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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/06/2013
Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen Joint Board Meeting
                              Budget Hearing FY2014 February 6, 2013 Minutes

Present: FinCom: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Dr. Bruce Golden, Robert Chidsey,
Frank Yeomans, Sarah Mayhew-Shipway, Richard Williams and Alan Porter.
Selectmen: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Others: Tim Carroll,
Diana DeBlase, Ebba Hierta, Norman Freed, Janet Weidner, Paul “Zeke” Wilkins,
Curtis Schroeder, Brian Cioffi, Brian Smith and Mark London.

Draft Minutes from the January 31, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made.
Mrs. Shipway moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Carroll seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 9 Ayes

Library Director Ebba Hierta presented the proposed budget for FY14.
Ms. Hierta said that the salary line is up due to the fact that there are 2 employees eligible for
3 weeks vacation time so she must staff for the time they are away.

Mr. Doty asked if the $13,000.00 CLAMS dues are paid every year. Ms. Hierta said that yes they are. Ms. Shipway asked how that compared to the computer fees in the past.
Ms. Hierta explained that the out dated ATHENA program cost $800.00 per year but that this program will not be available any more. Ms. Hierta said that for a time they will be running the two kinds of programs side by side until all materials that were checked out using the ATHENA are returned and can then be scanned into the CLAMS system.

Mr. Yeomans asked how many items the library purchases yearly. Ms. Hierta said between 2,200 to 2,500 items. Ms. Hierta said that the soft start date for the CLAMS program is February 25, 2013. Ms. Hierta supplied registration cards for people present to fill out.

Ms. Hierta spoke of all the efforts and support that the Friends of Chilmark Library have done in helping to move Chilmark forward to offer CLAMS.

Chairman Marshall Carroll thanked the Library director and Library Trustees for their presentation tonight and that he looks forward to the CLAMS being available soon.

Tri Town Ambulance:
Chief Paul “Zeke” Wilkins presented the Tri town Ambulance budget for FY14.
Zeke started the presentation saying that the Tri Town Ambulance is now running as a 24 / 7 paramedic program. This means that the level of care that up island residence receive has improved greatly.

Bill Rossi asked if housing has been figured out for the paramedic on duty up island. Chairman Jonathan Mayhew said that they are working on that and that between the North Road Fire Station and the Police Department they are ok in the short term but still looking for something more permanent.
Tri-Town Ambulance Continued…
Chief Wilkins said that the average cost for an Ambulance run is $1,500.00. Mr. Wilkins said The Tri Town Department has increased the insurance charge % from 70% to 100% to assist in the cost of a run. Tim Carroll said that ComStar is the company that the towns use as a billing company.  

Tim Carroll said that there is a warrant article for the Annual Town Meeting to purchase an ambulance. The average cost is $200,000.00 for an ambulance. There was extensive discussion.
The Boards thanked Chief Wilkins for his presentation.

Martha’s Vineyard Commission:
Brian Smith the treasurer of the MVC spoke about the 19.45% budget increase. Mr. Smith explained the considerable increase is due to the legal expenses and the Dukes County Retirement System.

The Legal Budget is being increased from $60,000.00 to $120,000.00 and the retirement system line needed increasing from $95,000.00 to about $130,000.00 Mr. Smith said that the percentage to the OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits) was also increased 47% from $10,500 to $15,500.

Mark London explained that the legal this past year was mostly spent on defending Special Ways in particular a parcel in Edgartown. Mr. Doty asked what they are charged hourly for the legal counsel. Curtis Schroeder said $325.00 per hour, and that the firm will sometimes discount the bill.  

Mr. Doty said that the MVC budget increased 10.1% but the assessment to Chilmark was up 19.45%. Schroeder said that this is due to the “equalized valuation” that Chilmark is a high value town.

Mr. Schroeder said that the COLA for FY14 is the average of Island towns last years COLA. This will be the system that the MVC will use from now on.

Mr. Doty said that the Elected Chilmark member on the MVC Board is Doug Sederholm. And the appointed representative is Tim Carroll.

Mr. Yeomans said that Tim Carroll is on eleven committees in addition to being the fulltime Executive Secretary. Tim Carroll asked what the eleven boards you are referring to are.

Police Department:
Chief Cioffi presented the Chilmark Police Department proposed budget for FY14.
Mr. Doty asked why there is an increase to the overtime line since the hire of a full time officer last year. Chief Cioffi said that the line is down from the point that the officer was hired. Chief Cioffi said the cost of overtime is increasing and that is the reason for increasing the line item by $3,000.00.

Tim Carroll asked how many years down the line before we eliminate seasonal positions on the Chilmark Police Department. Chief Cioffi said that the State is requiring more and more hours of training at the police academe. This will essentially hinder the ability to find trained officers willing to come to the Island for a season.

Police Department Continued….  
Discussion turned to the warrant article the police department has for replacement of a cruiser. Chief Cioffi explained that the outright purchase of a cruiser was a better financial decision compared to a lease program. Chief Cioffi said that the Chilmark Police Department purchases the cruisers at a considerable cost reduction because the State buys a huge amount of them at a great rate and the savings get passed on to the individual police departments.

Chairman Marshall Carroll thanked Chief Cioffi for his presentation and discussion.
Mrs. Mayhew-Shipway moved to adjourn. Mr. Chidsey seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 10 Ayes
At 8:29 PM meeting adjourned.        

Minutes respectfully presented by Diana DeBlase.            Approved 02/14/13