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Human Resource Board Minutes 04/16/15
Human Resources Board of Chilmark
Present: Jim Malkin, Chair, Jennie Greene, Steven Flanders, Bill Rossi, Board of Selectmen Representative, Chuck Hodgkinson, HRBC Staff Representative, Stephen Lewenberg
Not present: Max McCreery, Tim Carroll, Exec. Sec.
Public/ Board or Comm. Members:
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Admin. Asst.
Meeting called to order at 8:02AM

  • Minutes:
  • The March 13, 2015 Minutes were reviewed. Ms. Greene made a motion to approve as written. Mr. Flanders seconded the motion. Mr. Lewenberg made one change. Ms. Greene amended her motion to accept the minutes with the one change. All ayes.
  • Performance Evaluation of Tri Town Chief:
  • Mr. Malkin summarized the progress of the evaluation. Mr. Hodgkinson requested that a copy of the evaluation should be placed in the Chilmark personnel files.
  • Sick Leave Law:
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated the adoption of a zipper clause (an addendum to a law that states no matter what is written all must adhere to the state and federal law) in the bylaws. Mr. Malkin said his understanding was that unless the town was required to adhere to the Sick Leave Law, then there would be no need to include this in our bylaws.
  • Sick Bank Policy Discussion:
  • Mr. Malkin introduced the topic and suggested that the Board review the pros and cons, charting them, to a sick bank policy for the Town of Chilmark.
  • Ms. Greene stated she felt there are many issues that need to be considered: procedures of administration such as how many days may be banked and when may an employee take days, how will the entire program be funded, and
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated his concern with a policy and thought it may be best to treat the issue on a case by case basis. He stated he is not opposed to establishing a policy, but he is an advocate of a case by case basis.
  • Mr. Rossi stated the town’s auditor stated that the town must have a policy to deal with this and the town cannot bank sick leave without a policy.
  • Mr. Malkin stated that a case by case basis may lead to an inequitable situation due to the various approaches of the departments within which the employees work.
  • Mr. Lewenberg asked what happens if a person who is not able to work now. Mr. Hodgkinson stated that the employee uses up all available days and may go into a “deficit” before they return to work.
  • Mr. Flanders stated he felt a sick bank policy may present an uncomfortable position for employees who do not contribute to the sick bank.
  • Mr. Malkin compared the sick bank procedure to an insurance procedure.
  • Ms. Greene inquired who would determine that an employee qualifies for the use of sick bank paid time. Ms. Greene stated that she wished that there was a way to work out the problem. Mr. Lewenberg suggested the town itself establish a sick bank with funds that are separate from the sick leave normally accrued by a benefited employee.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson stated the town already has an unfunded liability in the form of OPED and he is
  • Mr. Malkin stated he thought it would be beneficial to hear what other towns’ experiences are in the sick bank. He also stated it may be beneficial to see if Chilmark employees would contribute to a sick bank and see if there is demand.
  • Mr. Flanders stated he felt there isn’t a clear need for a sick bank due to the fact that only one known incident led to an auditor requesting a sick bank policy.
  • Mr. Malkin stated that the issue is a management issue rather than an issue of a need for a policy. He continued to state                  Mr. Rossi stated that he would like that statement put in writing to the Board of Selectmen.
  • Mr. Malkin suggested the statement be sent to the Board of Selectmen that the Board does not recommend the establishment of a sick bank policy.
  • Mr. Malkin stated he would write a draft statement to send to the Board members for review that will then go to the Board of Selectmen.
  • Comprehensive Compensation Plan Review:
  • Mr. Malkin stated he was given an envelope with the proposals by Mr. Carroll. Mr. Malkin suggested that the Board wait to look at these proposals until Mr. Carroll could attend the meeting.
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated he felt the proposals seem to be more comprehensive than was requested. Mr. Malkin agreed and stated the request for proposal did not include all the things the proposals have included.
  • Mr. Malkin suggested again that the proposals seem overreaching and he would like to wait to discuss the RFP and the proposals until the next meeting.
  • Mr. Malkin stated that the next meeting be held on April 23, 2015 and that Mr. Carroll attend.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson asked that all old business be kept on the agenda until it is resolved.

Next Meetings:
Apr 23, 2015
May 7, 2015
Jun. 4, 2015

Meeting adjourned at 8:41AM