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Human Resource Board Minutes 10/20/15
Human Resources Board of Chilmark
October 20, 2015 APPROVED MINUTES
Present: Jim Malkin, Chair, Jennie Greene, Max McCreery, Steven Flanders, Stephen Lewenberg, Bill Rossi, Board of Selectmen Representative, Chuck Hodgkinson, HRBC Staff Representative
Not present:
Public/ Board or Comm. Members:
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Admin. Asst., Tim Carroll, Exec. Sec., Diana DeBlase, Receptionist & Asst. to the Exec. Sec., Jessica Bradlee, Tax Collector, Ben Retmeir, Interim TriTown Ambulance Chief
Meeting called to order at 8:00AM

  • HRS, Inc. Compensation Draft Report, October 19 version & Comparative Data Chart SECOND DRAFT, October 19, 2015, 5:54 PM:
  • Mr. Malkin noted the new draft reports are in the folders and a second large spreadsheet with updated data is included.
  • Mr. Lewenberg inquired what the ultimate goal is for the Board concerning this compensation data study and what the outcome is from this study: is the goal to look at individual jobs and determine whether they are under or over paid or is it to look at the Town of Chilmark as a whole and determine whether the compensation plan in place is a fair and equitable one and one that should be continued to be implemented?
  • Mr. Malkin answered Mr. Lewenberg’s question: The Board needs to make a recommendation to the BOS of what they may want to do with the data that has been received. And, the Board needs to look at each position and determine whether the positions are comparable to the positions in the other island towns.
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated that the question should be is the system that is in place a fair and equitable system going forward. He noted the Towns grading system, which places positions in certain grades, and he wondered if it is important to determine if the Town’s system, rather than just individual positions, is in need of alteration.
  • Mr. Malkin clarified that the Town asked for a compensation study of our Town positions rather than a study of the system of the compensation.
  • Mr. Malkin further clarified that the BOS asked for a study of the compensation of Town positions in comparison to the other island Towns.
  • Mr. McCreery asked for clarification of the newest chart of data. Mr. Malkin went through the top columns and briefly explained the meaning of the data. Mr. Malkin asked what the source is of the numbers in the newest chart.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson stated the Board should use the FY15 data from other towns on island.
  • The Board discussed the topic of an in-house gathering of information.
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated his opposition to the idea of an in-house study. He stated he would instead prefer to alert HRS, Inc. to our questions and concerns and have HRS, Inc. correct the problems. Mr. Flanders agreed with this plan.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the FY15 island information that was provided to HRS, Inc. and the data sources likely used by HRS, Inc.
  • Mr. Lewenberg and Ms. Greene stated that HRS, Inc. must provide the source documents that were used to compile the data.
  • Mr. Malkin asked Mr. Carroll to please inform Ms. Stapczynski that she needs to provide the source documents. Mr. Lewenberg reiterated he would prefer that the study be done correctly by HRS, Inc. and the sources of the data supported through a document provided by the island towns rather than supported by telephone call conversations.
  • Ms. DeBlase suggested that telephone conversations with HRS, Inc. be followed up with a written document that is signed so that information gathered through a telephone call can be verified and relied upon.
  • Mr. Carroll suggested that he and Mr. Hodgkinson take some time to clarify which numbers are incorrect within the study and then to ask Ms. Stapczynski to please check those numbers that appear to be incorrect.
  • Mr. Lewenberg noted that the current stage of the study is “data collection” rather than “analysis”.
  • Mr. Malkin stated Mr. Hodgkinson would work to identify the incorrect numbers and send that to Ms. Stapczynski. Mr. Malkin also stated a letter must be written to HRS, Inc. identifying the issues and that this should be included with the document identifying the problematic cells.
  • Ms. Greene expressed frustration with the process and noted the agreement does indicate that the Town may terminate the agreement if the study is not done to the standards of the agreement.
  • Mr. Malkin stated he would like to continue with the process to attempt to complete the study. Ms. Greene suggested that the Board of Selectmen send Ms. Stapczynski notice of 30 days to correct the data to the satisfaction of the Board. Ms. Greene suggested that it be recommended to the BOS she be given 30 days’ notice. Discussion continued about this idea. No action was taken.
  • Mr. Malkin inquired whether Mr. Hodgkinson could identify the problematic data within the latest Comparative Data Chart today. Mr. Hodgkinson agreed to work to accomplish this task and will send these corrected data and a cover letter requesting the source documents and place a telephone call as well. It is expected the response from Ms. Stapczynski be provided to the Town by 5pm Tuesday, October 27. If this information is not provided, the Board will make a recommendation to terminate the study with HRS, Inc. to the BOS in time for their first meeting in November.
