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Human Resource Board Minutes 07/11/13
Human Resources Board of Chilmark
Meeting Minutes July 11, 2013
Present: Jennie Greene, Max McCreery, Stephen Lewenberg, Chair, Steven Flanders, Jim Malkin, Bill Rossi, Board of Selectmen Representative, Chuck Hodgkinson, HRBC Staff Representative
Not Present: Tim Carroll, Executive Secretary
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Meeting called to order at 8:06AM
  • Town Services Chart: A document that shows all the positions and the reporting structure
  • Mr. Hodgkinson reviewed the chart and described the changes he made: to add ‘letters’ to the sections so that the chart may be understood in black & white as well as color. Mr. Hogkinson has spoken with Mr. Carroll who has some edits to insert.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson asked the Board to give him direction on how the chart should be updated in the future.
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated that the chart is the BOS’s document and they may update it when they choose to.
  • Ms. Greene suggested that Mr. Hodgkinson work with Mr. Carroll to keep the document up-to-date, to have it approved by the BOS and then provide the document to the HRBC for informational purposes.
  • Mr. Carroll submitted a list of changes to the chart.
  • Mr. Carroll suggested that the chart be reviewed yearly. Mr. Hodgkinson stated he would make the suggested changes in concert with Mr. Carroll.
  • Performance Appraisals
  • Mr. Lewenberg reviewed the status of appraisals to date.
  • Mr. Lewenberg suggested that the administrative assistant remind each department head a month ahead of time when an appraisal in their department is coming due.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson explained the importance of timely appraisals.
  • Mr. Carroll explained the benefits of the appraisal process.
  • Mr. Lewenberg reviewed, with Mr. Carroll, a number of appraisals during the last month and is feeling positive about the content of the appraisals, particularly the goals & objectives for the employees in the coming year.
  • Discussion occurred regarding how to create a process to ensure the appraisal process is done.
  • Mr. Rossi asked Ms. Christy to send out a reminder to the department heads, one month ahead, including an evaluation & step increase form.
  • Mr. Malkin suggested the month-ahead notice include a warning that the appraisal must be done for each of the positions due for an appraisal or the department head must appear at the next regularly scheduled HRBC meeting.
  • Mr. Lewenberg asked that Ms. Christy date the memo to each department head and make note of whether the appraisal was done on time and a record if it was received. If the appraisal does not get submitted, Ms. Christy is asked to alert the Chair. If the appraisal is completed and a record of it is submitted, Ms. Christy was asked to submit that document to the Chair.
  • Mr. Flanders asked if there was a law that required the Board be aware of the appraisals and whether the Board is required to ensure that appraisals are completed.
  • Mr. McCreery suggested that the Board needs to know how the BOS would like to use the Board.
  • Mr. Rossi stated the Board’s purpose is to advise the BOS. Mr. McCreery stated that a BOS Representative is valuable for the Board.
  • Mr. Malkin stated that the duties of the HRBC are stated in the bylaws.
  • Social Media Policy Public Hearing
  • Mr. Lewenberg opened the public hearing at 8:34AM.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson received an oral comment on the draft. The person asked how the personal social media use will be restricted. The Board discussed that this issue is addressed in the draft. Mr. Malkin read out loud the particular area in the draft that addresses the question.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson clarified that the person was interested in who was going to oversee the social media to see if there was a violation. The Board stated there was no overseer.
  • Mr. Carroll suggested the first sentence of paragraph A be made its own section.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson asked why the HRBC wanted to be involved in the evaluation of social media, as stated in paragraph B. He noted the question of whether the HRBC considers its duties as ‘operating’ or ‘policy’.
  • Mr. Carroll stated the policy is an HRBC responsibility but questioned whether the implementation of the policy is an HRBC responsibility.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson asked again if the use of the social media policy was a town policy or an HRBC policy.
  • Mr. Malkin stated that social media is an area that is not the expertise of the HRBC.
  • Mr. Carroll noted the police department may need to be exempted from the policy for the purposes of investigation.
  • Mr. Lewenberg stated he felt that the social media sites should be reviewed by the HRBC.
  • Ms. Greene moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Mr. Greene moved to recommend to the BOS that the social media policy as amended be approved. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Mr. Rossi inquired about counsel’s comment on the social media draft. Mr. Malkin and Ms. Greene stated that counsel had reviewed the draft and made suggestions.
  • Minutes: June 26, 2013
  • Minutes approved with one change to the section on the minutes.
  • Municipal Position Evaluation Manual Testing:
  • Mr. Lewenberg explained the process for this session: The Board is going to re-test the positions that have already been tested, in the order that they were originally tested. The reason for this is to see how they test based on the change that was made to #2 Factor Level Experience to change how ‘experience’ is rated.
  • Discussion occurred first about the Ambulance Chief. The job description states, in section N, that only 2 years of education/basic knowledge. Discussion occurred about whether 2 years is appropriate.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the fact that job descriptions often do not show education level.
  • Mr. Lewenberg reiterated a suggestion, during discussion regarding job descriptions, that there be two ‘levels’ of jobs within a position: entry level and master level.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson stated there are already three positions with this kind of division: Harbormaster, Asst. Assessor and Board of Health agent.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson noted that there is a small ‘pool’ of possible applicants for each position and that it is useful to use the pool of existing people to create a high-performing group.
  • Mr. Malkin stated he thought the idea of using the ‘heads’ that you have in positions, in this small town, rather than have ‘hats’ to move ‘heads’ into.
  • Ms. Greene and Mr. Malkin noted that there could be a problem with having two tiers of jobs within a position because you may have to establish that with every position. Mr. Hodgkinson stated that it is reasonable with certain positions. Mr. Flanders stated his interest in the two tier system because then you can reward people who are qualified.
  • Mr. Malkin suggested that the Town may need a way to give more compensation in order to retain employees.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson suggested that ‘spot bonuses’ be established so that an employee that goes beyond the work required would be rewarded. Mr. Flanders stated his reluctance to reward more since the town jobs are already well-compensated. Mr. Flanders stated that if the town cannot retain an employee due to compensation then that may be the way it is for a small town.
Mr. Lewenberg asked Ms. Christy to make a new form for the performance evaluations that has a space for the employee name at the top.
  • Meeting Adjourned: 9:30AM
  • Next Meeting: Thursday, July 25 at 8AM