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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 01/28/16
FinCom FY17 Budget Hearings   January 28, 2016   Meeting Minutes
Present: FinCom: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Vicki Divoll, Susan Murphy,
Jim Malkin, Linda Coutinho and Bruce Golden. Adam DeBettencourt was not present.
Selectmen: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty,
Others: Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, Ellen Biskis, Diana DeBlase and Sam Hart.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Marshall Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from the December 16, 2015 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Ms. Coutinho moved to approve minutes as corrected. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes Marshall Carroll and Susan Murphy were not present at the 12/16/15 meeting

Draft minutes from the January 12, 2016 Joint Meeting with the Selectmen were reviewed, Ms. Murphy moved to approve as written. Mr. Golden seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 4 Ayes Marshall Carroll and Vicki Divoll were not present at the 1/12/16 meeting.

Draft minutes from the January 25, 2016 meeting were reviewed Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as written. Ms. Coutinho seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 6 Ayes

Sam Hart the director of Adult Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard presented an Annual Town Meeting warrant article request.

Mr. Hart distributed an explanation of the proposal.

Article: To see if the Town of Chilmark will vote to Raise and Appropriate the sum of $11,130.00 to fund the Town of Chilmark’s share of the expenses of the All Island School Committee’s contract for Adult and Community Education in Fiscal Year 2017.

Mr. Hart gave a verbal report of the programs advancement over the past year and what the organization is offering Island residents.

Mr. Hart did report that Edgartown will fund only a portion of their percentage due to budget constraints.  

Chairman Mayhew said that ACE seems to be a wonderful program for our island resident and he is encourage they are continuing to grow and move to their goal of self-sustaining.
Mr. Mayhew voiced his concern that Edgartown is not paying the full assessment. Chairman Carroll thanked Mr. Hart for his presentation.

Due to scheduling conflicts the School departments could not make tonight’s budget hearing.
Mr. Malkin recommended Tim Carroll contact Superintendent of Schools Matt D’ Andrea and invite them to come to a meeting with the Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen in the first week of February.

Tim Carroll recommended continuing with the Town department budgets on tonight’s agenda.  

Selectmen’s Maintenance / Unclassified # 196:
Tim Carroll presented this budget. This budget is level funded. Mr. Carroll said that this is where we put collective contingencies from last year’s budget process.

Town Owned Property # 198:
Tim Carroll presented this draft budget. There was discussion about town utilities and the Photo Voltaic projects and what to plan for in the future. This budget is level funded. No action was taken at this time.

Emergency Management # 291:
Chilmark Emergency manager Tim Carroll presented this draft budget. This department budget is level funded. Discussion ensued about the island plans for emergency shelter. Selectmen expressed wanting to keep Chilmark Community Center as a emergency shelter.

Employee Benefits & Contributions # 910:
Mr. Carroll discussed the rise in cost of our Line # 5171 Worker Compensation Insurance
Due to claims this year, most of the claims are within the tri town Ambulance department. Ms. Becker said she had concerns with line # 5172 unemployment insurance due to the lack of signatures on documents that are distributed to all seasonal employees.
Mr. Carroll said that the Seasonal Employment season was extended for FY17 from 16 weeks to 20 to help staff our shoulder seasons.

Ms. Becker said she will have information on health insurance figures for FinCom meeting scheduled for February 1, 2016. FinCom will discuss this budget again then.

Mr. Doty asked where the town fared in our OPEB balance. Accountant Biskis said the balance of the OPEB account is $850,000.00 as of December 31, 2015 Ms. Becker said that figure means we are about 11% funded.

Property & Liability Insurance # 945:
Mr. Carroll said this budget is being reduced by 2.81% Mr. Carroll gave extensive description of the coverage to the town.   

Tim Carroll asked to proceed through the town budgets that we could tonight Chairman Marshall Carroll recommended proceeding.

Moderator # 114:
Mr. Carroll said this budget is level funded at $100.00.

Selectmen # 122:
Tim Carroll presented this draft budget. Mr. Carroll requested raising Line # 5195 intern by $1,500.00 for a total of $3,500.00.
The Selectmen’s budget is increased by 1.98%

Finance Committee # 131:
Mr. Carroll presented this draft budget. This budget is level funded.
With a total of $550.00

Comfort Station # 199:
Mr. Doty said that the Comfort station had been a large topic in the Selectmen’s agendas this year and if the FinCom has recommendations he welcomed them. Marshall Carroll recommended 6 more portable toilets tucked by the existing Comfort station during the July & August season. Mr. Malkin said they make some very fancy portable bathrooms that could be utilized.

Mr. Doty said he would like to have the station power washed more frequently. Mr. Carroll said we will be seeking a contract to service the station this coming season. Mr. Doty said that the consensus from the public during visionary sessions this winter is to add urinals to the men’s room and more toilets to the woman’s.
Mr. Carroll said the town will be spending some money to get the Comfort Station up to “usability “for the coming season.

At 9:03 PM Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn, Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: FinCom: 6 Ayes Adam DeBettencourt was not present. Selectmen: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.      Approved 2/1/16