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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/18/15
Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen FY2016 Budget Hearing  
February 18, 2015 Joint Meeting Minutes

FinCom Present: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Frank Yeomans, Jim Malkin, Vicki Divoll,
Linda Coutinho, Bruce Golden and Susan Murphy.
Selectmen Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty was not present
Ellen Biskis, Melanie Becker, Diana DeBlase, Virginia Jones and Dennis Jason.

At 6:00 PM Chairman Marshall Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes for February 2, 2015 FinCom meeting were reviewed. Mr. Malkin moved to approve as written. Ms. Divoll seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 4 Ayes 4 Fincom members were present at 02.02.15 meeting

Draft minutes from February 4, 2015 Budget Hearings were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as corrected. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: FinCom: 7 Ayes, Selectmen: 2 Ayes  1 not present

Draft minutes from February 5, 2015 Budget Hearings were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as corrected. Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: FinCom: 7 Ayes, Selectmen: 2 Ayes  1 not present

# 295 Harbor Returned for Clarification
Harbormaster Dennis Jason and Administrative Assistant Virginia Jones were present to discuss the Harbor Department budget for FY16.

Ms. Biskis displayed the harbor FY16 budget on the big screen so everyone could follow along.

Chairman Carroll said that the Harbormaster requested for FY16 an additional $16,000.00 compared to the previous year to the salaries line. Mr. Carroll asked if that was for more hours to be covered or more personnel for the harbor.

Ms. Jones said she would try to explain the confusion. Ms. Jones said that there are 2 Assistant Harbormasters. At the time of the FY15 budget hearings the Harbor Department planned to hire one Assistant Harbormaster. But after the budget process the Selectmen directed the Harbormaster to hire a second Assistant Harbormaster. There was scrambling done to fund this extra position and at Annual Town Meeting it was approved to appropriate the funds. That is why the figure is not in the FY15 budget and seems like a huge increase to this budget.

Ms. Jones said that moving forward to correctly fund the positions for the harbor department she has estimated 2 Assistant Wharfingers each at 40 hours a week for 16 weeks. Also the Harbor Department will staff 2 Assistant Harbormasters; 1 at 25 hours a week and 1 at 37 hours a week for 16 weeks as well. This is how the Harbor Department came to the figures they are requesting for FY16.
Mr. Malkin asked “is the reason for the increase of $15,000.00 in your budget because you have included a second Assistant Harbormaster in your FY16 budget?”
Mr. Jason said right.

Ms. Biskis explained the figures for both the Asst. Harbormaster budget line 5131 & Asst. Wharfinger budget line 5137 referencing the proposed FY16 budget. The figures were calculated as Ms. Jones said for 16 weeks at the grade and step we reference for all job positions located under the Grade Wages FY2016 Salaries tab in the budget books.  Discussion ensued. Chairman Rossi said that the Harbor Department doesn’t need more than 12 weeks of Assistant Wharfingers. Mr. Golden said if we have coverage from June 1st to Labor Day it is 14 weeks.

Ms. Jones said from Memorial Day – Columbus Day the harbor is open. Tim Carroll talked about the requirements for Seasonal Employee status and how it has been a challenge for the Harbor employee coverage. The requirement is that the position must work less than 16 weeks. The reasoning to instate the Seasonal Employee (SE) status is to keep the part time positions from collecting unemployment. Ms. Murphy said that the SE doesn’t cover the needs of the Harbor. Tim Carroll said neither does the staffing. Tim Carroll and Mr. Malkin agreed it doesn’t work for our seasonality. Tim Carroll recommended writing to congress requesting they grant Municipalities an extra 2 weeks in the Seasonal Employee parameters.

Tim Carroll said the harbormaster can hire a Laborer (position created by Human Resources Board to help departments for part-time help) to get some of the projects completed in the harbor.

Harbormaster Jason asked the Board and Committee what they have decided about the salary budget lines and amounts. Chairman Carroll said they will review the materials and let the Harbor department know at a later date.

#220 Fire Department:
Tim Carroll (Assistant Fire Chief) presented the proposed FY16 Fire Department budget.
Other than step and COLA the only increases to the budget are as follows:
Line 5210 Electricity up $500.00 with total of $2,800.00
Line 5248 Software Maintenance / License is up $7,000.00 with a total of $9,000.00. Mr. Carroll explained this is to move forward in the island wide communications Emergency Responders.
Line 5295 Septic Pump-outs up $400.00 with total $2,400.00
Line 5730 Dues & Memberships up $200.00 with total of $900.00

Ms. Coutinho asked about line 5163 Fire/ Oil Burner Inspections and who does the inspections and who is paid this line. Mr. Carroll said he was unsure about that.  Ms. Becker (Town Treasurer) said that the Fire Chief has never been paid COLA before. Mr. Carroll said that is what the Chief has requested for FY16.

Ms. Biskis said that Mr. Karlinsky (Menemsha Comfort Station) has COLA in their budget. Mr. Carroll said that is tied to the town contract with Mr. Karlinsky.

At 6:30 PM Kristin Maloney and Jennifer Wlodyka arrived.

#630 Beach Department:
Beach Committee Chairman Kristin Maloney and committee member Jen Wlodyka presented the proposed FY16 budget. Ms. Maloney explained the line 5156 Salaries for Lifeguards has increased because the Selectmen requested additional guard in Menemsha “crab corner” area. This line 5156 is up $16,699.37 with a total of $131,113.35. Ms. Maloney also explained they budget for 100% sunny days (lifeguards don’t work, don’t get paid if rain day) and estimate the top grade and step as they have return employees yearly.

