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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 01/25/2012
Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen Joint Board Meeting
                             Budget Hearing FY2013 January 25, 2012

Present: Selectmen Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew,
FinCom Marshall Carroll, Bruce Golden, Sarah Mayhew Shipway, John Maloney,
Frank Yeomans, Robert Chidsey, Richard Williams absent.
Others Tim Carroll, Emily Day, Diana DeBlase, Janet Wiedner, Chuck Hodgkinson,
Paul Wilkins, Ben Retmier,

7:00 pm Chilmark Board of Selectmen Fenner called to order a short meeting prior to the hearings to address the completion of the Tri Town Ambulance agreement. Mr. Mayhew said that at the completion of the evaluation of Ambulance Chief Wilkins he should now be officially appointed to the position. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Paul Wilkins as Tri Town Ambulance Chief. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Wilkins said that as Chief he would recommend appointing Ben Retmier to the position of Assistant Chief of the Tri Town Ambulance. Mr. Mayhew moved to appoint Ben Retmier to the position of Assistant Tri Town Ambulance Chief. Mr. Doty Seconded the motion.   
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

7:05 pm Chairman Carroll called Chilmark FinCom & Board of Selectmen FY2013 budget hearings to order in the selectmen’s meeting room.

Community Preservation Committee:
CPC member Janet Wiedner and coordinator of administrative support Chuck Hodgkinson are present for the review of CPC budget. The CPC budget is unchanged (flat) other than step and COLA increases. Mr. Hodgkinson said that the expenses for his position are paid out of the CPC revenues.

The Current Available Uncommitted Fund Balances:
Affordable Housing Reserve                                      $83,385.00
Open Space Preservation Reserve                            $116,682.00
Historic Resources                                                      $94,080.00

Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve             $174,480.00
Community Preservation Undesignated Reserve      $190,037.00

Mr. Hodgkinson presented the proposed warrant articles; for the Special Town Meeting scheduled for February 13, 2012
Article 2.  To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee: to appropriate $100,000.00 of CPA Historic Resources Reserve Funds as a grant to fund renovations, under the administration of the Historical Commission, of the historic Tea Lane Farmhouse; and to meet this appropriation use CPA funds as follows: $70,000.00 from the Community Preservation Historic Resources Reserve and $30,000.00 from the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve Funds.
Recommended by the Community Preservation Committee.
Draft CPC Continued… APRIL 23, 2012 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING

1.  Article #   :  To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to reserve from the Community Preservation Fund FY 2013 estimated annual revenues up to the following amounts for community preservation projects:  $27,316.00 for Open Space Preservation Reserve; $27,316.00 for Historic Resources Reserve; $27,316.00 for Housing Reserve; and $191,209.00 for the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve.  

Explanation:  The Community Preservation Act mandates that a Town must reserve a minimum of 10 percent of its projected revenues for each of the three categories—Open Space Reserve Fund; Historic Resources Reserve Fund and the Housing Reserve Fund.  The balance of the funds is placed in the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve (Budgeted Reserve) Fund.  The Budgeted Reserve funds may be allocated to any future CPA funded project in any category with Town voter approval.  In FY 2012 Chilmark received a state matching amount of 58 percent of the FY 2011 CPA tax collections.  This is more than the statewide average.  We have conservatively planned on a state matching level of 40% or, $77,759.00 of the FY 2012 CPA tax revenue for receipt in          FY 2013.

2.  Article #   :   To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from the Community Preservation Historic Resources Reserve the sum of $8,610.00 to fund Chilmark’s share of an island-wide funding campaign to preserve Martha’s Vineyard Museum historic artifacts.  The Chilmark Historical Commission will oversee the administration of this grant.  

Explanation:  This appropriation is Chilmark’s contribution toward the first year’s activities of the two year program.  The Museum is planning to request a similar appropriation at a future date for the second year of work.

7:25 pm Arrivals: Don Hatch, Katie Carroll, Brooks Carroll, and Bradley Carroll.
Mrs. Mayhew Shipway said that the interest on this account seems very low and recommended looking into a better return.

Mr. Doty asked if the Middle Line Road Project loan could be paid down with CPC funds, to reduce our debt. Mr. Hodgkinson said if it is already bonded he thought not but he will check. Tim Carroll said the Menemsha Pier Connector Project is not yet bonded and suggested checking if the CPC funds could be used for the debt reduction.

Mr. Hodgkinson said that the CPC was able to fund 1.6 million dollars of the MLR project.

