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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 01/27/16
FinCom FY17 Budget Hearings   January 27, 2016   Meeting Minutes

Present: (FinCom Members) Jim Malkin, Vicki Divoll, Adam DeBettencourt, Susan Murphy, Linda Coutinho and Bruce Golden. Chairman Marshall Carroll not present

Selectmen: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi was not present

Others: Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, Ellen Biskis, Diana DeBlase, Ebba Hierta, Janet Weidner, Clarissa Allen, Jessica Bradlee, Margaret Maida, Pam Bunker, Leonard Jason, Heather Quinn, Liz Oliver, Martina Mastromonaco, Jen Wlodyka, Wayne Iacono and Kristin Maloney.

At 7:00PM Acting Chairman Jim Malkin called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Mr. Malkin recommended hearing the budgets from the board present and postponing the minutes to the end of the meeting.

Library # 610:
Library Director Ebba Hierta presented the draft FY17 budget for the library. Ms. Hierta introduced Janet Weidner who is the Chairman of the Library Trustees and Heather Quinn who is a member of the board.

Ms. Hierta started with the increase of $4,610.00 to Salary line # 5154 Library Assistants. Ms. Hierta explained that the increase is to allow for the Library Assistant to receive a 1 week vacation during the summer. Ms. Murphy pointed out that the Chilmark library assistants are paid considerably lower than our other island towns. Ms. Hierta said she is working with the Human Resource Board this winter to bring the job description up to date and to follow through with a re-grading process for the next FY.

The budget lines #5247 Computer Maintenance & # 5248 Software both increased (total increase of $1799.00) primarily due to a decrease in State aid for our CLAMS network. Mr. Doty said that the CLAMS system works very well for our community and is very glad we implemented the system.

Other increases to the budget are:
Line # 5303 Professional Development up by $700, Line # 5341 Telecommunications up by $500.00, Line # 5420 Office Supplies up by $150.00, Line # 5510 Books  up by $2,000.00, Line # 5595 Bottled Water up by $50.00. Ms. Hierta noted that when Chilmark Spring water closed this year the other supplier raised their prices. The entire Chilmark Library budget is up 2.76%

Mr. Malkin thanked the Library representatives for their presentation.

Building Department # 241:
Building Inspector Leonard Jason presented the draft Building department FY17 budget. Mr. Jason said this year he worked to create a more true to cost budget. This budget increased 42.67% .The major factor is the salaries to the Electrical, Plumbing and gas inspectors.
Building Department # 241 Continued…
Mr. Jason wanted to make sure that the inspectors are getting paid $70.00 per inspection. Treasurer Becker confirmed that the inspectors are getting the $70.00 per inspection.
Town of Chilmark charges $50.00 for permits to Plumbers, Electricians, and Gas Fitters
and Charges $75.00 per inspection.

The building department total expenses for FY15 were $57,505.69 the revenue was $75,760.00
Mr. Malkin thanked Mr. Jason for his presentation.

Tax Collector # 146:
Tax Collector Jessica Bradlee presented the draft FY17 Tax Collector budget. This budget increased by 4.74% as the position was re-graded to a grade 10 from a grade 9. The other increased budget lines are:

#5248 Software Maintenance increased by $499.00, #5319 Recording Fees increased by $150.00, # 5344 Postage increased by $100.00 and #5421 Tax Bills increased by $100.00
Mr. Malkin thanked Ms. Bradlee for her presentation.

Tax Assessors #141:
Present from the Board of Assessors were; Leonard Jason, Liz Oliver, Clarissa Allen and Assistant (equal to primary assessor in other communities) Pam Bunker. Ms. Bunker presented the draft FY17 budget for the tax assessors.
Ms. Bunker explained that the increase to the budget is driven almost entirely by the software updates to have the maps and data available online for the public. Overall increase to this budget is 3.11% .

Mr. Doty asked if the new software system was working up to their expectations. Ms. Bunker said they are very pleased with the new system.

Increases are as follows: line # 5248 Software Maintenance increased by $3,629.00, Line # 5303 Professional Development increased by $15.00, line #5306 advertising increased by $45.00, line # 5313 Mapping Services increased by $200.00, #5420 Office Supplies increased by $80.00, and #5510 Books and Publications increased by $55.00

Mr. Malkin thanked Assessors for their presentation.

