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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/11/14
FinCom & Board of SelectmenFY2015 Budget Hearing Minutes February 11, 2014
Present: FinCom: Marshall Carroll, Frank Yeomans, Bruce Golden, Riggs Parker, Linda Coutinho, James Malkin and Alan Porter. Selectmen: Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew and
Bill Rossi. Others: Tim Carroll, Ellen Biskis, Melanie Becker, Diana DeBlase and Keith Emin.

At 6:30 PM chairman Marshall Carroll called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

Highway # 422:
Highway Superintendent Keith Emin presented the proposed FY15 Highway Department budget.
Chairman Carroll said that the only increase to this budget is line # 5257 Street Sweeping up $1,000.00 because of prevailing wage increase. The total for street sweeping is $6,000.00

Mr. Yeomans asked about paving plans for the roads. Mr. Emin said the town intended to pave 1 mile per year but the past few years that had been put to the back burner. Mr. Emin said this spring was the first paving for a while. Mr. Yeomans asked what the cost was.  Mr. Emin said it fluctuates with the cost of oil but the most recent quote was $326,000.00 per mile.

Mr. Emin said he had a vehicle / equipment reimbursement increase request. Mr. Emin is paid $120.00 a week for his truck and $60 an hour for plow, tractor etc… he asked this be raised to $150.00 for truck and $80 an hour for equipment.

Bruce Golden said that he was the FinCom member that reviewed this budget with Keith Emin. Mr. Golden said that the town should look into a more equitable arrangement for Mr. Emin. Mr. Golden recommended the Town looking into purchasing its own equipment. Mr. Emin said there are times when he is away or unable to work and the town can’t use his equipment as that is a liability issue.  Mr. Doty said the Town has been doing it this way for over a hundred years and does not see a need to change.  

Mr. Malkin asked Mr. Emin if the increases he is requesting would be acceptable versus purchasing a truck at this time. Mr. Emin said yes. Mr. Malkin went on to say that this is a capital decision and recommended a member of the FinCom looking into the cost comparison of subcontracting as we do or owning our own equipment and vehicles. Mr. Golden said he would be the FinCom member to follow up on this.

Snow & Ice # 423:
Keith Emin and Tim Carroll presented the proposed FY15 Snow and Ice budget. Mr. Carroll said that we have kept our budget low because it’s the law that once you increase an amount you can’t decrease the amount. This was discussed it was decided to keep at $7,000.00 for the total budget. Mr. Emin said the town has an agreement with West Tisbury; that Chilmark purchase the salt and West Tisbury purchases the sand and stores them in their shed.  It was discussed that this might not be as equal as thought. Mr. Carroll said it might be time to look into our own shed. Mr. Malkin said this is another capital decision.

At 6:55 PM Pam Bunker arrived
Selectmen #122 revisited:
Mr. Parker said (referring to the revenue section) that the Bulkhead rates should be set by the Selectmen and not the Park & Recreation Committee. Mr. Doty recommended a FinCom member review the leases and fees and report back to the Selectmen. Mr. Rossi recommended a subcommittee be formed to work with Park & Rec about the fees for the Menemsha area.
Mr. Parker moved to appoint Mr. Malkin and Mrs. Coutinho to this subcommittee. Dr. Golden seconded the motion. SO VOTED: FinCom: 7 Ayes, BOS: 3 Ayes

Tax Collector # 146:
Tax Collector Jessica Bradlee presented the tax department proposed budget for FY15.
The changes to budget are as follows:
Line#5248 for WTI software will reduce by $375.50 with a line total of $9,173.00
Line # 5303 Professional Development will reduce by $200.00 with a line total of $1,000.00.
Ms. Bradlee said she completed her certification and is now certified and will not need the $200.00.

Ms. Bradlee said that the semiannual preliminary tax billing the town adopted is moving along pretty well bringing in revenues for the town. The bills are now due July 1st and April 1st  

Assessors #141:
Assistant Assessor Pam Bunker, Assessors Lenny Jason and Elizabeth Oliver presented the proposed Assessing Department FY15 budget.
The changes to the budget are as follows:
Line # 5248 Software Maintenance / License is increasing by $3,120.50 with a total of $14,104.50. Mrs. Bunker explained this item is the new appraisal software that will replace the outdated software that gave us such trouble setting our rate. The new appraisal software is PK Appraisal. Mrs. Bunker said she has to keep the WTI billing software, explaining that we must have billing system with appraisal.

