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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 11/12/14
FinCom         November 12, 2014          Meeting Minutes
Present: Acting Chairman Linda Coutinho, Jim Malkin, Frank Yeomans, Vicky Divoll,
Marshall Carroll, Bruce Golden and Susan Murphy* were not present.  Others: Tim Carroll, Ellen Biskis, Melanie Becker and Diana DeBlase.

At 5:30 PM Acting Chairman Coutinho called the meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Martha’s Vineyard Commission:
Ms. Divoll reported on the MVC budget meetings she attended. Ms. Divoll said she would recommend having the MVC adding a meeting to their schedule when their outreach meetings with all the island towns come to completion. Ms. Divoll said that at this time the MVC doesn’t have one planned to allow for changes being suggested by the towns.  
*At 5:35 pm Susan Murphy Arrives.

Discussion ensued. Ms. Divoll said that there is a 3.6% increase from last year’s budget. Ms. Divoll recommended crunching the numbers of the salaries and legal expenses at our December 10th  FinCom meeting. Mrs. Becker recommended asking if the new director (when they hire one) will be started at first step of the pay grade. Mr. Carroll asked if members of the FinCom tonight are able to attend the December 10, 2014 meeting that MVC will attend. Mr. Malkin said he would not be able to make that particular date but if members were willing to meet that Monday night instead he would be available that night. Susan Murphy said she had a conflict for that date as well.

Mr. Carroll said he would reach out to Marshall Carroll and Bruce Golden to see if they will have a quorum for the December 10, 2014 FinCom meeting that the MVC will attend.

Mr. Malkin thanked Ms. Divoll for her report.

Human Resources Board Recommendation of Cost Of Living Adjustment for FY2016:
Mr. Malkin reported that at their November 6, 2014 meeting the HRBC approved the COLA increase for FY2016 to be 1.3%.  Mr. Malkin moved to recommend to the Selectmen the 1.3% COLA increase. Ms. Divoll seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 4 Ayes, 1 Abstain (Mr. Yeomans), 2 Not Present M. Carroll & B. Golden                                                                                                                                                    
Mr. Yeomans said he supports keeping in line with Social Security rather than the system that Chilmark uses.

FinCom Guidance to Departments for FY2016 Budget Requests:
Mr. Carroll asked members to suggest a guide for the departments to work on for FY16 budgeting. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Malkin moved that all departments keep their budgets unchanged from last year other than step and COLA. Also any amount over last year budget is to be listed on a separate prioritized document for a comprehensive presentation to the FinCom. And that all budgets are supplied to the FinCom 7 days prior to beginning of hearings.
Mrs. Murphy seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 5 Ayes 2 Not Present M. Carroll & B. Golden                                                                                                                                                    
Draft Schedule of 2016 Budget Planning Update:
Mr. Carroll asked everyone to please review the Draft Budget Schedule included in each of the agenda packets for tonight’s meeting. Discussion ensued. No changes were made to the draft budget schedule. Mr. Carroll will bring this schedule to the Selectmen to approve at their meeting November18, 2014.

FinCom Subcommittee Reports       
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Budget Update:
Jim Malkin reported that the draft budget for MVRHS has a 3.6% increase up from FY15 though this figure is likely to go up.. This increase is due to the needed improvements to the Vocational Department. Mr. Carroll said that the October student census is an important part of the School budget and asked if that had been released. Mr. Malkin said he believed it had been.

Up Island Regional School Budget Update:
Susan Murphy reported that the Up Island Regional School Committee is meeting Monday night November 17, 2014.

Highway Budget Update:
Because Mr. Golden was not present this item was postponed to the next FinCom meeting.

Martha’s Vineyard Refuse District & Resource Recovery District Update:
Frank Yeomans reported that the MVRD & RRD budget meeting he attended in October did not have a quorum so they rescheduled for November 13, 2014 (tomorrow) and he will attend and report back.

Capital Improvement Planning Committee Update:
Linda Coutinho reported that there were departments requests heard at a meeting held October 1, 2014. Mrs. Coutinho requested that the CIP meet at least 2 more times prior to the December 20, 2014 CIP report. The Capital Improvement Committee members are: Linda Coutinho, Bruce Golden, Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, and Warren Doty.

Town Treasurer Melanie Becker said that FY16 will have an additional pay date for payroll due to leap year (27 pay dates).

Town Accountant Ellen Biskis has the Management Letter and Report on Basic Financial Statements from the Town’s auditors Powers & Sullivan. Mrs. Biskis said she had hoped to receive the bound reports for each FinCom member by tonight’s meeting but had not. Mrs. Biskis will distribute the reports as soon as they are available. Mrs. Biskis also said that in response to the no change from FY15 budgets other than the COLA and any step increases there is the addition of Squibnocket Committee expenses and also the cost of the compensation consultant.  

Executive Secretary:
Executive Secretary Tim Carroll handed out the electronic October 2014 Hand Book for Financial Advisory Committee Members on a disk for each FinCom member as a reference tool. Mr. Carroll reminded all present that the next FinCom meeting will be December 10, 2014 at 5:30 PM.

Draft Minutes:
Draft minutes from the September 24, 2014 FinCom meeting were reviewed.  Corrections were made. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as corrected.  Ms. Divoll seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present M. Carroll & B. Golden                                                                                                                                                    

At 6:40 PM Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn. Mrs. Murphy seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 5 Ayes, 2 Not Present M. Carroll & B. Golden

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.            Approved 02/04/15