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Historical Commission Minutes 11/10/15
Present for the Historical Commission and attending the meeting were:  Jane Slater, Chairman, Lenny Jason, Steve McGhee, and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Steve Flanders also attended.  John Flender and Barbara Armstrong were absent.  

The meeting came to order at 5:00 PM.  Ms. Slater welcomed Steve Flanders who is observing and interested in volunteering to serve on the Commission.

ABEL’S HILL GRAVESTONE RESTORATION:  Chuck H. explained that Kai Nalenz restored 38 slate gravestones on October 12 and 13 under John Flender’s supervision.  Before and after photographs for each of the restored gravestones were reviewed by the Commission.

MIDDLE ROAD STONE WALL RESTORATION:  Ms. Slater explained there is a stone wall hidden by brush overgrowth on the north side of Middle Road with an opening in the center.  This opening was the location of the original Chilmark Town Hall in the 1840’s.  Ms. Slater shared pictures of the old Town Hall and the stone wall as it appears today and suggested contacting the owners to obtain their permission to clear the brush and replace fallen stones.
The Commission thought this was a good idea and worthwhile project.  A draft letter to the owners was reviewed and Mr. Jason recommended that the Commission also mention it would like to have a plaque commemorating the site placed on the stone wall facing Middle Road.  The Commission agreed and Chuck H. will revise the letter accordingly for Ms. Slater’s signature.

DRAFT FY 2017 HISTORICAL COMMISSION EXPENSE BUDGET:  Chuck H. shared a proposed FY 2017 expense budget and explained this is the same as the previous expense budgets going back to FY 2013.  He added the Town Accountant will add the salary expenses when the data is available.  After brief discussion a motion was made to approve the draft FY 2017 budget as presented.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with three in favor.

OTHER NEW BUSINESS:  Ms. Slater explained Harriet Otteson and Chuck H. located the Town’s weights and measures scale and that Ms. Otteson has proposed having the cabinet restored and displayed in the Community Center.  The cabinet is 5’ 6” wide; 6’ 4” high and        2’ deep.  Mr. Jason added this scale and weights are quite valuable to the Town and agreed this should be done.  He also suggested trying to find a place outside the Selectmen’s conference room at Town Hall for displaying the items.  The Commission agreed.  Chuck H. pointed out there is a small sum in the budget for this type of project and will follow up with Ms. Otteson and report back to the Commission.

Mr. Flanders said he enjoyed the meeting and would be happy to serve with the other Commissioners.  Already prepared to contribute Mr. Flanders helped the group identify the Lane Building in Vineyard Haven.
ADMINISTRATION:  The September 15, 2015 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended by consensus.  With no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.