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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/02/2012
                   Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen Joint Board Meeting
                                 Budget Hearings FY2013 February 2, 2012

Present: Selectmen Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Frank Fenner
FinCom Marshall Carroll, Sarah Mayhew Shipway, John Maloney, Bruce Golden,
Frank Yeomans, Richard Williams, Robert Chidsey absent, Others Tim Carroll, Emily Day, Diana DeBlase, Todd Christy, Jane Slater, Janet Weidner, John Flender, Brian Cioffi.

Chairman Carroll called budget hearing to order at 7:00 pm. in the selectmen’s meeting room.

John Flender is present for review of cemetery budget for FY2013. There is a change in the line item of Contractual Labor to Grounds Maintenance. After reviewing the budget Marshall Carroll recommended to reduce the budget by $5,000.00, leaving $12,500.00.
Mr. Flender said alright with the understanding that I will come back and ask for more if it’s needed.

Jane Slater is present for the review of the historical budget. The salary line is the only increase due to step and COLA. Mrs. Slater said that she has 7 loyal volunteers. Mrs. Slater said that when ever they have a need for money they try for CPC funds first. Marshall Carroll thanked Mrs. Slater for attending.
Bart Thorpe arrives

Director Ebba Hierta is present to review proposed budget for Chilmark Library. Ms. Hierta brought a handout with a clear explanation of what the library growth has been. Ms. Hierta explained that with the efforts from Rodney Bunker adjusting the air-conditioning/ Heating and the replacement of old computers with lap tops the electrical use has decreased considerably.

The item that is driving up the proposed budget is the technology needed to run the circulation and web software. The Athena program is almost obsolete. Ms. Hierta said this is the time to make the change. The change would be to join CLAMS (Cape Library Automated Materials)             
The annual budget increase would be $13,200.00, which is figuring in the state grant of $2,500.00. The Friends of Chilmark Library have offered to pay up to $25,000.00 for the cost of conversion to CLAMS.

Mr. Williams asked if Ms. Hierta understands that the part time workers for the Library will not exceed the 16 week limit that FinCom and Board of Selectmen are enforcing. Ms Hierta said she is on board.

There was extensive discussion about the conversion to an upgraded technology.
At the end of hearing for Library the total to subtract from the library assorted budget lines is $3,264.00

Planning Board:
Janet Weidner and Todd Christy are present for the budget review. Ms. Weidner agreed that the following could be taken away from the budget; $300.00 from recording fees, $1,800.00 from water testing, $500.00 from printing, and $100 from office supplies. The total reduction to the planning board budget is $2,700.00.

Todd Christy is present for the housing committee chairman Jim Feiner is unavailable. Mr. Doty said that the Dukes Country Regional Housing Authority does all the income evaluations as well as run lotteries and rental conversion for Chilmark.  David Vigneault arrives
Mr. Vigneault director of the DCRHA is present for housing budget hearing. Mr. Vigneault said that the budget has a new line item for legal counsel. The Legal line total is $10,000.00 if it can be lowered next year Mr. Vigneault will lower it.

Police Department:
Chief Cioffi is present for review of budget. Mr. Cioffi asked to start with the expenses and address the payroll after. Mr. Cioffi said a new line item for expenses this year is for liaison for computer stuff. Mr. Doty recommended taking advantage of the VTA gas rate. Mr. Cioffi will have his officers utilize the savings on the way back from taking someone in to jail. Mr. Doty recommended cutting $3,000.00 from the gas line.

Extensive discussion took place concerning the request of a new full time position. The police FY13 budget has the figures for the position for review. Mr. Cioffi said that the position would implement a 50% overtime reduction. The officer hired would be a more experienced officer, much better liability wise.  

Mr. Doty said this budget presentation has been very thorough but it is presenting a big raise to what town will pay, we will need to be prepared to address this at Town Meeting. Mr. Doty said he is not recommending making a decision about this tonight.

Mr. Fenner said that from the Human Resource Board of Chilmark meeting he attended recently the HRBC said that if an employee is receiving a step they do not also receive longevity. Longevity is for when employee is stepped out.
Mr. Doty said selectmen will not be adjourning at this time.
Sarah Mayhew Shipway motioned to adjourn the FinCom portion of this meeting. Mr. Yeomans seconded the motion.  FinCom members adjourn

10:01 pm Mr. Fenner asked to continue meeting for an issue that has come up concerning a town harbor slip not/ issued to Bart Thorpe.   
Mr. Thorpe is here to appeal to the selectmen concerning his slip that the Harbor Master awarded to someone else. This was a surprise to him. He inquired why the harbor thought he would relinquish his slip. The harbor department said he did not respond to the annual mailing and was not available by phone. Mr. Thorpe said he never received an application for renewal. He uses his slip four times a day there is no reason he would have given it up. Mr. Thorpe certainly wants to keep the slip.
Mr. Fenner said that the regulations are in place to help keep this from happening and that the selectmen are looking to it to try and help assist in the decision tonight. Mr. Doty said this is only 14 days after the deadline of the paperwork we should give some slack. Mr. Mayhew said that he agrees. Mr. Mayhew recommended to send a certified letter prior to when a slip gets awarded to another.

Mr. Mayhew recommended changing the regulation. Mr. Fenner said the regulation section R and D are what apply tonight. Mr. Doty said defend this by saying a mistake was made and we are hearing his appeal.

Mr. Fenner asked if Donald Sexton could utilize a slip at the new floating dock. Mr. Fenner recommended that the regulations be amended to keep this from happening again.  

Mr. Mayhew said for this year Donald Sexton should utilize a slip, Mr. Fenner agreed. Mr. Carroll said to also have the harbor master not announce a new assignment until the selectmen have been notified.

Mr. Doty moved that Bart Thorpe retain the slip. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Fenner moved to adjourn. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED 3 Ayes
Meeting adjourned at 10:24 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase          Approved 2/29/12