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Housing Committee Minutes 06/06/16
Chilmark Housing Committee
Tuesday, June 6, 2016, 2:30 pm
Chilmark Town Hall, 401 Middle Road

Committee Members Present: Andrew Goldman (acting as chairman), Ann Wallace, Bill Rossi, Jessica Roddy, William Randol
Others Present:  Sam Hart, Christine Flynn, Jessie Holtham (admin)
Committee Members Absent: Michelle Leonardi, Jim Feiner; alternates: Roland Kluver, Zee Gamson

Minutes from May 3, 2016 meeting were approved, as amended.

Christine Flynn, MV Commission Economic Development & Affordable Housing Planner, presented the Joint Affordable Housing Group’s (JAHG) “Draft Terms & Definitions of Affordable Housing”.  This document is a follow-up to the 2013 Housing Needs Assessment and Zoning Analysis. It serves as a regional ‘housekeeping’ document to define housing terms uniformly for the six towns on the Island.

Committee members agreed to meet in two weeks, June 21st, to allow committee members to review and discuss further the Draft Terms & Definitions document and how this document will affect the language and require possible changes to the Town’s Zoning By-laws.

Committee members reviewed the Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Chapter 40B Subsidized Housing Inventory by Town, updated on 12/5/14.  Members disagreed with the inventory, noting that Chilmark probably has a total of 7 units (not the listed 3) and looks forward to reviewing the updated charts in 2016.

Sam Hart (Liaison to the Chilmark Planning Board) presented the next draft of the Chilmark Housing Production Plan (HPP) Executive Summary.  The Committee generally agrees that given the Town’s land expense and density issues, Chilmark is unlikely able to meet the unrealistic State goal of 10% affordable housing units.  Christine Flynn noted that while the Town may not practically achieve the 10% State standard, that the HPP is a stepping stone to identify town priorities and is a helpful exercise to set goals, including those for any regional efforts in the future.

Sam Hart will amend the HPP Exec Summary based on the Housing Committee’s comments and suggestions.  The Housing Committee was in favor of the letter to be presented to the Board of Selectmen requesting support to submit an Island-wide application for DHCD Planning Assistance Toward Housing (PATH) funding to prepare the new HPPs for each Town, an Island-wide HPP, and to hire JM Golden + RKG Associates consultants.

Chairman Jim Feiner (not present) was nominated as tour-guide for the HPP consultant visiting June 15th.
The committee discussed the Nantucket Land-bank fee-sharing model and agreed to table the issue until Fall 2016.
Next Meeting Scheduled Tuesday, June 21, 2016 2:30pm
Respectfully Submitted, Jessie A. Holtham.