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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/10/15
Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen FY2016 Budget Hearing  
February 10, 2015 Joint Meeting Minutes

FinCom Present: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Frank Yeomans, Jim Malkin, Vicky Divoll,
Linda Coutinho, Bruce Golden and Susan Murphy.
Selectmen Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll & Ellen Biskis were not present. Also present: Diana DeBlase, Mark London, Curtis Schroeder,
Dennis Jason, Glenn DeBlase, Ann Wallace, David Vigneault, Seth Karlinsky, Melanie Becker, Keith Emin and Isaiah Scheffer.

At 6:00 PM Fin Com Chairman Marshall Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

#840 Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC):
Executive Director of the MVC Mark London and Administrator Curtis Schroeder presented the FY16 Martha’s Vineyard Commission budget.
Mr. Schroeder said that the budget is down from last year because they are not replenishing the reserve fund and the legal expense line is decreased. Mr. Schroeder said that this budget is set and final.

Ms. Divoll said she was glad that the explanation of the budget states more clearly that the decrease is in effect due to the fact that the MVC is not requesting $75,000.00 like last year for the reserve fund. Ms. Divoll also said she believes there is a mistake in the report stating that the budget increase is 3.1% rather than the 2.9%. Mr. Schroeder said that Ms. Divoll is correct that is misprinted. The figure is $40,462.00 not $42,462.00. And that he will make the correction and repost the budget report (page 2 of MVC FY16 budget 01/22/2015)

Mr. London said that the utilities for electric, oil and water have increased.
Mr. London asked for input from the boards tonight about the OPEB (other post-employment benefits) Discussion ensued.

Mr. Schroeder discussed the ongoing search and process to fill the position (Executive Director) Mark London is retiring from in August 2015.
Chairman Carroll thanked Mr. London and Mr. Schroeder for their presentation.

#185 Dukes County Regional Housing Authority (DCRHA):
Executive Director David Vigneault and Chilmark representative Ann Wallace presented the DCRHA FY16 proposed budget.
Mr. Vigneault discussed the budget as presented for FY2016 with increases being under 2.5%

Mr. Vigneault said that the DCRHA uses the 50/50 formula that the County uses. Mr. Vigneault discussed the need for an additional ½ time position. Mr. Vigneault said at this time there are 3 full time employees (including him). Mr. Vigneault said he would be returning halfway through the year to work out the increase of part time worker and OPEB planning.
Mr. Vigneault said Chilmark added the Nabs Corner this winter. Ann Wallace worked with Housing Committee to process the applications and DCRHA worked through the applications to
#185 Dukes County Regional Housing Authority (DCRHA) Continued
qualify them for affordable home lots status. Vigneault said rentals are badly needed for year-round and summer residents. Mr. Vigneault said that 20 to 30 year-olds are not staying on the Island. We have a practical need to staff the island. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Doty said that it has worked very well having the DCRHA managing our rental units.

#295 Harbor:
Harbormaster Dennis Jason and Glenn DeBlase were present for the harbor FY16 proposed budget. Chairman Carroll said that the overall increase of budget is 9.6%. Chairman Carroll said salaries are up 15. % and asked Mr. Jason to speak to these increases.

Mr. Jason said he had hoped Ms. Biskis the Town Accountant would have been here tonight to help explain this. Mr. Jason said last year the Assistant Harbormaster salaries were underfunded in part to the Selectmen adding an additional Assistant Harbormaster after he had submitted his budget. This year the salaries are for 2 Assistant Harbormasters. Mr. Doty recommended decreasing the Assistant Wharfinger’s salary line by $5,000.00 as it was overfunded. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty asked how the computer system was working for the harbor and what the plans are for the coming season. Mr. Jason said that the system that the harbor uses works for a small harbor like ours. Mr. Jason recommended Mr. DeBlase comment as it was his first year using the system this past summer. Mr. DeBlase said that the system is pretty straight forward though there was a problem that was out of their scope to fix during July 4, 2014 weekend and Art Nelson (the program writer) had to come to Menemsha and straighten it out. Discussion turned to fees that are charged for harbor services; moorings, electric…

Mr. Malkin asked about pump-outs (boat septic tanks) and why there are no fees collected for them. Mr. Doty explained the Clean Vessel Act; that the state provided a grant for a new system with the understanding that pump-outs are free to the public. Mr. Malkin asked what the number of pump-outs where this past season compared to the previous season. Mr. DeBlase said almost 50 this past year compared to 5 the previous year.