Mr. Malkin asked how 2015 went for the Beach Department. Ms. Maloney said considering the Superintendent had an injury the day before the season opened, alright. The Superintendent was unable to work at all for 2015 season due to the injury. Ms. Maloney credited the staff that has returned each year lead by the acting superintendent Karyn Robertson. Ms. Maloney said the committee has since asked the Superintendent (who had the injury) to write out all of the duties of the Superintendent and a “how to do” check list.  

Mr. Malkin said from a budget point of view looking at the historic figures of expended budget the budget is over funded. Discussion ensued.  

Tim Carroll explained that the Beach Department is a department that works out the budget very well and extensively. As Ms. Maloney explained they have budgeted for top grade and steps for positions and 100% sunny days. This said there has been discussion of reducing the salaries line by $30,000.00 (it is historically overfunded by that amount) putting $15,000.00 of it into budget #196 Selectmen’s Unclassified. The other $15,000.00 is to be taken out entirely to save taxpayers money. More discussion ensued

At 6:50 PM Beach Superintendent Martina Mastromonaco arrived

Chairman Carroll asked how the Beach Department budgets for the whole season with less money. More discussion ensued. Tim Carroll explained that when the beach department sees
a salary line that we cut coming up short they write to the FinCom and Selectmen’s office prior to any release of budget #196 line 5600 Departmental Reserves (Selectmen’s Unclassified) funds.

Ms. Biskis recommended departments review their budgets by the third quarter and bring to Town Accountant prior to any shortfall.

To sum up changes: from Beach Department line 5156 Lifeguard Salaries $30,000.00 will be subtracted leaving a total in that line of $101,113.35. $15,000.00 of that $30,000.00 will be added to Budget #196 line 5600 Departmental Reserves (Selectmen’s Unclassified).

#114 Moderator:
Tim Carroll asked if there were any questions or comments about this department. There were none, budget remains unchanged at $100.00.

#291 Emergency Management (EM):
Emergency Management Director Tim Carroll presented the proposed FY16 budget.
Mr. Carroll said that this budget is level funded. Mr. Carroll explained the duties of this department. Mr. Carroll said that this year he plans on purchasing meals, MREs meals ready to eat   as most of the storage meals are expired and cots. Lines 5399, 5589 and 5700 are for the Chilmark Community Center (CCC) / Emergency Shelter.
Mr. Carroll said this past winter storm the island’s EM departments opened a single shelter to serve the entire island at the Tisbury School. Mr. Carroll said last year Chilmark staffed the CCC twice.
7:30 PM Sam Hart and Judy Miller arrived

#945 Insurance:
Tim Carroll said this budget is for liability insurance. The Selectmen & FinCom members reviewed the information in the budget books with Mr. Carroll giving explanations of each policy. Mr. Carroll made a change to the description; it is not WC (workman’s comp) it should be changed to Chapter 111F accident policy (for Firefighters & Police). The 111F includes the indemnity fund “McNamara Act” for officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty.

Discussion took place about why there will be such an increase this year of $56,309.00 with a total cost for all of the coverage being $206,809.00
Mr. Carroll said he underfunds this budget because they offer reward discounts for attendance at trainings, last year we saved 3%.

Ms. Biskis reported that the School reimburses the town of Chilmark for the insurance liability we pay for the school at approximately $30,000.00. Tri Town Ambulance also reimburses the town of Chilmark.

Warrant Articles:
Tim Carroll distributed draft warrant article list for the April 27, 2015 Annual Town Meeting for discussion. Mr. Carroll said the policy has been to keep at least $100,000.00 in free cash. At this time Mr. Carroll believes our Budget Capacity is $168,000.00 but this doesn’t have the actual figures for the MV Regional High School because the Governor has not released the State budget. Mr. Carroll said that the figures from the State should be available by March.

Discussion turned to the overview of 25 draft warrant articles. The total of all of the proposed articles is $798,334.86. The free cash balance is $605,307.00 discussion about the shortfall took place and how to bring down the Warrant articles figures.

Tim Carroll proposed postponing the $250,000.00 for paving 1 mile of roads. Tim Carroll said we have bonded (borrowed) $600,000.00 this year for paving and also can add the $98,139.00 from the Mass DOT. Mr. Malkin expressed concern removing the funds for paving. Mr. Mayhew agreed he would like to continue saving for paving our roads. Discussion ensued.

Adult & Community Education (ACE):
ACE director Sam Hart and Chairman of the ACE Board Judy Miller presented the information for their warrant article request. Chilmark’s portion is $5,315.00. Discussion ensued.
Warrant Articles Continued:  The FinCom members and Selectmen reviewed and discussed the following draft warrant articles extensively:   

Police - Car
$                   -   
WT Play Ground
Youth Collaborative
Center 4 Living
Harbor pilings
Harbor -West Dock
Paving 1 mile
Section 13D
Police 4x4
Police Interview
Police Sation Paint
Public Safety Building
Nab's Hydrant
CCC Roof
CCC Vestibule
CCC Shingling
CCC Skylight
                                                                                                                CCC Joint Maint.               5,000.00
                                                                                                               FinCom Reserve             40,000.00

No action was taken at this time concerning the draft warrant articles.

At 9:12 PM Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn, Ms. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: FinCom: 7 Ayes, Selectmen: 2 Ayes meeting adjourned.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.      Approved 04/24/15