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Historical Commission Minutes 01/20/15
Present for the Historical Commission and attending the meeting were:  Jane Slater, Chairman, Lenny Jason, Barbara Armstrong, John Flender, Steve McGhee, and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Reid Silva, Rudolf Stingel, Marianne Vitale, Sarah Lopergolo and Kevin Keating also attended.     Bette Carroll and Karin Wetmore were absent.  

The meeting came to order at 5:05 PM.  

RESTORATION PLANS:   Mr. Silva introduced Rudolf Stingel and Marianne Vitale who are the new owners of the Norton-Daniel Jones-Osborn Tilton-Harris house -- listed as Historic Resource # 4 in the Master Plan; 34 Brickyard Road; Map 9 Lot 2.4.

“c. 1715.  Built by Jacob Norton on Noman’s Land, moved in 1813 to present location east of Roaring Brook by Shubael Norton.  Altered at the time.  Roof originally thatched.  Property acquired by Nathaniel Harris in 1867, and remains in his family.  A 19th century brick barn c. 1852 was destroyed by 1944 hurricane.  Lower level was roofed over and shelters cattle.  One of three barns built of reject bricks from brickyard at Roaring Brook.

Architects Ms. Lopergolo and Mr. Keating reviewed detailed plans to restore the historic house to its original state, removing the gambrel additions from the 1950’s and re-build the brick barn to its original detail as researched through old photographs.

The Commissioners welcomed the new owners to Chilmark, expressed their enthusiastic support for the plan and thanked them for helping to restore this important part of Chilmark’s history and heritage.  A subsequent motion was made to accept and approve the restoration plans for the historic house and reconstruction of the brick barn as described.  The motion was seconded and with no further comment passed unanimously with five in favor and with great appreciation.

STANLEY LARSEN STONE WALL RESTORATION INVOICE:  Ms. Slater explained the history of this stone wall as the Commissioners commented on how well the restoration was done thus far.  Jimmy Morgan’s email describing his recommendations on how to finish the wall that would require some addition granite blocks was also discussed.  A motion was made to approve the $4,950 invoice from Morgan Stone and Landscape.  The motion was seconded and passed with four in favor and one abstention (Ms. Armstrong).  A second motion was made to ask Mr. Morgan for an estimate to finish the wall as proposed.  The motion was seconded.  In discussion it was suggested he consider using the granite blocks near the highway shed as proposed.  The motion came to a vote and passed with four in favor and one abstention (Ms. Armstrong).

ADMINISTRATION:  The October 21, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved as presented by consensus.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 17           @ 5:00 PM.
With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 5:48 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.