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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 11/07/18
FinCom November 7, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Rob Hannemann, Marshall Carroll, Susan Murphy, and Don Leopold. Others: Tim Carroll and Diana DeBlase. Vicky Divoll, Bruce Golden and Eric Glasgow were not present.
At 5:04 PM Chairman Hannemann called meeting to order in the 1st floor annex meeting room of the Town Hall.

Draft minutes from the FinCom 10/18/18 were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Leopold moved to approve minutes as corrected. Susan Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED 4 Ayes, 3 not present

MV Social Services Letter:
In referencing the letter the Towns of Oak Bluffs and Tisbury sent to the MV Social Services Chairman Hannemann questioned if we should be responding to this letter as were not even copied on it.  Tim Carroll said he was told by the Oak Bluffs town Administrator about it and was given the letter by the OB administrator. Chairman Hannemann said if we do a letter it would be inappropriate to discuss formula as it is not in the letter form OB and Tisbury.
Chairman Hannemann said we have three options:
  • Blast out a letter reacting to this letter from OB and Tisbury sent to MVSS 09/12/18
  • Do nothing.
  • Send a letter to MVSS and cc OB and Tisbury saying nothing about assessment formulas.
Chairman Hannemann asked what the committee thought. Ms. Murphy said this sounds a lot like our letter we sent to the MVSS over a year ago. Recommendation was to review the letter that Chilmark FinCom sent to the Social Services providers last time and reformat similar letter. And make clear we are delighted that Tisbury and OB share our concerns. Chairman Hannemann will draft this letter soon and send. Marshall Carroll said maybe the Social Services issues should go through our Board of Health to assess if there are duplicated services.  Don Leopold said as the FinCom member assigned to the Social Services budget review he thinks that Marshall has a very good suggestion and will meet with Board of Health not to discuss budget but services. Tim Carroll said there is competition for the money from these services.

Special Town Meeting Warrant -Process:
Tim Carroll provided descriptions and data supporting the 15 warrant articles. Chairman Hannemann said these items have already been approved to go on the STM warrant and questioned whether the FinCom should be involved prior to the warrant being posted.  Tim Carroll welcomed FinCom members to come to the Selectmen meetings 3 to 4 weeks prior to the warrant being set to make recommendations.  Tim Carroll said STM are usually housekeeping. Chairman Hannemann said the joint meetings we have with Selectmen prior to the Annual town Meeting are very helpful. Chairman Hannemann asked to be notified when STM drafts are on the Selectmen’s agenda.  