Building Inspector #241:
Building Inspector Lenny Jason presented the proposed Building Inspector FY15 budget.
The changes to the budget are as follows:
A new line was added #5341 telecommunications. This line is for a cellphone with a line total of $200.00.

Mr. Jason said this year we may have to add mechanical permits as part of the new stretch code laws.

Treasurer #145:
Town Treasurer Melanie Becker presented the proposed Treasurer FY15 budget.
Mrs. Becker said the line # 5248 for Software is up $924.50 for FY15. Mrs. Becker said she would like to track these tax titles on a spreadsheet and take the WTI billing out of her budget entirely. Mr. Carroll said he believes that the division of the WTI software is done internally and that the bill is still the town responsibility.

Treasurer Continued…
Mrs. Becker said she was not sure how this would affect our tax collector, if WTI would split this cost if we are not using the tax title section. Mr. Rossi asked if there was a law requiring town to use software program to track tax title. Mr. Carroll and Mrs. Becker both said no. Mrs. Becker recommended considering tax taking, and then there would be no tax titles to track.

Mrs. Biskis said the concern is how this affects the tax collector budget. Mr. Carroll recommended leaving this as is till information is confirmed with WTI. Discussion continued. No action was taken.

Benefits # 910:
Melanie Becker presented the proposed Benefits FY15 budget.
Mrs. Becker said this budget sheet has the active employees and retirees listed on separate totals as Mr. Doty requested as Line # 5173.

Mrs. Becker said that the OPEB funding of $100,000.00 is in the budget this year instead of a warrant article. It is line item #5190. Discussion took place.

Capital Improvement Plan:
Mrs. Becker said that from the Bond Rating meetings the town has organized our procedures on paper. Jim Malkin worked with Mrs. Becker to formulate Capital Capacity Plan. Tim Carroll and Warren Doty worked with the figures and tonight we have a draft Capital Capacity Plan. Discussion took place. Mr. Carroll spoke of the current and proposed Capital Capacity for FY2015, 2016 and 2017.  FinCom Members were glad to see this report.

Mr. Yeomans requested a disaster recovery plan that is 2-5 pages long is available at any given time. Mr. Carroll said there is an electronic plan with Educomp. Mrs. Biskis and Mr. Doty said they would be willing to work on this together after budget hearings are completed.
Animal Inspector #296:
Mr. Carroll spoke on behalf of our Animal Inspector Chris Murphy. Mr. Carroll said it is proposed to raise the line # 5315 Inspections by $200.00 with a total of $1,200.00.

Dog Officer #292:
Mr. Carroll spoke on behalf of our Dog officer Chris Murphy. Mr. Carroll said that the State changed the law and required the Dog Officer be Animal Control. Our Selectmen chose not to change this during Mr. Murphy’s duration as Dog Officer. Mr. Carroll said he moved $250.00 out of Medical Services into Selectmen’s Contingency. Mr. Carroll said he moved $250.00 Boarding Costs into Selectmen’s Contingency.

Emergency Management #291:
Continued from 2/06/14 FinCom budget Hearing. Mr. Carroll said that the budget exists primarily for matching grant funds.
There was discussion about the antenna on Peaked Hill.

Moderator #114:
FinCom and Selectmen recommended leaving budget as presented at $100.00

FinCom #131:
FinCom and Selectmen recommended leaving budget as presented.

Mr. Carroll said that he is looking to schedule a hearing with the FinCim & Selectmen
next week Wednesday or Thursday to hear Planning Board Squibnocket Bylaw.

Mr. Parker moved to begin tomorrow’s meeting at 6:30 PM and then to adjourn. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: FinCom: 7 Ayes, BOS: 2 Ayes Mr. Doty absent  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.   Approved 9/10/14