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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 12/16/15
FinCom    December 16, 2015    Meeting Minutes
Present: FinCom: Jim Malkin, Linda Coutinho, Bruce Golden, Vicki Divoll and
Adam DeBettencourt. Susan Murphy and Marshall Carroll were not present Others: Tim Carroll, Ellen Biskis, Diana DeBlase, Adam Turner, Curtis Schroeder and John Breckenridge.

At 5:30 PM Acting Chairman Jim Malkin called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

Draft minutes from the November 18, 2015 FinCom meeting were reviewed.
Mr.Golden moved to approve minutes. Mr. DeBettencourt seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 1 Abstain Ms. Coutinho was not present

Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC):
Adam Turner (Executive Director), Curtis Schroeder and John Breckenridge were present to hear comments from the Chilmark FinCom concerning the MVC FY17 draft budget.

Mr. Breckenridge (MVC Treasurer) introduced the new director and Mr. Turner gave a brief background of his experiences prior to joining the position of the MVC Executive Director.  

At 5:35 PM Susan Murphy arrived.

Mr. Schroeder, Mr. Turner and Mr. Breckenridge discussed the draft FY17 budget for the MVC that is dated November 23, 2015. Mr. Breckenridge said Ms. Divoll has been involved through their budget drafting, and stated she has been at times the only island town representative.  

Ms. Divoll said that the MVC is presenting a flat budget compared to last year with minimal increases but to remember they asked for a onetime $75,000.00 budget increase to cover the legal fee shortfalls. Ms. Divoll said this was then put into this budget as a continued cost. Mr. Turner acknowledged that was true; and from his extensive legal background he recommended keeping the legal line up.

Mr. Breckenridge said that the MVC has not kept pace with what the island towns have raised for OPEB and that will be a future consideration for their budgeting plans.

Mr. Malkin thanked the representatives from the MVC for presenting their draft budget and for their efforts in outreach to the Island Towns. At 5:48 PM MVC representatives departed

FinCom Member Updates on Meetings with Department Heads:
Vicki Divoll met with both the Beach Department and the Chilmark Library Director:
Ms. Divoll said she was concerned that the Beach Committee is basing decisions for the budget on varying views versus compiled data. Discussion ensued.    

Ms. Divoll said the Beach department was not necessarily ready to present their budget but are working very hard on staffing issues to complete their FY17 budget.

FinCom Member Updates on Meetings with Department Heads Continued
Ms. Divoll said that Library Director Ebba Hierta is very well prepared for the budget hearing for the Chilmark Library’s FY17 budget.

Bruce Golden met with Keith Emin the Highway Superintendent and will meet with Fire chief December 22, 2015.

Mr. Golden said that he discussed this last year and will bring the subject up again; that the Town should buy a vehicle for our Highway Superintendent. Ms. Coutinho recommended an analysis comparing renting vs owning and completing this analysis prior to the budget hearings. Discussion turned to purchasing a town dump truck as well.
Ms. Murphy said that town owned property may not be cared for as well as items that are owned by the users.

Jim Malkin met with Tri-Town Ambulance (TTA) Chief and the Harbormaster:
Mr. Malkin said he met with TTA Chief Ben Retmier along with Town Accountant Ellen Biskis. Mr. Malkin said he was pleased with the openness for questions and reported Mr. Retmier came back with answers to his questions. Ms. Biskis asked for more effort on the schedule and why it is causing over time and not utilizing the 40 hours weekly from our employees who are 40 hrs. a week. Discussion ensued. Accountant summarized that the TTA draft budget is up 8.6%

Mr. Malkin said he met with our Harbormaster Dennis Jason. Mr. Malkin said the meeting was productive and that the budget process for this coming hearing was understood. Ms. Biskis said that she has not received any material for any increases planned for the coming season.  
Mr. Malkin said he would do a follow up call with Mr. Jason because there are plans for increasing coverage in the Menemsha Pond for the 2016 season.  

Ms. Coutinho met with Chilmark Police Chief.
Ms. Coutinho said this budget has gone down since 2016. Mr. Carroll said the computer budget line needs scrutiny as we have a contract with LEC and that will need to be funded. Extensive discussion ensued concerning the Communication Center / Sheriff’s department Software and IT contracts. Ms. Biskis said she would gather information and distribute to FinCom members to review and advise upon.

Adam DeBettencourt met with Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer.
Mr. DeBettencourt said that Mr. Scheffer discussed and clearly outlined his budget with substance. Mr. Carroll asked if the final figures for the Assistant Constable position are included in the budget. Mr. DeBettencourt will seek to get the salary lines updated.   

Mr. Malkin said he had an update from Robert Lionette (Chilmark’s representative on the Up Island Regional School Committee) Mr. Lionette is attending a school committee meeting at the MVRHS now and may not be able to attend tonight’s FinCom meeting as planned.

Mr. Malkin said that West Tisbury committee that investigated the economic impact of West Tisbury pulling out of the Up Island Regional School District. Mr. Malkin said that committee was surprised to find it would not benefit West Tisbury. Discussion ensued.

Adam DeBettencourt recommended that any Affordable Housing program that Chilmark offers may stipulate that their youth enroll in the Chilmark School.

Mr. Malkin said that Wednesday nights are a conflict for our Chairman Marshall Carroll and asked if Monday nights would work for the meetings that are not the Budget Hearings. No action was taken at this time but will be addressed in the future.

At 7:24 PM Mr. Golden moved to adjourn. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase   Approved 1/28/16