk-through of the current proposed bylaw in front of the board. Mr. Hodgkinson asked to clarify the definitions and questioned whether ponds fall into this description of pool. He suggested the Building Code be defined as language, not just a mention of the current code. The Board discussed and agreed it was reasonable to define simply as MA Building Code 780 CMR, which contains all the language and definitions that are pertinent. (This is not unlike West Tisbury’s zoning which does the same) There was a question regarding tennis fence setback, which is still 50’ and the fence is by code 10’ tall. Equipment enclosure was revisited and is addressed under the current Noise Abatement Zoning Bylaw. Section g. Covers was redefined as “…winter safety covers for off season use.”
        The board and the public had some discussion regarding the Energy Use section.
        A motion was made to close the Public Hearing. That motion was seconded and approved all ayes.
        Next, there was a motion to close discussion regarding the bylaw and finalize the draft to send to the Selectmen for inclusion on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. That motion was seconded and approved all ayes.
        With no more business to discuss, a motion was made to close the meeting. That motion was seconded and approved all ayes. The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 pm

        These minutes were taken to the best of my abilities and respectfully presented by Administrative Assistant, Todd Christy.