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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/05/19

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Joan Malkin, Chairman, Bob Hungerford, Vice Chairman, Pam Goff, Chris Murphy, Candy Shweder,      Sandy Broyard and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Reid Silva, Spencer Thurlow, George Sourati,           Josh Scott, Alison Manning, Ali Geroche and David White also attended.  Russell Maloney and Maureen Eisner did not attend.   

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.

REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY; Reid Silva for The Yard;       # 6, # 7 The Yard; AP 26-91, 95:  Mr. Silva reviewed the site plan dated 2/20/19 to plant approximately 6 trees plus shrubs and install water drainage retention areas and basins within the 100-foot buffer zone of a wetland.  The closest work will be approximately 80 feet from the wetland edge.  The Commission agreed this work will not have a significant impact on the resource and discussed how the west side of the construction site that is not within its jurisdiction might need some sort of water runoff containment measures during the construction of this expansion.  Mr. Silva agreed something could be done.  After brief discussion a motion was made for a negative determination with the following special conditions:  1.  Siltation barriers shall be installed along the west, down grade border between the limit of construction and the wetlands.  2.  This barrier shall be maintained in good condition throughout construction.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with six in favor.

REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY; Reid Silva for                    Two Chocker’s Lane Realty Trust; 2 Chocker’s Lane; AP 33-4:  Mr. Silva reviewed the site plan dated 6/5/19 to trench and install buried utilities and a water line within the 100-foot buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland draining into Menemsha Pond.  The closest part is 58 feet from the wetland edge.   The Commission is familiar with the site and recognized the trench will go through an area that has a great deal of woody vegetation.  A subsequent motion was made for a negative determination with the following special condition:  1.  Siltation barriers shall be installed along the wetland side of the trench.  The motion was seconded and with no discussion passed unanimously with six in favor.

DISCUSSION SE 12 – 819; Reid Silva for Eric Raichle; 15 Hewing Field; AP 12-64:  Mr. Silva explained an Order was issued is 2018 to clear several trees within the 200-foot Riverfront Area of the Tiasquam River.  The applicant is requesting to convert a section of the clearing within the second 100 feet of the Riverfront Area into a lawn as shown on the site plan dated 5/16/19.  The lawn will be 155 feet from the Tiasquam and 150 feet from the wetland edge.     Mr. Scott added the lawn area is level ground that will be lightly scraped loamed and seeded.  The initial hydro-seeding will have lime and organic fertilizer spread to help establish the lawn.  After brief discussion a motion was made to declare this work as an inconsequential change to the activities permitted in the Order.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A second motion was made to approve the lawn installation with the following special condition:  1.  A siltation barrier shall be installed to contain erosion down grade from the lawn area until the lawn is fully established.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with six in favor.

FOLLOW UP DISCUSSION SE 12 – 840 SPENCER THURLOW; 25 State Rd.;               AP 30-79.3:  Mr. Thurlow explained an Order was issued last month to replace the existing        1-bedroom dwelling on his property with a new 1-bedroom dwelling.  One of the conditions was to review the landscape plan with the Commission before work begins.  He presented a landscape plan dated 5/20/19.  Mr. Thurlow pointed out he wants to define the edge of the parking area on the wetland side with a row of Clethra.  The Commission explained it asks owners to mark the limit of the lawn area and clearing with more permanent markings such as 2’X2’X2’ rocks placed approximately 10 feet apart.  In this case the rocks would define the limits around the entire house as it is surrounded by wetlands.  Mr. Thurlow agreed.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the landscape plan as presented with the condition that the delineation of clearing around the house shall also be defined with rocks as previously described.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with six in favor.

EMERGENCY CERTIFICATION GEORGE SOURATI FOR NOELLE AND MARY RUANE, TR.; 498 South Road; Map 30 Lot 105:  Mr. Sourati explained the existing water well that is located in a wetland failed.  He would like an Emergency Certification permit to install a new water well in a cleared area that is approximately 10 feet from the current failed well and 7 feet from the wetland edge as shown on the site plan dated 6/4/19.  The work will also require trenching from the new well to the house for the water line and power.  He added the Board of Health will review the plan at 5:00 later today.  A motion was made to issue the emergency certification with the following special conditions:  1.  The Board of Health shall formally approve the new well site before work begins.  2.  The hay bales and siltation barriers as shown on the site plan shall be installed before any work begins and the work window will be June 6 through July 5, 2019.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with six in favor.


The draft May 15, 2019 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.

Determination of Applicability The Yard; AP 26-91, 95.
Determination of Applicability Two Chockers Lane Realty Trust; AP 33-4.
Emergency Certification Ruane; AP 30-105.

SE 12 – 824; AP 14-22.4; Brickyard Beach Association Utilities:  Ms. Goff updated the Commission on her conversations with the Trustees regarding this project.  The utilities were installed as permitted but, the site is a mess.  Chuck H. added he visited the site and has photos.  He also spoke with Sam Hart at the Trustees.  An agreed plan of action is in place.  The siltation barriers in the wetland have already been secured and repaired.  The debris and boulders are being removed; the Trustees will temporarily close this section of the walking trail until the area is restored; a specific planting plan for the shoulders of the work areas will be reviewed by the Trustees for approval and the walkway will be stabilized with gravel to the Trustees satisfaction when all other work is completed.
Conservation Restriction (CR) AP 13-21:  Chuck H. said while taking photos of the barn that is under construction and allowed within the CR, septic infiltration materials and a pvc pipe were also noticed on the site.  The Commission discussed the CR explicitly prohibits human habitation in the animal husbandry structures.  After discussion Chuck H. was directed to send a letter to the owners to clarify the purpose of this equipment.

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.