  • Mr. Lewenberg asked that it be confirmed that no data on the chart is based solely on telephone information without any paper source document. Mr. Carroll & Mr. Hodgkinson agreed to make sure of this.
  • Ms. DeBlase noted some concern with collecting documents and relying on documents that are not signed.
  • Tax Collector Position Description:
  • Mr. Malkin opened the review of the Tax Collector position.
  • Mr. Carroll noted that the grading of the position descriptions shall only happen when a “final approved and signed job description is given to the HRBC.”
  • Mr. Malkin confirmed that this is correct as per the Chilmark procedures and that the grading process will only happen, in the future, when the HRB receives a completed, fully signed position description.
  • Ms. Greene noted that the Deputy Collector should be identified as a supervised position and who exactly is the Deputy Collector in relation to the Tax Collector.
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated the position has difficult tasks due to the fact that a large amount of property in Chilmark is in trusts. Ms. Bradlee stated the complexity is comparable to other Towns on the island. Mr. Carroll stated there is multiple ownership of property and it does sometimes require the Tax Collector to work through a complex process.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson noted the Tax Collector handles $6 million +/- each year whereas other Towns have tax payments deposited directly to a bank. Ms. Bradlee noted that it is a possibility that the Town would change this procedure and wondered if this should go into a position description due to the fact that this may change.
  • Ms. DeBlase noted it should go in the position description and change the description if the Town goes to a different procedure.
  • Mr. Lewenberg noted his satisfaction with the way the Tax Collector department is run with Jessica as Tax Collector.
  • Brief discussion occurred regarding a “lock box” procedure such as West Tisbury uses for tax collection.
  • Mr. Carroll noted the new online access to tax payment.
  • Ms. Greene suggested placing O. before N.
  • Ms. Greene asked how the Deputy Collector is compensated by the Town. Ms. Bradlee agreed to look into the topic.
  • Mr. Carroll noted in G. and in Roman numeral V. he inserted “Town’s” before Deputy Collector to clarify who this position is in relation to the Town.
  • Mr. McCreery asked how many times the Deputy Collector position turns over. Ms. Bradlee stated that it has not turned over in her tenure. Mr. Carroll noted it should be made clear that the Deputy Collector is not a Town employee. Mr. Carroll  amended his previous suggestion to say “Town’s contracted”.
  • Mr. Malkin asked Ms. Bradlee and Mr. Carroll to make the changes to the Tax Collector Position Description and to submit to the BOS for approval and signatures.
  • Receptionist/Asst. to the Executive Secretary Position Description reformatting:
  • Ms. DeBlase showed the new document and noted there is no content difference, just reformatting to make the information easier to read.
  • Ms. Greene stated that the grade needs to be taken off both the descriptions before going to the Selectmen.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson inquired about the permitting duties of this position. Ms. DeBlase clarified that there are many permits issued and thought it was the preference of the Board to not list all the permits. Mr. Lewenberg suggested that the position description noted the primary permitting duties. Mr. Malkin noted his preference that the individual permitting duties not be included due to the changing nature of the duties.
  • Ms. DeBlase inquired that the Board please review the duties that the position performs as Asst. Town Clerk. She inquired if that area of the position description should be more reflective of that area of the work.
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated that the position description should be updated to the actual duties that are performed and specifically noted that “team work” should be included in the position descriptions. Mr. Malkin noted that the term “team work” could be included in the descriptions, but that it is a broad term.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson stated that it is possible that there is confusion between the position and what Ms. DeBlase brings to the position. The Town has done a great job of hiring in its positions.
  • Mr. Carroll agreed to that the small details should not be included in the description but stated that it is very easy to identify the primary duties.
  • Ms. Greene made a motion to recommend the position to the BOS for approval and signing and then to come back to the Board for regrading.
  • Ms. Greene suggested that the HRB invite the other comparable Boards in other Towns to gather and share information. Mr. McCreery stated it was a good idea. Mr. Lewenberg stated he would need a specific agenda. Ms. Greene agreed. Mr. Malkin noted he would need to consider the idea and asked that the concept be considered and discussed at the next meeting.
  • Minutes:
  • Mr. Carroll stated the review of the HR bylaws should be done and asked when that could begin.
  • Ms. Greene asked if Mr. Carroll could send documents that would itemize changes needed.
  • Mr. Malkin noted that he would like to wait until the compensation study is complete.
  • Next Meetings:
  • November 5, 2015

Meeting adjourned at 9:19 AM