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Parks & Recreation Minutes 11/16/17

Present for the Park & Recreation Committee and attending the meeting were:           Andy Goldman, Chairman, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Jim Malkin and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Donald Poole, Carl Flanders, Melanie Flanders and Betsy Larsen also attended.  Julie Flanders and Jane Slater did not attend.

The meeting came to order at 8:00 AM.

Menemsha Bulkhead 2018 Lot Lease Interviews:  Mr. Goldman welcomed Mr. Poole (Lot 3A) and invited him to discuss his plans for 2018.  Mr. Poole said he plans to continue using his lot and shack for oyster farming and building cages for his grant.  He said the past year was difficult and added he does not want to give up his grant and place on the dock.  He understands the Committee’s goals for the lot leases and asked if there are specific annual criteria or performance standards for each lot that must be met to retain a bulkhead lot lease—versus a subjective assessment.  He added if there are specific milestones that must be met for his type of use he will meet them.  The Committee said there are currently no established standards of performance and thought it would be a good practice because there are several people who would like to lease a bulkhead lot.

Melanie Flanders said she would like to apply for a lot should one become available.  The Committee asked how the past year has been for her oyster farming operation.              Ms. Flanders said she purchased 100,000 seed which yielded 10,000 oysters.  The Board thought this type of performance standard for farming oysters would be useful.             Mr. Poole suggested writing down the specific criteria that will satisfy the Committee’s standards for effective lot utilization.

The Committee discussed the poor condition of the town-owned shack on lot 3A—especially the roof.  Mr. Poole said he hopes to get to the roof repairs shortly and reiterated the struggles of the past year kept him from repairing the roof.

The Committee decided to spend the next few meetings establishing performance standards for each lot as they are all used in a variety of ways.  The goal is to have an agreed set of criteria to include with each 2018 lot lease.  The Committee also thought it would be fair and reasonable to allow the current lessees retain their lots for 2018 while submitting documentation with their 2019 applications outlining how the specific standards were met or not met.

Mr. Goldman asked the Committee to see if they are available to meet on November 21 to work on the performance standards.  Mr. Doty agreed to lead a subcommittee of him and Mr. Goldman to draft suggested criteria for the full Committee’s input.


The November 9, 2017 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended with three in favor and one abstention (Mr. Malkin).

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 AM.

The next meeting will be November 21, 2017 @ 9:20 AM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS