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Personnel Committee Minutes 06/07/12
Human Resources Board of Chilmark

Minutes of June 7, 2012

Members Present:  Frank LoRusso, Chairman; Stephen Lewenberg; Maxwell McCreery; Jennie Greene; Chuck Hodgkinson, Staff Representative; and Bill Rossi, BOS Representative.

Members Not Present:  Steve Schwab

The meeting was called to order at 8:06 AM by the Chair.

A discussion followed about the clarification of the reassignment of the Police Department employee as was discussed at the meeting of May 24, 2012.  After discussion it was moved by Steve Lewenberg and seconded by Max McCreery to reaffirm the decision of May 24, 2012 as requested by Brian Cioffi to increase the hours from 20 to 40 hours per week with no pay increase and no increase in benefits.  This motion was unanimously voted.

The minutes of the regular session of May 24th were moved by Max McCreery, seconded by Steve Lewenberg.  Discussion ensued and it was decided to add the wording to the motion on the increased hours of the police officer to say “complete the required certifications prior to any increase in grade”.

The motion was duly voted.

At 8:28 AM the motion was made to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of approving minutes and to return to regular session.  The motion was made by Jennie Greene and seconded by Max McCreery.  The roll call vote:  S.L., yea; M.C., yea; J.G., yea; and F.L., yea.

The meeting returned to Regular session at 8:38 AM.

Max stated that he and Chuck had again addressed the point issues on the rating manual.  They have not completed their work as yet, but are coming close.  Chuck anticipates that he will be able to run the numbers and have them for the next meeting.  Max then presented a changed number 7 Complexity wording for the level 5.  After discussion it was revised again.  Chuck will provide Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant with the revision for inclusion in the manual.

There was a discussion of the Performance Evaluations and Frank LoRusso asked Tim where they were.  Frank stated that he had not seen any since he became chair except for those prepared by the retired first Selectman.  It is not clear whose evaluations have been completed and whose recommendations for increases have gone to the Treasurer.  It seems that the evaluations if completed seem to be going into a black hole.  Frank stated that he needed to see all the evaluations before the 26th of June when the Selectmen meet and will reappoint for the next year, and the recommendations for step increases must be submitted to Melanie prior to that.  Tim will follow up and ensure that this is completed by the 26th.

It was agreed that a regular item on the agenda for each meeting should bee “Employee related issues as appropriate.”

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 AM