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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 04/24/15
Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen FY2016 Budget Hearing April 24, 2015
Joint Meeting Minutes  

FinCom: Jim Malkin, Linda Coutinho, Frank Yeomans and Bruce Golden Marshall Carroll, Vicki Divoll and Susan Murphy not present. Selectmen: Bill Rossi
Others: Tim Carroll, Ellen Biskis and Lynn Fraker videographer from MVTV.

Mr. Malkin said Marshall Carroll contacted him this afternoon saying he could not make this meeting and asked him (Mr. Malkin) to Chair this meeting.

At 4:30 PM Acting Chairman Jim Malkin called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. Mr. Malkin said “until we have a quorum from the Selectmen we will continue this meeting as a FinCom meeting.

Draft minutes from February 18, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made.
Ms. Coutinho moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Yeomans seconded the motion.
SO VOTED:  4 Ayes 3 not present

Draft minutes from February 19, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made. Ms. Coutinho moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Golden seconded the motion.
SO VOTED:  4 Ayes 3 not present

Draft minutes from March 17, 2015 meeting were reviewed.
Susan Murphy arrived
Corrections were made to the draft minutes. Ms. Coutinho moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Golden seconded the motion.
SO VOTED:  5 Ayes 2 not present

2.5 % Override:
Mr. Carroll advised all present to turn to page 212 in the 2014 Annual Report.
This is the warrant for Annual Town Meeting for April 27, 2015. Mr. Carroll described the wording used for the Town Report. What we have done with questions 1 & 2 is “Borrowing Exclusions.” Discussion ensued. Essentially we will not know until June 30, 2015 if we will have a deficit.

Ms. Biskis pointed out that the minutes state that the CPC funds for Chilmark’s portion of the running track at MVRHS is listed as $32,000.00 but that the warrant # 27 in town report lists it at
$33,390.00. Mr. Carroll said he confirmed the figure with Chuck Hodgkinson for the town report and town report is the correct figure.

Ms. Coutinho said the process that the FinCom went through during the FY16 budget hearings was difficult without the proper numbers and asked why this happened. Ms. Biskis said without the values from the Assessors there were not correct numbers to work with. Discussion ensued.

Executive Secretary Mr. Carroll and Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Mr. Rossi met after the values had been set and made changes to the budget. Mr. Malkin expressed that in the future the FinCom should have had another meeting with the new figures and been part of the process. Chairman Rossi said that this point was well put and taken.

Chairman Rossi said he would like to acknowledge Frank Yeomans for his 11 years as a valuable member of the Finance Committee (Tonight is his last meeting as a member of the FinCom). Members present thanked Mr. Yeomans for his years of participation as a member of the town Finance Committee.

At 5:10 PM Ms. Coutinho moved to adjourn. Mr. Golden seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes 2 not present.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.    Approved 7/15/2015