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Planning Board Minutes 01/25/2010
Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 25, 2010 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, chair, Rich Osnoss, John Flender, Russell Walton,
            William Meegan, Tim Lasker, Mitch Posin
            Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Not Present:  
Public:    Andy Goldman
Call To Order:
Ms. Weidner, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:30pm

Minutes from January 4, 2010 approved as amended
Minutes from January 11, 2010 approved as amended

New Business:
Affordable Rental Housing:
Currently, the Chilmark bylaws don’t require the need for a special permit to proceed with the development of an affordable housing rental project. There was brief discussion concerning the requirement for this special permit. The board agreed to wait until more information was provided.
No action was taken.

Wind: Eaton Turbine:
There was some discussion concerning the Eaton turbine on middle Road and the withdrawal of their application after abutters within the 1000’ abutter radius voiced their disapproval. This property does not have a dwelling on it, but there is a plan in the future for one. The began the conversation as to whether or not the zoning requires a primary dwelling for accessory use turbine permit.

The Eaton turbine discussion moved right into the general topic of how to create a bylaw in Chilmark addressing the many needs of the Town to govern the permitting of turbines.
This wind- energy committee is proposed to help address all forms of alternative energy and conservation. Mr. Meegan, Mr. Flender and Mr. Christy attended the West Tisbury’s Planning Public Hearing concerning their proposed bylaw for turbines. West Tisbury has chosen an abutter radius of 1000’ and no preconstruction noise evaluation as part of its proposed bylaw.

Mr. Goldman was present to discuss his citizen’s petition to amend Chilmark Zoning Bylaw 4.2A and 4.2B, requesting a one year moratorium on all special permits for turbines. Amended as follows:
Article 4.2B No application for a Special Permit for the construction of a windmill pursuant to Article 4.2A hereof shall be considered by the Zoning Board of Appeals until after the annual meeting of the Town of Chilmark in April, 2011. The purpose of this article to declare a moratorium until April, 2011 is to allow an appropriate amount of time for the preparation of a modern bylaw that will balance the opportunity of a land owner to construct a wind turbine with the knowable and predictable effect such a turbine would or might have on other owners, whether or not they are abutters.

The discussion turned to the question of what is the Planning Board’s role and how should we proceed and it’s necessary to proceed with the moratorium in town for turbines. Ms. Weidner asked if there had been any lawsuits against town’s based on their zoning bylaws? Ms. Weidner presented to the board a list of many key questions concerning zoning and turbines in Chilmark. The discussion included the comment that the moratorium may effect those who want to put in alternative energy facilities with current grant money and this may inhibit them for that money. Again the discussion turned to limiting large house construction which is a component of this green energy/conservation puzzle. Aspen, CO found a way to limit new construction of homes and is there a way to do the same in Chilmark.
There should be some component to the energy committee dedicated to finding a site for public turbines that the whole town may benefit from. There should be defined criteria by which the ZBA can base their decisions on.
Ms. Weidner presented her list of topics to consider as part of the Planning Boards decision process.   

The Planning Board thanked Mr. Goldman for his time and input.


        With no more business to discuss, Ms. Weidner adjourned the meeting at 6:15 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.