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Planning Board Minutes 01/04/2010
Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, chair, Rich Osnoss, Russell Walton, William Meegan,
                Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Absent:  John Flender, Tim Lasker, Mitch Posin
Public:    Wendy Weldon, Susan Parker, Frank LoRusso, Lenny Jason, Chuck Hodgkinson, JB Riggs Parker
Call To Order:
Ms. Weidner, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:30pm

WECS: Public Hearing
Ms. Weidner opened the public Hearing at 4:30pm by reading aloud the public notice that was in the Paper and posted in Town Hall. She then gave a brief overview of the process the Planning Board has gone through to get to where we are with a proposed amendment to the current zoning governing wind mills. Ms. Weidner spoke of the process including the ZBAs suggestions that changes be made so that there was greater notification radius and better visualization representation for approval of a special permit from the ZBA.

Mr. Parker suggested that the bigger picture of turbines in Chilmark becomes less attractive if you look at all the down sides associated with turbines, but encouraged the Planning Board to plan and investigate all aspects of turbines. Mr. Fenner also encouraged the Planning Board to weight out the benefits and detriments before going to the Town with zoning.  

        After very lengthy discussion it was decided that the ZBA has the language within the current zoning bylaws to approve or disapprove applications on a case by case basis. Thus, there is no need to amend the current zoning on wind mills.
Motion was made to close the Public Hearing.
That motion was seconded and approved by all ayes.

The motion was made to table the proposed amendment to wind mills. That motion was seconded and approved all ayes.
The Public Hearing closed at 5:34pm

FY 11 Budget:
There was little discussion concerning the proposed FY 2011 budget. It was approved as presented with no increases.

Meeting Minutes;
November 23, 2009 minutes were approved as amended.
December 14, 2009 minutes were approved as presented.


        With no more business to discuss, Ms. Weidner adjourned the meeting at 6:17 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.