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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/01/16
FinCom & Selectmen  FY17 Budget Hearing  February 1, 2016  Meeting Minutes
Present: FinCom: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Linda Coutinho, Jim Malkin, Bruce Golden, Vicki Divoll, Adam DeBettencourt and  Susan Murphy. Selectmen: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty was not present. Others: Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, Ellen Biskis, Diana DeBlase, Chuck Hodgkinson, Rodney Bunker, Curtis Schroder and A. Turner.

Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC):
Executive Director Adam Turner and Curtis Schroeder of the MVC presented their final budget for FY17. Ms. Divoll asked if there were any changes since their meeting here on12/16/15.
Mr. Turner confirmed this is the same budget that the FinCom reviewed 12/16/15.

Mr. Rossi said that this is the first time the Selectmen have had a chance to hear from the MVC concerning their FY17 budget and asked for Mr. Turner to summarize the budget. Mr. Turner gave an overview of the budget outlining the changes that were made; his salary is lower than the outgoing director and the difference is being transferred to building maintenance / renovations.

Mr. Turner said the MVC is being proactive regarding legal fees and had a consultant advised how to minimize exposure by following correct process.  
Chairman Carroll thanked the MVC representatives for returning tonight.

Town Office / Building Maintenance # 192:
Maintenance Supervisor of Town Owned Buildings Rodney Bunker presented the draft FY17 budget along with Executive Secretary Tim Carroll. Increases were made to the following budget lines:
# 5248 Software Maintenance / License increased by $1,000.00
# 5250 Copier Maintenance Contract increased by $100.00
#5293 Rubbish Disposal increase by $200.00

# 5344 Postage increase by $200.00 Ms. Coutinho said this budget seems to be historically underfunded and recommended review and possible increase. Mr. Malkin recommended this budget line be researched further and to return with appropriate figure.

# 5430 Facilities Maintenance Supplies increased by $300.00
#5711 Mileage Allowance increased by $200.00. Tim Carroll said that most reimbursements for mileage come from this budget line. The total increase to this budget is 2.14%

Community Center (CCC) # 194:
Rodney Bunker presented the draft FY17 budget along with Tim Carroll. Increases were made to the following budget lines:
# 5295 Septic Pumpouts increased by $100.00

# 5341 Telecommunications increased by $500.00 Mr. Carroll said this is the telephone fee for 10 months a year. Tim Carroll said it’s actually more affordable to keep the service up for 12 months a year rather than turnoff and on as we may also forfeit the number if it is turned off.
The total increase to this budget is 3.10%

CCC Continued…
Mr. Bunker gave a synopsis of the building repairs and maintenance made to all of the different town buildings this year and the plans for upcoming vestibule project to the CCC.

Conservation Commission (ConCom) # 171:
Administrative Assistant to the ConCom Chuck Hodgkinson presented the draft FY17 budget.
Increase was made to the following budget line:
# 5730 Dues and Memberships increased by$15.00. The total increase to this budget is 2.58%
(step and longevity)

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) # 176:
Administrative Assistant to the ZBA Chuck Hodgkinson presented the draft FY17 budget.
This budget is level funded it has no increases other than step and longevity.

Community Preservation Committee (CPC) # 179:
Administrative Assistant to the CPC Chuck Hodgkinson presented the draft FY17 budget.
This budget is level funded; it has no increases other than step and longevity.

Ms. Murphy noticed that the line # 5108 Administrative Assistant lists the position at 17 hours. Ms. Biskis said that should be 5 hours.  Mr. Hodgkinson said he works a total of 40 hours a week for the different departments.

Mr. Hodgkinson supplied handout material listing the CPC recommended warrant articles for Annual Town Meeting. There are 6 articles with a brief description as follows (complete warrant wording can be found in the CPC meeting minutes):
  • The Standard 10% into each of the 3 reserve funds
  • Island Housing Trust’s regional request for housing development; Chilmark CPA recommends $33,000
  • Chilmark Rental Subsidy program managed by the DCRHA $75,000
  • Skate Park upgrade (located across from High School) $5,000
  • Chilmark Playground improvements $5,000
  • Squibknocket Beach Project $150,000.  Mr. Hodgkinson gave a report on the process the project has gone through and the projected plan. The CZM grant is not going to be available in the time line that the Town is committed to so the CPA funds will need to be utilized. Mr. Hodgkinson said he asked the state if we have a warrant for this does it disqualify us for the grant, we are waiting for an answer. Mr. Malkin said speaking as a FinCom member regarding this project; he finds it troubling and upsetting that this whole process has taken so long, and that we have lost the State Grant money.  
Mr. Hodgkinson provided document listing the CPA fund balances.

Historical Commission # 691:
Administrative Assistant to the Historical Commission Chuck Hodgkinson presented the draft FY17 budget.
This budget is level funded; it has no increases other than step and longevity.

Mr. Hodgkinson said that line # 5399 other purchased services of $1,000.00 funds special presentations to the public and purchasing of Chilmark historic artifacts. Mr. Hodgkinson described a recent program presented by Adam Moore (Director of the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust) on the Mayhew, Mitchell, Hancock House on Quansoo Farm.

Mr. Hodgkinson discussed the future fiscal planning for his future retirement date.
Mr. Hodgkinson said his wife and he need to confirm on this topic prior to determining a plan. Tim Carroll said there will be an overlap of Administrative Assistant support for all of the boards that Chuck works with and recommends allotting approximately $6,400.00
Mr. Rossi said that Mr. Hodgkinson will not be allowed to retire.
Mr. Malkin said there is a possibility that this proposed increase would to be applied to the Selectmen’s Budget # 122 line 5176 Coordinator of Administrative Support.

Chairman Carroll thanked Mr. Hodgkinson for his budget presentations.

Draft Minutes from the FinCom 1/26/16 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made.
Mr. Malkin moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Ms. Coutinho seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 7 Ayes

Draft Minutes from the FinCom 1/27/16 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made.
Mr. Malkin moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Ms. Coutinho seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 6 Ayes, 1 Abstain Chairman Carroll was not Present

Draft Minutes from the FinCom 1/28/16 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made.
Mr. Malkin moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Ms. Divoll seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 6 Ayes, 1 Abstain Adam DeBettencourt was not present

At 8:52 PM Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn, Ms. Divoll seconded the motion. SO VOTED: FinCom; 7 Ayes, Selectmen 2 Ayes Mr. Doty was not present

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.  Approved 2/3/16