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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/05/15
Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen FY2016 Budget Hearing  
February 5, 2015 Joint Meeting Minutes

FinCom Present: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Frank Yeomans, Jim Malkin, Vicky Divoll,
Susan Murphy, Linda Coutinho, Bruce Golden.
Selectmen Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty,
Also: Tim Carroll, Ellen Biskis, Diana DeBlase, Paddy Moore, Joyce Bowker, Sarah Kuh and Leslie Clapp,

At 7:00 PM Chairman Marshall Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

#541 Council on Aging (COA):
Joyce Bowker director of the COA presented the proposed budget for FY16. Ms. Bowker said there is a requested increase of 10 hours a week for the administrative clerk up from 25 hour to 35 hour. This past year we have an additional 60 clients bringing our total number to 950.
Ms. Bowker said that West Tisbury COLA this year is 1.8%. Tim Carroll said West Tisbury is the managing town for the COA, like we are the managing town for Tri town Ambulance.

Mr. Golden said he would like to recommend using the services at the Council on Aging.
Chairman Carroll thanked Ms. Bowker for her presentation and services.   

Vineyard Health Care Access Program (VHCAP):
Sarah Kuh director of VHCAP presented a budget she would like to have the Selectmen consider putting into our budget rather than as an Annual Town Meeting warrant article.
The total annual budget for FY16 is $419,325.82. Ms. Kuh said that $64,774.00 will be paid for by assorted grants. Chilmark’s portion of the budget using the newly adopted 50/50 formula is $27,851.96.

Ms. Kuh discussed the changing nature of the services since the VHCAP was created in1999.
The VHCAP was started to help get islanders enrolled in healthcare. Persons uninsured at that time was estimated 2 times more than the rest of Massachusetts.
Dukes County Manager Martina Thornton arrived.
Now since the Affordable Care Act of 2010 the program has been working to help people apply to the State insurance. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty said he supports this program and recommends including it in our budget, Ms. Murphy supported this recommendation.

Tim Carroll recommended keeping this budget as an annual warrant article. Mr. Malkin suggested if we were to move it into our budget that this would be the year to do it as our increase so far is less than 2.5 %.

Chairman Carroll thanked Sarah Kuh for her presentation.

541# Center For Living(C4L):
County Manager Martina Thornton said that she would like to discuss the changes that the County Advisory Board voted to make to the process of how towns are assessed for funding the County programs. The new formula uses the population of towns as of December 2014 and the valuation of real-estate.  This new method is called the 50/50 formula. Ms. Thornton then discussed the County’s plan to purchase a building to move C4L to a permanent home. Discussion ensued. Ms. Thornton introduced C4L director Leslie Clapp.

Ms. Murphy said that she knows the C4L has been running their program for 29 years and all along have been moving to a different location twice a week. Ms. Murphy said having a single home for the program will allow for C4L to really develop their services.

Ms. Clapp discussed the programs history with its beginnings in the Edgartown senior center. Then Tisbury offered to host them in their senior center 2 days a week allowing for the program to have 4 days a week to allow family members and care givers a safe place have their loved ones (often persons with Alzheimer’s and dementia)  while they are at work or shopping etc.

Ms. Thornton said that the addition of a fifth day per week is figured into the C4L proposed budget. The 5th day would allow for a regular work schedule for the family members / spouse and care givers.

The building that the County is seeking to purchase for C4L is in negotiations so specifics are not being discussed tonight. But the location is in Tisbury.

Discussion turned to financing the purchase of the building. It is an estimated $1.6 million dollar project. With the 50/50 formula plus interest, Chilmark’s estimate using a 10 year bond and 4% interest is $24,841.60 for the first year.  

Ms. Thornton said that she will need to know the towns’ decision by May 2015. Ms. Thornton said Tisbury is paying outright, Oak Bluffs is choosing to do a 15 year bonding.  Mr. Yeomans asked what the County’s borrowing rating is. Ms. Thornton said AAA+.

Tim Carroll said that essentially FY15 was $20,000.00 and with this budget it will be $65,000.00 for FY16 and ten years to follow if we bond for 10 years. Tim Carroll said this may be offset by the ability of the County renting out the other portion of the building.

Healthy Aging Taskforce:
Paddy Moore presented a proposal to Chilmark to have a warrant article on the Annual Town Meeting of $8,849.82. This is Chilmark’s portion again applying the 50/50 formula. The warrant would fund a project to connect the different services already available to seniors. This project is an agent and computer software that would utilize all of the programs and bring them together under a computer program. The program would not create services but aid in connecting services.

Mr. Doty asked if this was a onetime expense. Ms. Moore said no it would be an annual expense.
Mr. Carroll thanked Ms. Clapp, Ms. Moore and Ms. Thornton for their presentation.
#210 Police Department:
Chief Brian Cioffi presented the proposed police budget for FY16.
Reviewing the salaries section of the budget Mr. Doty recommended corrections to the way the items are being coded. Chief Cioffi said the confusion comes from the payroll end of the coding.  Mr. Doty recommended that Sargent Klaren meet with Treasurer Melanie Becker to work on this. Chairman Carroll said that this total budget is up only 1.68% and looks good.

Chief Cioffi explained the increases; computer maintenance budget line 5247 is increased $4,952.02 from last year bringing it to $25,153.00. Both the custodial budget line 5450 and facility maintenance budget line 5430 went from $200 to $400.00 each.

Discussion turned to a request (with explanation) for a School Resources Officer (SRO) to be placed on the Annual Town Meeting warrant. This request is for a SRO 10 hours per week. Discussion ensued. No action was taken at this time.

#292 Dog Officer:
Tim Carroll said we subtracted $600.00 from Mileage Allowance leaving $700.00 for FY16. The entire budget for this department is $17,000.00.

#296 Animal Inspector:
Tim Carroll said there is no change to this budget it will remain $1,200.00

#650 Park & Recreation:
Tim Carroll said that this budget is for mowing the Peaked Hill ball field. Last year this budget was cut $600.00 Tim Carroll recommended it be increased $300.00 with a total of $1,500.00

#122 Selectmen:
Ms. Coutinho asked for explanations on the Coordinator of Administrative Support (CAS) budget line 5176, Intern budget line 5195 and budget line 5177 Administrative Assistant / Front desk coverage.

Tim Carroll said the CAS is Chuck Hodgkinson he works on special projects. The intern line should show having been expended last year because we had Haley Rossi during school break. Budget line 5177 is to have front desk receptionist coverage during the receptionist/ admin vacation or sick days.

At 9:37 PM Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn. Mr. Golden seconded the motion.
FinCom SO VOTED: 7 Ayes. Selectmen SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Meeting was adjourned.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.     Approved 2/18/15