Special Town Meeting Warrant:
Article 1.  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $5,905.60 to fund the following bills of the prior fiscal year:
Chairman Hannemann said we moved last year for better protocol. Tim Carroll said we need to make sure departments follow procurement regulations. Tim Carroll said these past fiscal invoices were due to vender failure (they did not send invoices in time) Chairman Hannemann was supportive of departments working on purchase control system. Tim Carroll said these are all valid bills that need to be paid. Ms. Murphy moved to recommend Mr. Leopold seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $24,000.00 to fund a three month overlap in staff for training the new Harbor Master, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Marshall Carroll said he did not support this spending. Ms. Murphy moved to recommend this article. Mr. Leopold seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes, 1 Nay, 3 Not present.
Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $5,000.00 to fund a one month overlap in staff for training the new Fire Chief, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Mr. Leopold said he is the liaison appointed by Selectmen to the Fire Department and this figure doesn’t make sense to him. Mr. Leopold said by law Fire Chief must retire after turning 65 years old. But we plan tom have David stay on board in a different capacity but what does $5,000.00 cover?. Tim Carroll said this covers 1 month salary. Ms. Murphy moved to recommend this article. Mr. Leopold seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $6,000.00 to fund three months of temporary custodial staff, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Tim Carroll said this medical procedure for employee may be delayed. Ms. Murphy said if the money appropriated isn’t used it will be returned to town. Mr. Leopold moved recommend. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present
Chairman Hannemann recommended bundling articles 5, 6, 7 & 8 for a motion.
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $3,000.00 to fund the replacement of two cellar bulkhead doors, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $5,000.00 to replace two septic injector/grinder pumps at the Town Hall, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $11,000.00 to reconstruct a Tea Lane culvert and catch basin near 139 Tea Lane, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $8,500.00 to refinish the wood floors in the Free Public Library, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Ms. Murphy moved to recommend articles 5, 6, 7 & 8, Mr. Leopold seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from the Community Preservation Reserve for Historic Resources the sum of $4,000.00 for the Library Trustees to restore the wood flooring in the original Library building circa 1790-1820. This building was moved to the present site around 1950. It was obtained from the estate of Katy West, the last member of Chilmark’s historic deaf community:
Ms. Murphy moved to take no action on article 9. Mr. Leopold seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from the Community Preservation Reserve for Community Housing the sum of $100,000.00 to replenish Chilmark’s rent subsidy program. This program has been in existence since 2002 and managed by the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority and the Housing Committee, and to transfer $100,000 from the Community Preservation Undesignated Reserve Fund to the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to fund this appropriation:
Chairman Hannemann asked how much the town spends annually in the rental assistance program. Tim Carroll did not have that data. Mr. Leopold said going forward we need figures prior to recommending this spending. Mr. Leopold moved to recommend article 10 with a request we get figures. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $25,000.00, to be added to amounts from the Fire Department Gift Fund, to purchase a replacement for the utility vehicle, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Mr. Leopold moved to recommend this article. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $15,000.00, to be added to amounts of Annual Town Meeting 2016 Article 16 “to construct a dirt parking area North of the Comfort Station” and a bus turn-around, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Marshall Carroll said he isn’t against turnaround but it doesn’t solve congestion. Marshall Carroll recommended to widen Basin Road 8 feet more and to move turn around to the center of parking lot.
Tim Carroll said ConCom turned down the town meeting approved widening of the road & parking lot. Mr. Leopold said this is a process question; does FinCom have a point of view? Is that in our charter or do we just review the figures.
Mr. Leopold moved to recommend articles 12, 13 & 14. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion. Marshall Carroll asked to vote on article 12 separately. Mr. Leopold moved to recommend article 12. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes, 1 Nay, 3 Not present.

Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $22,000.00, to construct a pedestrian walkway and retaining wall on Basin Road, including costs incidental and relative thereto:

Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $27,000.00, to construct a pedestrian walkway and retaining wall on North Road, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Mr. Leopold moved to recommend articles 13 & 14. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $15,000.00 to create a design and layout of municipal uses (Shellfish Department, Highway Department, Fire Department Training Area, & Storage Area for Commercial Fishermen) on parcel 013-035-00, including costs incidental and relative thereto:
Mr. Leopold said he supported the town working to develop an engineered plan for development. Mr. Leopold moved to recommend article 15. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

FY20 - COLA:
Chairman Hannemann said Chilmark Selectmen have a rational formula that the Human Resources Board has approved at their November 1, 2018 meeting. The formula that is in place uses the figures from the consumer price index and if that is below 1% Chilmark will be 1% and if above 3% Chilmark will be 3%. The figure that the HRB approved to recommend is 2.20% COLA increase for FY20.
Mr. Carroll moved to recommend FY20 COLA of 2.20% Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

At 7:04 PM both Mr. Leopold and Ms. Murphy had to leave. Members agreed to post a meeting in December to continue discussion and recommend a format they would like the departments to submit their budgets for FY20.  The December meeting date and time to be determined at a later date.  Mr. Leopold moved to adjourn. Mr. Carroll seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 3 not present

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.   Approved 12/13/2018
Document list:
  • Draft minutes from FinCom 10/18/18 meeting
  • MV Social Services letter
  • Supportive documents and explanation by Tim Carroll for all of the STM warrant articles.
  • Draft minutes for HRB meeting  about recommended COLA for FY20