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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/08/2012
                Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen Joint Board Meeting
                                          Budget Hearings FY2013 February 8, 2012

Present: Selectmen Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew.
FinCom Marshall Carroll, Frank Yeomans, Robert Chidsey, John Maloney,
Richard Williams, Bruce Golden. Sarah Mayhew Shipway absent
Others Tim Carroll, Emily Day Dr. Weiss, Amy Tierney, Laurie Halt, Michael Halt,
Susan Stevens, Skipper Manter, Perry Ambulos, Molly Glasgow.

Education / Superintendent’s Budget:
Superintendant Jim Weiss and Amy Tierney his business administrator are present for the education budget hearing. The increase to the overall budget started with the addition of children into both of the special needs programs the Project Headway having four new students and the Bridge Program (Autism) has two additional students. This increase initiated hiring three additional assistants.

Mr. Doty said that FY2013 education budget has increased 12.26% to Chilmark; this is a very big increase.
Mr. Weiss said prior to the additional hires the budget increase was under 2% but the addition of the needed assistants increased the budget to 4.96%.

The High School enrolment of Chilmark students increased from 27 to 34 students increasing the cost to Chilmark.

MV Regional High School:
Principal Nixon and Laurie Halt are present for the budget presentation of the MVRHS. The High School enrollment is 690 students for this year.
Mr. Nixon said that the Chapter 70 State aid has decreased from 3.8 million to 3.3 million in aid.
Driver’s education class room teaching is available to juniors. The road driver training must be completed by the individuals on their own.

Up Island Regional School District Michael Halt principal of West Tisbury Susan Stevens principal of Chilmark are present for the budget presentation. Dr. Weiss said that the West Tisbury renovations and kitchen improvements are included in the UIRSD. Overall increase is 5.76% to UIRSD.

Mr. Halt said The School Advisory Committee worked through the UIRSD budget. The school lunch program improvements were discussed.

Dr. Weiss said that there is a child that is attending a resident special needs school off island. This student was attending the island special needs program and that it was found insufficient for this child. The cost for this is a considerable increase to the URSD budget for next year.

Education Continued:
Mr. Doty asked for the reduction of one hundred thousand dollars to the education budget be discussed. Mr. Weiss said if this was a town we would be in negotiations with the town leaders but this is a region district. There is no way we can shave off the budget for Chilmark. The reduction to the budget would have to be across the board approximately reducing the education budget by three to four hundred thousand dollars.

Mr. Mayhew asked to look into the Vineyard Transit Authority take on the bussing instead of it being a school run program. Dr. Weiss said the VTA is not permitted at this time to be school transportation.

Tim Carroll asked if Dr. Weiss would support legislation in the changing of bus service for school transportation. Dr. Weiss agreed that it would be nice to put all their efforts into education and not transportation.

Chilmark school principal Susan Stevens discussed Chilmark School budget. Ms. Stevens said that this year the school has a new teacher position. The FY13 budget has that position staying so there will be 4 classes: K-1, 1-2, 2-3, and 4-5 grades.
Marshall Carroll thanked the Education board for their budget presentations.

Martha’s Vineyard Commission:
Mr. Doty said that a non binding ballot question for Annual Town Meeting will ask Chilmark residence if they approve a roundabout for the intersection in Oak Bluffs.
Tim Carroll presented paperwork from the MVC, There is an increase of 2.41 %.
Tim Carroll said there is a warrant article for pest management budget for Chilmark’s share. Tim Carroll said he would contact MVC to be sure they can pre4\sent their budgets tomorrow night.

Tim Carroll asked what time the FinCon and BOS would like to start the budget wrap-up meeting tomorrow. Consensus of persons present is that the meeting will start at 6:30 pm.

Mr. Doty said if we consider no warrant articles at all the town FY2013 budget is up 8.85%.
Mr. Williams said if you take away the bonding for the dock fire and the school increase what is the increase to the budget then. Mrs. Day said our budget increase would be 2.29%. Mr. Doty and Mr. Mayhew said that they have never had a budget increase of anything over 5% in their history of being selectmen.
Discussion continued to try and bring the budget increase down.  Mr. Williams said he would like to review the suggestions about lowering free cash with the treasurer.

Tim Carroll said he will ask assessors office the tax impact if the farm abatement is approved.

Mr. Golden moved to adjourn. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously to adjourn at 9:20 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                        Approved 2/2912