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Parks & Recreation Minutes 10/05/16

Present in addition to Andy and Committee members Jane Slater, Julie Flanders, Warren Doty and Tim Carroll were:~ Donald Poole, Dennis Jason, Jim Malkin, Adam Bryan, Isiah Scheffer, Matt Mayhew, John Armstrong, Alec Gale, Tim Broderick, Marshall Carroll, Janet Weidner, Joan Malkin, Karsten Larsen and Betsy Larsen.

Chairman Andy Goldman called the meeting to order at 8:06 am. ~

First order of business was approval of minutes of the previous meeting.~ Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously passed, the minutes were approved.

The second order of business was to hear from the Bulkhead tenants regarding their present circumstances and plans for next year and the future.

Lot 9A—Marshall Carroll spoke to his general satisfaction.~ In talking about the reserved spaces across from Menemsha Texaco he said they are three in number and used in addition to the frequent delivery of fuel as a loading zone for emergencies.~ He said the walkway needed to be removed and put back every time.~ Could it be a hard surface (tar?)?~ Marshal is willing to help pay.

Lot 8A-Harbor Master Dennis Jason.~ His lot is shared with the Shellfish Department, the Police Department and ambulances.~ His issue related to parking his vehicle on the side of his lot closest to Menemsha Texaco.~ Andy wondered whether relocation of the handicap ramp would solve the issue. ~

Jane Slater’s notes on the subject are included herein:~
1.~~~ Removing the handicap ramp can immediately widen space between gas station lot and harbormaster ½ lot and constructing a ramp built to code…current one is not built correctly.~ We need to consult with the building inspector.
2. Parking can be improved on east side of building by removing the no parking sign and relocating it nearer the edge of the bulkhead.~ Some discussion should be had about who erects such signs and who approves size, content and installation.
3.~ The old shed against the harbormaster building should be removed.~ Discussion with Tim suggested that there are other places to store the assortment of town owned materials in the shed now.~ A small container would be more appropriate and allow more space for future use.
4.~ We discussed the present placing of the trashcans.~ They can be moved if we wish.~ I think in the future a re-arranging of space behind the Harbormaster’s building will allow for emergency parking when necessary.
5.~ The larger problem is the electric pole and supports.~ Should we simply move the harbormaster’s building further east on the bulkhead lot and pre-arrange parking for authorized personnel?
Moving the building while replacing the ramp may be the best-cost saving move.~
Ultimately, we should enter into conversation with the electric company to determine what the future holds for our power structure?~ Are there new technologies that will permit us to move, bury, lower, or in other ways reduce the presence of poles on the bulkhead?~
Lastly, I (Jane) suggest that we revise our parking allowances on the bulkhead and define clearly who can park and for how long…maybe we do need sticker parking on the bulkhead?~ Better, probably, is to offer parking at a charge…then those who really need it…in the fishing community…will be willing to pay for it.”

There was discussion that the shuttle busses start at 6:45 am from Tabor Hose Road in aid of off-site parking. ~

With regard to the issue of parking by the Harbor Master, Marshall would prefer to see resolution by respecting existing boundaries.~ Andy said he expected the parties to resolve this matter after spending parts of two meetings on it.~ If~not, Parks and Rec. would do so.

Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer said he was generally pleased with the facilities available to his department.

Lot 7A-Karsten Larsen.~ With regard to the sushi shack on the lot, Karsten said he used it to shuck scallops last winter and plans to do so this winter.~ Said there were no tuna for sushi this summer but has hopes for next summer.~ Says he has tried to keep the lot clean.~ Said he was trying to buy a boat in which to fish.~

6A-Matt Mayhew.~ Since the sale of the boat the lot has had little use.~ It is being used by commercial fishermen and is being shared with the Menemsha Fish House.~ Matt is fully engaged in starting a new oyster business and building a new home.~ He would like to get a new boat.

Lot 5A-Alec Gale. Menemsha Fish House had a great year.~ Tuna was way off but oysters filed in the gaps.

Responding to concerns expressed about noise associated with the cooling equipment, Alec said he was willing to pursue options to alleviate the problem in terms of better insulation and moving equipment off-site.~ It was suggested and will be pursued whether noisy equipment can be operated at location on Tabor House Road.

Alec said how pleased he was with his neighbors Matt Mayhew and Betsy Larsen.

Lot 4A-Betsy Larsen.~ Larsen’s Fish Market had a great summer.~ Skunk removal was an issue.~ Trash is a problem.~ Menemsha Fish House trailer should be moved.~ Parking restrictions should be enforced.~ Betsy said she would be prepared to discuss and abide by approved list of items for sale to be discussed at a winter meeting of Parks and Rec.

Lot 3A-Donald Poole.~ His oyster grant is going and he is growing oysters in the pond at the present time.~ He uses his lot for building pots and cleaning equipment.~ Using 3-foot squares are hard to make.~ He also told us about an electric problem in building. Said he was using smaller gear appropriate to a smaller boat.~ Warren asked about the extra gear on his lot.~ Efforts will be made to terminate practice of putting unwanted material on his lot.

Lot 2A-Stanley Larsen.~ Stanley wasn’t in attendance but subsequent to meeting called the Chair to apologise for his absence. Said he had the wrong day.~ Chair brought him up to date on matters covered including review and enforcement of list of items approved for sale.

Lot 1A-John Armstrong.~ Plans to scallop this winter.~ The lot has been a “mess”.~ Someone was storing their stuff there without permission.~ Wes Brighton got permission to store his stuff—got a bit messy.~ John has requested Wes to clean it up.~ He added there are various issues with Stanley including encroachment, eating area and parking.~ Said the building was going to undergo new shingling and new windows.~ John has a skiff and a scalloping license only.~ In response to Tim’s question about the crane, John said Wes still uses it from time to time.

Chris Stein stores his stuff on John’s lot which is in the way.~ John said the bulkhead in front of his building is a huge problem.~ Wes and Chris create a big mess and he is trying to get them to clean it up.

Oil is being left on lot.~ This needs to be policed.

Tim Broderick is seeking a lot for his oyster operation.~ Betsy asked if leaseholders can share space.

Andy asked Tim and John to talk about the lot.~ John said he is still scalloping but can’t do much fishing any more.

Tim Carroll said with only two open lots we could subdivide them differently than in the past.~ He also said that performance based needs should be criteria in awarding new leases.

Jim Malkin and Joan Malkin shared with the Committee that the rental fees have been questioned.~ The Committee reiterated that while they were aware of some concerns expressed, that the tenants are in the middle of an eight year escalation of four percent a year and the Committee is pleased that the rents are reasonable given the restrictions on what can be sold and the short season.

The going forward schedule will be to discuss rules and regulations amendments at the November meeting which will be held on Thursday, November 3rd.~ Chuck Hodgkinson will be the Administrative Assistant for the Committee.

Under new business the Committee discussed the requested contribution of the West Tisbury School basketball court.~ It was not recommended to the CPC for funding.

Whereupon at 10:25 the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary Andy Goldman based on excellent notes taken by Julie Flanders and including Jane Slater’s notes on improving access for parking around the Harbor Master’s building.