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Historical Commission Minutes 10/21/14
Present for the Historical Commission and attending the meeting were:  Jane Slater, Chairman, Lenny Jason, John Flender, Steve McGhee, and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Patricia and David Price and Dan Waters also attended.  Bette Carroll, Barbara Armstrong and Karin Wetmore were absent.  

The meeting came to order at 5:15 PM.  

Chuck H. explained the Town’s Community Preservation Committee (CPC) will have a public hearing on November 19 @ 6:00 PM to receive public comment on all proposed CPA warrant articles for the April 2015 Annual Town Meeting.  They will want to know if the Historical Commission recommends the following two projects to the CPC.

MV MUSEUM APRIL 2015 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING CPA FUND REQUEST:                      Dan Waters explained he is seeking $3,600 of CPA Historic Preservation funds to stabilize the Nomansland Boat they have in storage.  This is not a full renovation or restoration.  The Commission asked how it will be stabilized and Mr. Waters explained the Museum wants to have a custom cradle built that provides better support for the boat.  Gannon and Benjamin surveyed the boat and concluded it cannot be restored.  Mr. Waters added the boat was built in 1883 and has not been in the water since 1936 when the Museum purchased it for $9.00.  The Commission asked why the Museum has done nothing to preserve the boat since 1936 and thought the Town’s Historic Preservation funds should be used to restoring historic artifacts – as opposed to building “museum exhibits” per se.  After much discussion a motion was made to deny the request and not recommend the project to the CPC.  The motion was seconded and passed with three in favor and one opposed (Mr. McGhee).

CEMETERY COMMISSION APRIL 2015 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING CPA FUND REQUEST:  Mr. Flender explained how this year’s restoration of the slate gravestones in Abel’s Hill Cemetery was very successful.  He added the Commission is applying for an additional $3,500 of CPA Historic Preservation funds to have Mr. Nalenz return to restore the balance of the slate gravestones in the cemetery (about 30).  They are dated from the 1700 - 1800’s.  The Commission agreed this is a terrific use of the funds.  A subsequent motion was made to recommend this request to the CPC.  The motion was seconded and passed with three in favor and one abstention (Mr. Flender).

PRICE STONE WALL RESTORATION; 291 MIDDLE ROAD:  Chuck H. shared pictures of the stone wall that was restored by John Maloney.  Patricia and David Price thanked the Commission for supporting the project and were thrilled with the outcome.  Chuck H. reviewed the $2,406 invoice for payment from the CPA Stone Wall restoration budget.  A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve the invoice for payment.

NOMANSLAND VISIT:  Mr. Flender shared photos of his trip to Nomansland with members of the Tribe to evaluate the cemetery and gravesites that are at risk of being washed to sea due to coastal erosion.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with local authorities to preserve the remains of the Luce family and tribal members.  Mr. Flender also shared the trip was in heavy seas and rain and explained how all hands were needed to board the boat, bail water and shove off for the return trip to Menemsha.  The Commission thanked John for making the trip and was impressed with his seamanship.

ADMINISTRATION:  The September 16, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved .  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 @ 5:00 PM.
With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.