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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/09/2011
Chilmark FinCom & Selectmen Joint Board Meeting
                                            Budget Hearings FY2012
                                            February 9, 2011 Minutes

Present: FinCom: Chairman Marshall Carroll, Richard Williams, Frank Yeomans,
William Randol, Bruce Golden, John Maloney. Selectmen: Chairman Warren Doty,
Frank Fenner. Others: Tim Carroll, Emily Day, Diana DeBlase, Kate Carroll, Marina Lent,
Chuck Hodgkinson, Jessica Bradlee, Kristin Maloney, Wayne Iacono, Stephen McQuiggan,
Pam Bunker, Dennis Jason, Russell Smith, Sarah Kuh, T.J. Hegarty.

Chairman Marshal Carroll called meeting to order at 6:05 pm in the selectmen’s room.

Review of the draft minutes from 1/19/11. Mr. Yeomans moved to approve minutes.
Mr. Williams seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 8 Ayes

Waste Collection and Disposal:
Mr. Fenner is the Chilmark Selectmen representative for the Waste collection department. Mr. Fenner approves how things are being run now. Mr. Yeomans commended Mr. Fenner on the improvements. The budget is flat for with only a 0.15% sum increase.

Board of Health:
Mr. Fenner thinks that the pump out per gallon price might be significantly higher this coming season possibly 20% higher than last year. Health agent Marina Lent has verbal agreement on the cost of the rental of the portable toilets remaining the same. As for the pump out fee she did not know.

Mr. Yeomans is impressed with the speed of the posting of minutes. Mr. Yeomans asked what new things are you doing that are different from the agent prior to you. Marina Lent said she is issuing permits for dairy pasteurization and frozen desserts. She issues burial permits. Also the semi public beaches need permits from Board of health, and have to test for bacterial levels in their waters .Ms. Lent has undergone certification requirements to be a water agent for Chilmark. She is also assisting the Department of Public Health overseeing mobile poultry slaughtering.

Community Preservation Commission:
Chuck Hodgkinson introduced himself to the new Fin Com member Bruce Golden.
Starting the budget review for FY2012 Mr. Hodgkinson stated that the administrative expenses come out of CPA collected funds as long as they stay below 5% of the annual income. The estimated income for FY2012 is $250,000.00.

Warrant articles for the Chilmark Annual town Meeting are as follows:
  • $9,240.00 for the MV Museum cataloging program.
  • $150,000.00 for partial cost for restoration project on the Tea Lane Farm House.
  • $20,000.00 stonewalls renovations.

CPC continued…
  • $20,000.00 for affordable housing fund.
  • $ 5,000.00 to stabilize a MV Museum owned Nomansland boat. One of these boats is featured on the Chilmark Town seal.
6.) To see if town will vote to raise sum necessary to defray town charges and make                       appropriations for the ensuing year (salaries).
7.) To see if the town will vote to approve $24,939.00 for open space preservation; $24,930.00 for historic resource preservation; $24,930.00 housing; and $174,480.00 Community Preservation budget reserve.  

Mr. Yeomans commented that West Tisbury lists all amounts paid to town employees and asked if Mr. Hodgkinson would be uncomfortable with adding all of his salaries for his jobs in one line. Mr. Hodgkinson would be fine with that. Marshall Carroll said this is in the front of the Budget Book.  

ZBA (Board of Appeals):
There are just two budget lines. Mr. Hodgkinson is keeping this year’s budget level, though it will be tight.

Conservation Commission:
The increase to the budget line for a step and grade is 4.41%. That figure is off set by the -23% decrease in the Conservation agent line. This is because Chuck is now the agent and he will receive a smaller stipend. The total sum is -1.56%.

Beach Department (Park & Recreation):
There is a line change to Asst. Beach Superintendant it should read $14,273.00.
Chairman Kristin Maloney presented the FY2012 budget plan for the Beach Department.
The Beach Department has cut as much as they could to bring the budget under control for the coming season. They have cut 2 life guard positions. Menemsha and Squibnocket won’t be staffed till July 1.There will be no preregistering though a mailing program this year. Stickers will be for sale at town hall sticker office starting June 1. Forms can be picked up at the town hall.

Mr. Yeomans asked what happens when our lease for Lucy Vincent beach expires and when does it expire. Mrs. Bunker could have the lease information tomorrow.
The Beach Department has two warrant articles for Annual town Meeting.
1.)  For two composting toilets, each are estimated at $53,000.00, $106,000.00 total
2.)  $9,748.00 for galvanized steel stairs at Squibnocket.

Tax Collector:
Tax collector Jessica Bradlee presented FY2012 budget.
Mr. Williams asked where the revenues for taxes showed up in the budget book.
Mr. Doty said 91% of the budget is collected by real estate tax. This is $6,553,000.00
Mr. Yeomans would like to see tax revenues posted.

  Tax Collector cont…
Mrs. Bradlee in an effort to decrease her mailing budget is emailing a lot of the correspondence rather than mailing it when she can.

Pam Bunker presented FY2012 budget for the Assessors department. Assistant Assessors budget line has a grade and step increase of 6.21%.
Mr. Fenner asked if the Re Value is affecting this. Mrs. Bunker said she has temps entering data and thinks the project will be complete in three years.

Building Department:
Building inspector Lenny Jason presented the FY2012 budget. The budget has increase due to longevity. The total sum is 1.01%
Mr. Jason said he just received the largest building permit fee ever. That was $6,000.00 for the Zoya project.

County of Dukes County:
Russell Smith presented the draft FY2012 County Budget not including the airport. Chilmark’s increase of the bill will be 2.5%. There goal is level funding.  They hope to have the final budget soon.

Vineyard Health Care Access:
Sarah Kuh presented the FY2012 budget.
Mr. Williams asked if the VHCA helped persons receive health insurance. Ms. Kuh said yes and now they are expanding their services to include issuance of food stamps.
The VHCA has two warrant articles for the annual town meeting.
Article 1.) $10, 9981.33, Chilmark’s portion of the VHCA budget.
Article 2.) $2,661.77 Also Chilmark’s portion of the VHCA budget.

Pest Management:
T.J. Hegarty presented the FY2012 budget.
The sum total is up 0.6%. Chilmark’s portion of total is $ 8,001.75.
Board of Health asked if the County would be testing mosquitoes in Chilmark. BOH also asked for the State’s protocol to spray. T. J. Hegarty will get clarification about spraying protocol.
Selectmen Doty made it clear he is dead set against any spraying.

Mrs. Day asked Mr. Smith when the budget would be done for the county. Mr. Smith thinks by March 30, excluding the airport.

Mr. Williams would like a follow up meeting to discuss the Insurance coverage for the Town of Chilmark. Mr. Carroll suggested taking time to review the 72 page document and emailing concerns and suggestions that the office will organize for a meeting.

Mr. Williams moved to adjourn. Mr. Randol seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 8 Ayes 8:45 pm

Minutes respectively submitted by Diana DeBlase     Minutes approved 2/23/11