Mr. DeBlase said that they have a problem with the system at the shack with only a single telephone line they have to hang-up on a caller to receive credit card payment. Selectmen recommended correcting this with a second line and the access ramp to the shack completed prior to the coming season. Discussion turned to harbor boat maintenance. Mr. Jason said his plan is to buy a trailer and store the boat in Chilmark.

# 299 Shellfish Department:
Chilmark Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer presented the proposed FY16 Shellfish Department budget.

Mr. Doty said a significant part of this budget along with salaries is the money we pay to run the Shellfish Hatchery in Vineyard Haven. We are now being charged $37,000.00. Mr. Doty said that the hatchery is a very important component of our shellfish industry.

# 299 Shellfish Department Continued…
Mr. Doty spoke about a problem we had in the past of having the Assistant Constable collecting unemployment. To try to keep this from happening again there is a part time laborer position being added to keep the Assistant Constable position under 16 weeks.~
Chairman Rossi asked Mr. Scheffer about the increase to mileage allowance. Mr. Scheffer said when he got the job he had a new 2008 Silverado truck. Mr. Scheffer said” it is run into the ground; the underside is rusting out because he has used it to put the Shellfish boat into the water and haul out when needed and tows boat year-round.” Mr. Scheffer said he was going to ask the town for a new truck and was encouraged to come up with a monetary value of what he thought it was worth to use his own vehicle for the town.~

Mr. Scheffer said Keith Emin (Highway Superintendent) gets about $7,500.00 per year for the use of his truck. Mr. Emin corrected this figure to $7,200.00. Mr. Scheffer said his recommendation is $7,500 with $300.00 to $400.00 for the Assistant Constable.

Chairman Rossi thanked Mr. Scheffer for his explanation. Ms. Murphy asked how Mr. Scheffer was able to keep the boat maintenance budget line so low. Mr. Scheffer said he does most of it himself. Mr. Scheffer said he won’t do the engine because it is under warrantee but all of the other work he tries to take care of himself.

Chairman Carroll asked how sharing the Highway Shed is working out. Mr. Scheffer said that it’s going well. But he needs more space to be able to get some projects worked on in the winter months and recommended the possibility of building a maintenance building.
Ms. Murphy said she thinks the Shellfish Constable does a very good job. Discussion turned to the shellfish economy and the success of Chilmark’s programs.

Mr. Scheffer said at this time he submits mileage and asked if his mileage allowance for FY16 could be issued in paycheck schedule biweekly increments. Mr. Scheffer asked for Mr. Emin to explain how he gets his vehicle reimbursement. Mr. Emin said he is paid a monthly rate. Mr. Malkin said from a FinCom member point of view he has no problem with this request and recommended working it out with whoever manages that. Chairman Carroll thanked Mr. Scheffer for his presentation.

#199 Comfort Station:
Seth Karlinsky was present to talk about the Comfort Station budget and needs for the coming summer season. Mr. Doty said that the Comfort Station (Menemsha restrooms and showers) cleaning and maintenance is contracted in three year terms. Mr. Karlinsky holds the contract to the end of the 2015 summer season. At that time the contract will again go out to bid. The Comfort Station contract also includes trash & recycling management in Menemsha.
Selectmen Chairman Rossi said he has nothing but accolades for the job Mr. Karlinsky has done for Chilmark. Chairman Carroll recommended addition of a urinal to the men’s room. Ms. Divoll recommended increasing the capacity for the women’s room. Discussion ensued. Chairman Carroll thanked Mr. Karlinsky for his recommendations and continued work in Menemsha.

#422 Highway:
Highway Superintendent Keith Emin presented the proposed budget for FY16.
Chairman Carroll said the budget is essentially unchanged. Ms. Coutinho asked if there was enough money in the street sweeping and painting budget lines. Mr. Emin said that sweeping is essentially affected by snow & ice. Mr. Malkin asked if Mr. Emin had the correct equipment for the coming year. Mr. Emin said yes.  

#423 Snow & Ice:
Chairman Rossi asked if Mr. Emin thought we should raise the budget for snow & ice. Mr. Emin said he recommends raising it as he has never had a year when it was equal or under $7,000.00. There was extensive discussion of the snow fall this year. Mr. Doty asked that for the next budget hearing there is a list of Snow & Ice expended for the past 10 years.
Mr. Doty said prior to increasing this budget he requested having the data and Tim Carroll at the meeting.

#945 Insurance:
Mr. Malkin recommended tabling insurance discussion till next meeting that Tim Carroll and Ellen Biskis can attend.  

At 8:15 PM Ms. Coutinho moved to adjourn. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
FinCom SO VOTED: 7 Ayes.  Selectmen SO VOTED: 3 Ayes meeting adjourned.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.        Approved 03/17/15