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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/13/14
FinCom & Board of SelectmenFY2015 Budget Hearing Minutes February 13, 2014
Present: FinCom: Marshall Carroll, Frank Yeomans, Bruce Golden, Riggs Parker, Linda Coutinho, James Malkin and Alan Porter. Selectmen: Jonathan Mayhew and
Bill Rossi, Warren Doty was absent. Others: Tim Carroll, Ellen Biskis, Melanie Becker, Diana DeBlase, Ebba Hierta, Brian Cioffi, Isaiah Scheffer, Emma Beach Green and  Rick Carney.

At 6:30 PM Chairman Marshall Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

MV Shellfish Group:
Isaiah Scheffer, Emma Beach Green and Rick Carney presented a special warrant article request to fund a project. The amount being requested is $10,000.00. This project is an investigative nitrogen removal study in the Chilmark Pond system using oysters and rib mussels.

Mr. Carney said the amount of nitrogen needed to be removed from the ponds is substantial. This process is a cheaper more natural way to remove nitrogen. Mr. Carney said this $10,000.00 is part of the cost they are seeking funds from the Squibnocket Pond Association as well. Discussion ensued.

Budget Reduction Strategy & Discussion:
Mr. Malkin distributed a reduction plan. Mr. Malkin said this plan is for discussion purposes only it was a place to start. The plan is that no budget may increase by more than 4%. And that everyone reduce by 1.5%. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Rossi spoke of a two tier tax system for non-residents. Mr. Mayhew suggested lower rate for residents who live here and if they sell the property will pay the higher rate. Mr. Parker raised the question of who is a resident and who is not. Mr. Mayhew said a person’s primary residence. Mr. Rossi said this would be a Referendum Question for the Town of Chilmark.

Discussion began about each of the budgets and where reductions could be made.
Ebba Hierta library director spoke on behalf of the library budget and the need for the increase this year.

Mr. Parker spoke of his continued concern that Chilmark is under insured for the liability umbrella. The selectmen’s office will gather information from other island towns and communities similar to ours and compare liability umbrella coverage and report back to the FinCom and Selectmen.

Tim Carroll said he recommends that next year planning prior to budget hearings, having 2-3 FinCom members work on a Capital Plan with the Selectmen’s office.  

Discussion turned to vote to recommend or not recommend budgets tonight. Mrs. Coutinho said she was not prepared to approve the budget without more reductions. Discussion continued, no action was taken.
FinCom members discussed another meeting needing to be posted to continue and finalize FY15 budget. Mr. Tim Carroll recommended this coming week after the Planning Board reviews proposed bylaws. Mr. Yeomans said he will not be available to attend after Wednesday.  
Mr. Malkin moved to meet Thursday February 20, 2014. Mr. Golden seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: FinCom: 6 Ayes. 1 abstain, Yeomans Selectmen: 2 Ayes. 1 absent, Doty

Mr. Carroll proposed an agenda for this next meeting:
  • Finalize budget and approve warrant articles
  • Look into non resident tax
  • Capital plan
  • 50% retiree insurance
Mr. Golden moved to adjourn, Mr. Parker seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: FinCom: 7 Ayes. Selectmen: 2 Ayes. 1 absent, Doty

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.          Approved 09/10/14