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Historical Commission Minutes 07/21/10
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 21, 2010 @ 5:30 PM
Present:   Jane Slater, chair, Steve McGhee, Karin Wetmore, Barbara Armstrong, Bette Carroll
                                        Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
                   Not Present: Lenny Jason, John Flender
Call To Order:
Jane Slater, Chair, opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Stone Wall:
        The Commission has been rewriting the Stone Wall Restoration form that applicants will fill out when requesting stone wall restoration in town. Two projects have been presented to the commission, one of which is more than half done and just needs to be completed. The Allen Farm began restoring a large section of Stone Wall along South Road and now just needs to finish the project in the manner in which it was begun. The Commission members approved the use of allocated funds to the amount of $12,000.00 to complete this project.
The second request is from Ted and Judy Mayhew along Menemsha Hill. The Commission members approved the project and will now request three bids for this project to begin. The members approved this request for bids.
Finally, the members present agreed to the language and format of the Stone Wall Restoration request form and approved that specific form.

Silva House, Tea Lane Farm:
The committee had a lengthy discussion concerning the Silva Farm house and barns, particularly the possible restoration and refurbishing of the farm house. This house is a historic Chilmark house and the structure appears fine. It lacks modern amenities and needs many issues addressed, such as proper bathrooms and insulation in the second floor. The members present agreed that however the house gets renovated is fine, but if CPC Historical funds are to be used, the Historic Commission should have a representation on that construction committee. Todd will draft a letter to the Selectmen based on this request. The Historical Commission would like oversight on this project.

Dorr Fox:
        Dorr Fox from Mass Preservation will be on the island August 10, 2010 to discuss with Todd preservation grants and to take a walk around the Silva farm to assess its state.
With no more business to discuss, Ms. Slater adjourned the meeting at 6:05 pm
Minutes respectfully presented by Todd Christy Administrative Assistant