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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 03/08/18
Finance Committee    March 8, 2018   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Adam DeBettencourt, Bruce Golden, Rob Hannemann. Susan Murphy arrived at 5:10 PM. Vicky Divoll and Eric Glasgow were not present. Others: Tim Carroll, Warren Doty and Diana DeBlase. James Malkin attended as a public attendee not as selectmen (sat in audience).    
At 5:00 PM Chairman Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.
Review & make recommendations of warrant article changes submitted by the schools:
Mr. Hannemann discussed the Chilmark HVAC article of $227,500.00. Mr. Hannemann said he discovered that there was a phase 1 of the heating project. The Heating project had an original cost of $324,207.00. School Superintendent and committees decided to break up the project into 2 phases because of the cost. Mr. Hannemann said that the school completed phase 1 and are now asking for phase 2 to be completed. Mr. Hannemann said he expressed concern that this project was not competitively bid. Mr. Hannemann said the documents submitted for phase 2 contract listed the owner as UIRSD and not the town of Chilmark. Mr. Hannemann also pointed out that this HVAC contract has expired as of January 30, 2018. Mr. Hannemann recommended that in the new contract that it states that any excess funds revert to the town and not the district.

Tim Carroll said a propriety plan might not need to go to bid. Mr. Doty said Mark Rosenbaum of South Mountain did this plan and it is very specific to the Chilmark School. Chairman Carroll said this needs more review.

Mr. Golden moved to not recommend the Chilmark HVAC warrant article because of the concerns expressed. Mr. DeBettencourt seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present  

Mr. Hannemann will speak to this at annual town meeting. Mr. Carroll said we are waiting for response from town counsel weather town moderator can amend article at town floor.

Mr. Hannemann recommended that any articles that are issues of contention have a written explanation and is posted on our website prior to the Annual Town Meeting. Ms. Murphy recommended a handout also with this information be available at town meeting.

Community Preservation Committee warrant articles:
The CPC warrant articles were reviewed. Mr. DeBettencourt moved to take no action on the CPC articles. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present

Mr. Doty who is on the CPC said Chilmark CPC gets many applications from island-wide applicants. Mr. Doty said the Chilmark CPC has decided to delegate 80% of our funds to Chilmark projects only.

Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Stabilization Fund warrant article:  
Mr. Doty said that Robert Lionette our appointed Chilmark representative on school committee board is opposed to this article because there was no definition of management. Mr. DeBettencourt said he supported a stabilization fund but we need the management information that is lacking at this time.
Ms. Murphy moved to not recommend the MVRHS Stabilization fund at this time without more definition available. Mr. DeBettencourt seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present
James Malkin said he applauded the FinCom’s vote on this article.

Petition guesthouse size increase article:
James Malkin said the Chilmark Planning Board will review this guesthouse increase with open discussion and with involvement of committees. Tim Carroll said it will be on the Planning Board agenda Monday. Ms. Murphy moved to take no action on this Guesthouse size increase petition article. Mr. Golden seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present

Menemsha Master Plan - Planning Board Memorandum of Items funding for easements etc..
Mr. Doty spoke to this agenda and the process that was followed to get to this article in the process of public safety items to address in Menemsha. After review of materials Mr. DeBettencourt moved to recommend. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present

Tim Carroll discussed budget changes since our review process. Chilmark Selectmen agreement for fire chief salary changes the budget line from the projected budget of $62,000. To $65,000.00.
Mr. Carroll gave a presentation of the other increases or changes in budget lines from different departments since the last budget hearing with Selectmen and FinCom. After review of the documents and figures Mr. Golden moved to accept and recommend the department budget changes. Mr. DeBettencourt seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present

Discussion ensued about what should be put on the override. Consensus was to include a portion of the TTA budget of $79,000.00, $35,000.00 UIRSD and
CORE, First Stop, Healthy Aging, Substance Abuse program and  Dukes County Social Services of $34,804.00 these articles were decided to be contingency articles that would need majority at the election.

Sheriff Department petitioned warrant of $22,322.76.  Discussion about contingencies took place. Mr. DeBettencourt said this item could be indefinitely postponed. Tim Carroll outlined recommendations: 1. Sheriff’s Office exhaust all state funding prior to seeking local funds
2.) All other towns approve.
At 6:00 PM Diana DeBlase left for an appointment
Hear from Library Director :
Chairman Carroll said he put this on the agenda because Ms. Hierta had taken offence to some of the things he had said during the budget proposal of adding another position to the library. Ms. Hierta was not present to comment.  FinCom members assured Marshall Carroll that they did not believe his comments at the library hearing meeting were offensive. They believed his comments were fiscally minded and on topic in our discussion and recommendations.

Tim Carroll brought discussion back to Fire Chief’s salary. Tim Carroll said Selectmen agreed to retro pay Chief Norton back to January 1 amounting to $13,815.00.  Mr. Carroll said this will need to be paid pending his signing a contract. Tim Carroll said we need to request for this to be paid from the FinCom reserve fund.

Marshall Carroll moved to recommend & approve the $13,815.00 be paid from the FinCom Reserve Fund pending Fire Chief signature on contract. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present

Discuss FinCom meeting more often and adding rotation of Chairman Position:
Chairman Carroll said he sent out an email about rotation of the chairman position at the fiscal yearend. Ms. Murphy recommended after ATM and Annual Elections we meet as a committee and review how the process went and to also nominate a chairman. Discussion moved to frequency of FinCom meetings annually. Mr. Hannemann recommended that a framework be written down pertaining to Chairman of FinCom and also meeting schedule. Mr. Hannemann stressed the need for process. Mr. DeBettencourt recommended we work on this individually and be prepared to formulate a process at our next meeting.

Prior to adjournment Mr. Hannemann asked for input on whether he should bring something to the Selectmen concerning the UIRSD Lease. Mr. Hannemann said the lease is expired and Tim Carroll is not concerned with this but would like to have other’s input. Discussion ensued. No action was taken at this time.

At 6:28 PM with no further items for discussion Mr. DeBettencourt moved to adjourn. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase                 Approved 12/13/2018
Document list:
  • List of warrant articles
  • Agenda for this meeting
  • Recap sheet FY19 tax levy
  • Fire Department budget with changes
  • Updated analysis report from Accountant