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Human Resource Board Minutes 12/18/14
Human Resources Board of Chilmark
December 18, 2014 MINUTES
Present: Jim Malkin, Chair, Jennie Greene, Steven Flanders, Bill Rossi, Board of Selectmen Representative, Chuck Hodgkinson, HRBC Staff Representative
Not present: Max McCreery, Stephen Lewenberg
Public/ Board or Comm. Members:
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Admin. Asst., Tim Carroll, Exec. Sec., Melanie Becker, Treasurer
Meeting called to order at 8:00AM

  • Minutes:
  • The Dec. 4, 2014 Minutes were reviewed. Ms. Greene made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Flanders seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously as written.
  • Mr. Malkin inquired of Ms. Greene whether she had gathered any information from labor counsel regarding the sick leave law recently passed at the fall state election. Ms. Greene stated that she had contacted counsel and counsel has inquired with the Attorney General as to how the town should proceed. No direction has yet been received from the AG. Counsel advised the town await more information. Mr. Malkin reiterated the Board will take no action while it awaits word from counsel as to whether the sick leave law applies to the town without a formal town vote and a budget line.
  • FY16 Budget Draft Review:
  • The Board members reviewed the FY16 budget document.
  • Ms. Greene made a motion to approve the FY16 draft budget. Mr. Flanders seconded the motion. All ayes. Ms. Greene noted the HRB FY16 budget calls for $1400 less than budgeted in FY13.
  • Sick Bank Discussion:
  • Mr. Rossi introduced the topic of a sick bank. He mentioned the issue recently arose in the Police Department and gave a short description of how the issue was resolved. Mr. Rossi further mentioned the town auditors do not approve of the one-time giving of sick time, but would require a policy to be established under which the town would operate.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson noted the town investigated the establishment of a sick bank some years ago and spoke in support of the establishment of a sick bank.
  • Mr. Malkin inquired whether the idea is for a collective bank. It was confirmed that a collective sick bank is the idea that was being discussed.
  • Ms. Becker noted other towns have established sick banks and described the benefits and impacts of a sick bank.
  • Mr. Malkin clarified that the Town currently has a financial obligation to pay sick days in a year to a certain group employees and inquired how the bank would operate in conjunction with that obligation. Mr. Malkin further inquired how a sick bank may operate in the event of multiple sick employees.
  • Mr. Malkin further inquired how the town would be served by the establishment of a sick bank and inquired whether the Town might pay more for the sick day benefit if a sick bank was established than if employees continued to just accrue sick days on their own.
  • Mr. Malkin suggested that Ms. Becker acquire the sick bank policies from the Town of Edgartown and the Town of West Tisbury and the Board look into the topic further. Ms. Becker agreed to obtain the sick bank policies and procedures from West Tisbury and Edgartown.
  • Ms. Greene suggested the town may also consider the purchase of an insurance policy to address issues of employees who become very sick.

Next Meetings:  A Meeting after January 11, 2015 (Jan. 22?)
Feb. 5, 2015
Mar. 5, 2015
Apr. 2, 2015
May 7, 2015
Jun. 4, 2015

Meeting adjourned at 8:25AM