Zoning Board of Appeals:
Mr. Hodgkinson was present for the ZBA budget review. The budget was considered fine
as is, complete with no changes or suggestions.

Conservation Commission:
Mr. Hodgkinson was present for review of the ConCom budget. Mr. Fenner asked if the administration pay could be taken in part from the Wetlands Protection Fund. Mr. Carroll suggested a portion not all try $2,500.00. Mr. Hodgkinson said he would check with his board and get an answer to everyone maybe by tomorrow.

Board of Health:
Katie Carroll as Chairman of the Board of health was present for BOH budget review.
Mrs. Carroll said they have a very flat budget and the BOH is comfortable with this budget.

Mr. Yeomans said by the look of it he suggests the BOH manage all of the budgets. Nice job.

Waste Collection:
Don Hatch manager was present for the Waste Collection budget hearing.
Mr. Doty asked to have a breakdown of the budget. Mr. Hatch said the fees are divided up in 4 departments: 1.) administration and health insurance
                     2.) Recycling which is free to residence
                     3.) Hazardous waste collection
                     4.) Debt service of the landfill Chilmark’s portion is 12%  
Mr. Hatch reported a down turn in users causing fewer revenues.
Mr. Doty said that the wage scale for Don Hatch is very high. Mr. Yeomans said the director prior was even more at that time. Mr. Fenner who is on the board for the refuse district said that the board has been satisfied with this flat budget.

Tri Town Ambulance:
Paul “Zeke” Wilkins and Ben Retmier are present for the budget hearing for the Tri-Town Ambulance. Mr. Wilkins said that the budget that they have tonight might be reframed after the Tri Town Ambulance Committee meeting scheduled for February 3, 2012.
Mr. Wilkin said that the revenues are down $30,000.00 because they are 111 run short of last year which was what they where modeling this years budget after.

After discovering that the revenues where down that much he decided to try and shave from the proposed budget. Mr. Wilkins said they removed a line item of $10,000.00 for paramedic training. The West Tisbury Fin Com recommended keeping that item so Mr. Wilkins will ask for the Tri Town Ambulance Committee to help in that at the Feb. Meeting. As it is now this budget doesn’t have the $10,000.00 for paramedic training.

Mr. Retmier said that the summer hire will be kept to a 16 week maximum, this will be similar schedule as beach department. Summer EMTs will be let go about 2 weeks before Columbus Day.

Mr. Yeomans asked what the change to the Tri Town Ambulance Committee Board is. Tim Carroll said that it will be made up of one member from each of the three towns. Jonathan Mayhew is the Chilmark member.

8:20 pm Arrivals: Chief David Norton, Lt. Scott McDowell, Captain Robert Coutinho,
Allan Porter and Gary Robinson.

Fire Department:
Fire Chief David Norton is present along with members of his volunteer department to review fire department budget. Marshall thanked them for coming.
Starting at line one of this budget Mr. Norton explained he needs to have his assistant work more hours. The addition to this position work hours is proposed to increase two hours a week with a total of 7 hours. The paperwork is piling up and the extra time is essential.

Mr. Norton said he has asked for a raise in his salary of $6,000.00. This is still less than the Personal Board (Human Resource Board of Chilmark) recommended salary his position should be paid.

Mr. Doty said we have asked each department to shave costs from their budget this year because of the tremendous increases to the school budgets and other factors.  Mr. Doty went on to say this could be done without cutting the salary lines if we shave from the expense lines. Mr. Doty suggested the following solution lowering the line item amounts to:
  • Vehicle Maintenance  from $18,000.00 to 14,000.00
  • Septic pump outs from $2,000.00 to $1,500.00
  • Gas from $4,000.00 to $3,000.00
  • Firefighting supplies from $5,500.00 to $4,500.00
  • Uniforms from $2,000.00 to $1,000.00
  • Instate travel from $2,000.00 to $1,500.00
  • Mileage allowance from $4,500.00 to $3,000.00
With this proposal this deducts $8,500.00 from this budget.  
Tim Carroll said this is a suggestion and that the Fire department can work out what will be cut but the budget needs to be lowered $8,500.00. The Board of Selectmen and FinCom asked for this to be put on paper and sent back here for the Fire Department budget.

Mr. Doty asked if Emily Day and Tim Carroll could receive information about the school budget tomorrow so we have time to formulate questions.

Mr. Golden moved to adjourn. Mrs. Mayhew Shipway seconded the motion. Vote unanimously to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.           Approved 2/29/12