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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 12/13/18
Chilmark Finance Committee   December 13, 2018   Meeting Minutes
Present FinCom: Acting Chairman Marshall Carroll, Susan Murphy, Eric Glasgow and Don Leopold. Vicki Divoll, Rob Hannemann and Bruce Golden were not present.
Others: Diana DeBlase

At 4:15 PM Chairman Carroll called meeting to order in the second floor meeting room at Chilmark Town Hall.

Minutes: Draft minutes from the FinCom March 8, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Ms. Murphy moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Carroll seconded the motion.  Minutes were unanimously approved.

Draft Minutes from the FinCom April 12, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Ms. Murphy moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Glasgow seconded the motion.  Minutes were unanimously approved.

Draft Minutes from the FinCom June 6, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Mr. Leopold moved to approve minutes as written. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.  Minutes were unanimously approved.

Draft Minutes from the FinCom November 7, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Mr. Leopold moved to approve minutes with correction. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.  Minutes were unanimously approved.

Development of advice for budget review:
Acting chairman Carroll read Rob Hannemann’s suggestions into the minutes:
“The role of the Finance Advisory Committee is to provide our select board an
assessment of both the value and the cost of proposed expenditures on behalf of the
taxpayers, from an informed citizen’s perspective. We highly value the work that our
town departments and other agencies do for the benefit of Chilmark and the Island
as a whole. Maximizing efficiency and effectiveness is our goal, not merely
minimizing budget expenditures.”
I do think that freeing up submitters to propose new things (and eliminate other, no
longer useful things) that might be of value is something we should consider, rather
than just having departments continue doing what they’ve always done and
multiplying their budget by some small inflation percent.
At a minimum, I think budget submittals should include:
· Expenses by line item (perhaps simpler – say, salaries / benefits / other for
non-departments) for at least three years in the past plus the proposed FY20
· For any non-Town submittals, a similar list of total sources of income, not
just the Chilmark request, for at least the last three years
· Rationale for any significant increases / decreases
· For certain ongoing budget requests (e.g., ACE MV, social services) a mission
statement so we can understand what they do
· As appropriate, for multi-Town items, the assessment formula used

Marshall Carroll asked for comments or additional recommendations for discussion.
Don Leopold (new to the committee) asked if these where different than what we have been doing. Acting Chairman Carroll said it is pretty similar. Mr. Glasgow said we need to clarify what is it we want from departments that is different than what they have been doing. Mr. Glasgow said he agrees with the mission statement request that Chairman Hannemann lists. Ms. Murphy and Acting Chairman Carroll agreed.
Mr. Leopold said as for the Social Services he thought it would be appropriate to ask what their priorities are for the coming year rather than just the dollars. Ms. Murphy recommended the island Social Services communicate together to be sure there are no duplicate services and if there are reduce a budget.
Discussion about an all island FinCom meetings with the Social Services prior to the budget season ensued.  

Mr. Leopold recommended FinCom getting the Social Services budget supportive materials and documents prior to the Budget Hearing meetings. The materials will be sent electronically to the FinCom members when Chilmark office receives them.  

Acting Chairman Carroll pointed out that we expect that the departments to justify each budget line. Departments should have all their history to go through their budget and if there are significant increases be prepared to explain at their hearing.  Ms. Murphy said this (aforementioned) is what has been working well.
Ms. Murphy recommended saying the departments should know the FinCom is looking to see what a department’s “wish list” is with a 5 year outlook. This recommendation was supported by members present.

Ms. Murphy talked about how the EMS becoming full time paramedics has exploded their budget in just a few years and to have the projected figures from these departments is essential in keeping a grasp on the towns spending.  

Update on GIC vs. CCMHG:
Mr. Leopold said he had a meeting with Treasurer Melanie Becker and West Tisbury Treasurer Kathy Logue and Town Administrator Tim Carroll to review the suggestion from a Tri Town Ambulance employee to switch to GIC. Mr. Leopold shared recommendations and information from that meeting with FinCom members.
Discussion ensued. Mr. Glasgow suggested this might best be a time to encourage employees to review their plans and the town to offer incentives to save the town money. FinCom members present did not see a driving reason to change to GIC but did support encouraging employees to select lower cost plans that still offer the health coverage wanted within the CCMHG.  
FinCom members present acknowledged the FY20 budget schedule with the hearings starting on January 23 2019 at 7:00 PM

At 5:10 PM with no further items for discussion Ms. Murphy moved to adjourn. Mr. Leopold seconded the motion. Members present unanimously approved adjourning.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                        Approved 1/24/2019

Document list:
  • FinCom draft minutes from meetings: March 8, 2018, April 12, 2018, June 6, 2018 & November 7, 2018
  • Chairman Hannemann’s ideas for department budget submission guidelines
  • FY2020 Budget Schedule created by Town Administrator Tim Carroll
  • Chairman Hannemann’s letter to Island Social Services from November 19, 2018
  • Historical tax rates info submitted by Town Accountant
  • Description of health Plan Types offered by GIC