Beach Department # 630:
Chairman of the Beach Committee Kristin Maloney along with committee members Clarissa Allen, Wayne Iacono, Jen Wlodyka, Margaret Maida and Beach Superintendent Martina Mastromonaco were present for the draft budget hearing.

Ms. Biskis and Ms. Maloney supplied comparison data using calendar instead of fiscal revenue reports along with calendar expense reports.  
Ms. Maloney said the Salary line #5156 Lifeguards increase of $22,357.65 is not really an increase it is actually lower than last years proposed budget.

Beach Continued
Ms. Maloney explained that last year the FinCom and Selectmen recommended removing $30,000.00 from the beach budget keeping $15,000.00 in Selectmen delegated budget if they (beach) end up needing. Ms. Maloney said we already don’t have enough to cover for June of this fiscal year because of that.

Ms. Coutinho asked for a spreadsheet of the schedule and cost to help her understand their process better. Ms. Mastromonaco said she would supply that tomorrow.

Other increases to the beach budget are as follows:
Line # 5245 Equipment repair / maintenance increased by $550 Mr. Carroll explained this is for the timeclock and software for payroll.
Line # 5293 Rubbish Disposal increased by $700.00, Line # 5595 Bottled Water increased by $100.00,Line # 5850 Additional Equipment increased by $500

Ms. Mastromonaco explained this is for storage tent to be used at Lucy Vincent Beach Line # 5870 Replacement Equipment increased by $1,500.00
Ms. Mastromonaco explained this is for replacing the gate into Lucy Vincent Beach and to purchase a replacement wheelchair for Menemsha.

Mr. Doty asked if the line #5740 could be decreased after reviewing the history of the expense. Mr. Mayhew moved to reduce by $500.00 Mr. Golden seconded the motion.

SO VOTED: FinCom: 6 Ayes Marshall Carroll not present, Selectmen: 2 Ayes Bill Rossi was not present

Tim Carroll Executive Secretary said last year the Selectmen’s Office took over the sticker clerk office and with moving forward with online sales he recommended addition of $5,000.00 to the budget. Mr. Carroll also recommended rate increases to all of the beach stickers. The beach Committee voiced their surprise at not being advised of these recommendations prior to tonight’s meeting. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty recommended this be brought to a Selectmen meeting for further review prior to changes. Mr. Malkin said that this budget will be further discussed prior to recommending a budget.
Mr. Malkin thanked the beach committee and superintendent for their presentation.

Treasurer # 145:
Town Treasurer Melanie Becker presented her draft FY17 budget and a request for increased funding level for FY17.

Line # 5248 Software Maintenance increased by $959.50, Line # 5730 Dues and Memberships increased by $5.00

Ms. Becker explained her budget salary request and supplied supporting documents. Ms. Becker is requesting an increase of $5,165.19 this is half an hour per day added to her work week.
Treasurer # 145 Continued…
Mr. Malkin asked if this should go before the Human Resources Board, Mr. Carroll said there is no change to the job description just a request for increasing the hours to an elected position.

Mr. Doty recommended this and the Accountant’s request be on a Selectmen’s agenda for further consideration. Ms. Becker said she would be agreeable to having the HRB review this request and to have the Selectmen approve.

Retirement of Debt Principal # 710 & Retirement of Debt Interest # 751:
Treasurer Becker presented the information on the ROD for principal and interest. Ms. Becker said that the town’s goal is to have level funding debt service.

Short Term Interest # 752:
Line # 5319 Recording / Fiscal Advisory fee increased by $400.00 due to increase in UniBank financial advice fee.

Employee Benefits # 910:
Ms. Becker said that the advisory board is meeting February 1, 2016 and will have figures for insurance rates after the meeting and will return with this information to the FinCom and selectmen. Mr. Malkin thanked Ms. Becker for her presentation.

At 9:04 PM Mr. Golden moved to adjourn. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: FinCom: 6 Ayes Marshall Carroll not present, Selectmen: 2 Ayes Bill Rossi was not present

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.     Approved 2/1/16