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Library Trustees 09/06/2011
September 6, 2011

Present: Trustees Jane Slater and Janet Weidner; Library Director Ebba Hierta.

Meeting called to order at 8:38 AM.  Review of minutes of the July 2011 meeting was postponed till the October meeting.  

Group Reports: The Art Group reports much interest in scheduling our community room for art exhibits.  The Program Group reports that the U.S. premiere of the BBC Sissinghurst Gardens program will be shown at the Chilmark Library Wednesday afternoons in September.  

Old Business: Parking for summer programs at the Community Center continues to impact the availability of Library parking spaces for Library patrons.  One solution might be to have someone directing people to appropriate parking when there is a summer program at the Community Center while the library is open.  We would hope that the Community Center could provide staff for this.  Another suggestion is to stagger the summer programs differently to ease the parking issues.  Ebba is setting up a meeting soon with the Town Affairs Council to discuss these issues.  We agreed that the chair of the Library Trustees would write a letter to the Town Affairs Council presenting the issues as well.  

The CLAMS director alerted the Chilmark Library staff to a program which would provide grants to small libraries for expenses related to starting the CLAMS program.  Unfortunately, we will not be eligible for this grant, given the timeframe for the grant and the amount of time it would take for us to migrate to CLAMS.  However, we did discuss a possible timeline for getting the CLAMS migration process started, if we decide to go that route.  The library staff is working with staff from the West Tisbury library to develop a presentation to be given to the towns to explain the benefits and costs of joining the CLAMS program.  The goal is to have a warrant article for the April 2012 Annual Town Meeting related to joining CLAMS.    

The library director reported that agreement has been reached with the Chilmark School for the current school year’s program.  The library will conduct the school library program for twenty five weeks with all four classes coming to each session.  Next year, if there are still four classes at the Chilmark School, we will need to budget differently if we want to return to our usual program, which includes sessions for twenty nine weeks.  The written agreement between the Chilmark School and the Chilmark Library is still under negotiation.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:32 AM.  Next meeting will be October 11th at 9:00 AM.