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Planning Board Minutes 01/11/2010
Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, chair, Rich Osnoss, John Flender, Russell Walton,
            William Meegan, Tim Lasker, Mitch Posin
            Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public:    Lucy Scanlon, Thomas Scanlon
Call To Order:
Ms. Weidner, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:30pm

New Business:
Lucy and Thomas Scanlon whose house is within the Meeting House Road Subdivision, Map 12, Lot 28, came before the Planning Board to request permission of a guest house on their property. Planning Board member, Mr. Meegan, recused himself from the discussion and vote as he is the builder. After some discussion concerning whether or not the subdivision allowed guest houses, which it does, the motion was made to approve. That motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Admin was asked to send memo to ZBA regarding approval.

Ms. Weidner reminded the board that the proposed Amendment to the zoning bylaw concerning Wind Turbines will not be moving forward. Members of the ZBA have suggested that the ZBA has the language it needs to approve or disapprove of any proposal brought before them. There was a suggestion to form a Wind Advisory Committee, WAC that would work on gathering information about turbines so that Chilmark may be able to make a bylaw that accurately addresses the needs of the Town.
There was some discussion concerning cooperative utilities that would share a turbine in a neighborhood net metering manner.
Ms. Weidner read her list of items to be considered and researched/ discussed further, including:
-alternatives/ geo thermal~ Solar/ Photovoltaic
-analysis/ economical
-data from other turbine facilities

The Planning Board would also like to have future discussions with Gary Harcourt and Tyler Studds who have joined the Planning Board in the past for meeting and discussion.
Lastly, how can the town move forward:
  • What can be done in town?
  • Create a Wind District
  • Green Communities Act> permitting approval
        -KW per Hour
        -Net Metering
        - Minimum lot size
        -Small house
        It was suggested to look at what Aspen, Co implemented and to review MV Commission guidelines.

The Planning Board lastly discussed what the composition of the WAC would be. No decision was made.

Meeting Minutes;
No Minutes were reviewed at this meeting

        With no more business to discuss, Ms. Weidner adjourned the meeting at 5:40 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.