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Personnel Committee Minutes 05/20/10
Town of Chilmark
Approved Minutes
May 20, 2010

Members Present:  Jennie Greene, Chair; Frank LoRusso, Max McCreery
Not Present: Steve Lewenberg.

Also present:  Frank Fenner, BOS representative; Timothy Carroll, Executive Secretary; Chuck Hodgkinson, Staff Representative; Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant

The meeting was called to order by Ms. Greene at 8:05 AM.

Mr. Hodgkinson informed the board that 33% of the performance evaluations had been returned and he provided a list containing some of the anonymous responses. The Board discussed how the performance evaluation is an integral part of the process, creating a dialogue between supervisor and employee. There was some question as to who responded and who did not. Mr. Hodgkinson informed the board that a 33% response rate was very good, yet there was always room to improve. He also added three items for consideration by the board; 1) a self evaluation is important, but not part of the formal evaluation process; 2) after completing the evaluation, there should be a place for written comments and goals on the evaluation form; 3) the employee should sign the form with the final comments of the supervisor included.
Further discussion included whether the Selectmen see employee evaluations and should there be Selectmen oversight on a regular basis for year-round employees? Mr. Fenner replied that the selectmen do see evaluations and the idea of a Selectmen/ Personnel Board working together reviewing the employee evaluations on perhaps a quarterly basis. Both Ms. Greene and Mr. Fenner agreed this sounded like a good idea.
Mr. McCreery added several items to the Evaluation Form, including:
Discuss the Headings; Include Employee Strengths; Employee Improvements; Goals (agreed upon goals with supervisor)
The Board also discussed the idea of evaluation training for staff and supervisors, agreeing to a hold a training session that would include a mock evaluation revue between two members of the board.

Mr. Carroll informed the board that the process to replace Nina Lombardi as the Receptionist/ Assistant Town Clerk has been delayed as the temporary receptionist is working out well. The current Town Clerk had been asked to submit a proposal regarding a way to work a full day in town hall while providing support to the Executive Secretary. This would provide residents access to the Town Clerk all day, covering as receptionist in the afternoon. The benefit would be in wage and benefit savings for the town and the ability to assist the executive secretary with more complex projects. The Board had questions concerning different salary grade, vacation pay split and the ability to work for two ‘bosses.’ Mr. Carroll informed the board that this was not dissimilar to the proposal brought to the selectmen by Ms. Lombardi nearly a year ago, just switched around so that the Town Clerk works a full day.

The Board agreed to wait 3 months as an evaluation/ experimental period for Mr. Christy to get the board through the summer months before advertising the position.

The board discussed the current status of the two applicants who applied for the Fire Department Administrative Assistant. They agreed Mr. Lewenberg should sit in on the interviews as the Personnel Board observer. The Board discussed the fact that this is a simple clerical job with a preferred ability as a island fire dept. member.
June 3rd 2010 will be the new Personnel Bylaw roll-out date. This will be an open meeting including staff to walk through the new bylaw section by section.

(June 17, 2010 the Personnel Board will review possible revisions)

This will take place at Annual Town Meeting, but could be prepared for STM scheduled for August 1, 2010 if need be.

Bob Bellinger has been selected as the new chief of Tri-Town Ambulance service. Mr. McCreery described the hiring process to the members of the board as exemplary and the interviewing procedure was superb.

With nothing more to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 AM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.