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Historical Commission Minutes 03/19/19
Present for the Historical Commission and attending the meeting were:  Jane Slater, Chairman, Jim Malkin, Steve McGhee, Barbara Armstrong and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Harriet Bernstein and Bonnie Smolen also attended.  John Flender and Lenny Jason did not attend.

Ms. Slater opened the meeting at 4:00 PM and welcomed both guests and introductions were made by everyone.

Bonnie Smolen; 8A Clambelly Rd.:  Ms. Smolen thanked the Commission for its time and explained how she is working with the Land Bank to connect its trails through her property so the hikers do not have to walk on Tea Lane which has more traffic in the more robust, summer hiking season and many blind curves.  While walking the site with Bill Veno she noticed Jimmy Morgan was restoring the stone wall in front of Scott Bermudes’s lot development.  She asked if the Commission would consider restoring some of the stone walls along Tea Lane as it is an historic public town road.  The Commission explained how the program works and said it is currently focusing on possible stone wall restorations along Middle Road—which is a much more visible and well-traveled roadway than Tea Lane.  They too were concerned with contractor safety if some of the Tea Lane walls were restored.  The Commission suggested taking photos and identifying the stone wall sections along Tea Lane that Bonnie thought should be restored.  The Commission would be happy to review them and decide whether or not to place them on the list.  Ms. Smolen thanked the Commission and said she will do so.

Harriet Bernstein:  Discuss Flanders Lane Mid-20th Century Houses.  The Commission welcomed Harriet back to discuss the mid-twentieth century homes along Flanders Lane and this area of town.  Chuck H. distributed photos of the six houses in question.  The Commission reviewed the history of its involvement from 2016 to 2018 on Harriet’s previous request to have these six houses listed as historic resources in the Town’s Master Plan.  Ms. Bernstein asked if the Commission would recommend the Planning Board add these houses to the historic resources section of the Master Plan.  The Commission explained how it is not in its purview to recommend how the Planning Board amends the Master Plan.  The process for doing so would require the Planning Board to agree to consider the change, notify the current homeowners on the concept for their input and then hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment.  After receiving public comment the Planning Board would then make a decision on whether or not do propose the amendment to the Master Plan for Town Meeting voter approval.  Ms. Bernstein thanked the Commission for its time.

Topics not anticipated by the Chair.  The Commission discussed its desire to investigate possible stone wall renovations along Middle Road.  Mr. McGhee and Ms. Slater agreed to take a ride and pictures for discussion at the next meeting.

The Commission also agreed to meet @ 3:45 PM at Town Hall on April 16 to make a site visit to the Stengel property to see how the historic ½ cape was restored and the brick barn was recreated.  Chuck H. will make the arrangements.

Administration:  The January 15, 2019 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.

The next regular meeting will take place on April 16, 2019 @ 3:45 PM.

With no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.