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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/03/16
FinCom & Selectmen  FY17 Budget Hearing  February 3, 2016  Meeting Minutes
Present: FinCom: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Linda Coutinho, Jim Malkin, Bruce Golden, Vicki Divoll, Adam DeBettencourt and  Susan Murphy. Selectmen: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi and Warren Doty. Others: Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, Diana DeBlase, Jacque Cage, Tom Hallahan, Sarah Kuh, Leslie Clapp, Martina Thornton and Joyce Bowker.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Marshal Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Up Island Council on Aging (UICOA) # 541:
Director Joyce Bowker was present to discuss the UPCOA FY17 proposed budget. Ms. Bowker said that the personnel part of the budget is up 2.2 % due to longevity and step increases and an increased COLA of 0.55%.

Ms. Bowker said she writes grants to keep down capital cost, and that the UICOA is almost level funded. Ms. Bowker said that the UICOA is serving 39 Chilmark members that are 60 + years
old. At 7:12 PM Julie Fay and Joy Ganapol arrived.

Ms. Becker asked if the health insurance increase is less than 10% will our assessment from UICOA reflect the decrease. Ms. Bowker said she estimated a 10% increase as was recommended but if it is less the assessment to the Up Island Towns will reflect the decrease.    

Mr. Doty asked how UICOA and Chilmark assist elders in Chilmark during a storm. Ms. Bowker said that there is a liaison with each up island police department (Chilmark’s is Jonathan Klaren).

Julie Fay and Joy Ganapol of the Martha’s Vineyard Community Services (MVCS) presented a budget request for Counseling, Outreach and Referral for the Elderly (CORE).
Ms. Ganapol said that the program has been part of a 5 year program through a grant from the MV Hospital. The grant is over (end of 5 years) and the MVCS is seeking to continue this program.  Ms. Coutinho said she spoke with a member of the Chilmark Board of Health (BOH) just before tonight’s meeting and was told that the BOH may be able to fund this program inside their budget. Discussion ensued. There will be follow-up about this funding prior to the final budget meeting.

At 7:24 PM Ellen Biskis arrived.

Center 4 Living # 541:
Director Leslie Clapp and Dukes County Manager Martina Thornton presented this proposed FY17 budget. Ms. Thornton explained that the purchase of the new facility building had not gone through yet.  Ms. Thornton said the purchase date is now set for March 15, 2016.
Mr. Doty said the C4L received a very large donation of 1.2 million dollars this year and asked how that will affect the organization. Ms. Clapp said this incredible donation is in a specific, detailed trust. Ms. Clapp said the C4L is a long-term lessee of the County property once the purchase is complete. The process is going slower than hoped but that the plan (island towns funding purchase of a facility building) is moving forward. Extensive discussion ensued.

C4L Continued
There was discussion of possibly scaling down this (C4L) proposed budget for FY17. Ms. Clapp said there is a board meeting scheduled for 2/4/16. Ms. Murphy who is on the C4L board as well as Chilmark FinCom said she would return to the FinCom with an update following the board meeting.

Vineyard Health Care Access Program (VHCAP):
Director Sarah Kuh presented the FY17 VHCAP budget. Ms. Kuh explained that this budget was an Annual Town Meeting Article and last year it was proposed to be included in the health services budget for the town of Chilmark. Ms. Kuh said there’s an 11.13% increase to Chilmark’s portion of budget (22.9% increase overall) this year due to in part because of a $20,000 decrease in grants. Ms. Kuh said there is still $150,000.00 in grants. The VHCAP has a 1.55% COLA increase (median from COLA given across island towns in FY16) figured into the FY17 budget.

Mr. Doty said that he has received helpful health coverage guidance through VHCAP. Ms. Coutinho said that VHCA serves all age groups on the island.
Healthy Aging Taskforce:
Tom Hallahan (the Administrator of HAMV) presented the budget and said the new name for the organization is Healthy Aging MV. Mr. Hallahan said they launched First Stop on December 1, 2015 which is a web based telephone operated senior resource. This budget is returning to the Island Towns (last year was a warrant article and also this FY17 a warrant article for ATM)) for funding with an increase of 27% compared to last year.

Mr. Hallahan said this increase is due to the retirement obligations and health insurance to the administration. Discussion ensued. The topic of the discussion was concern for duplication of island services and how they are continually increasing the costs to the town. Mr. Hallahan asked to return to the FinCom and address the financial concerns that were shared tonight.

At 9:04 PM Ms. Coutinho moved to adjourn, Ms. Murphy seconded the motion
SO VOTED: FinCom 7 Ayes, Selectmen: 3 Ayes  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.