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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/15/17

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Candy Shweder, Chairman, Joan Malkin, Vice Chairman, Pam Goff, Chris Murphy, Maureen Eisner,             Sandy Broyard, Bob Hungerford and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Ezra Sherman also attended.                 Russell Maloney did not attend.  

The meeting came to order at 12:31 PM.  

SE 12 – 804; EZRA SHERMAN FOR JACK DAVIES; 12 Stone Ridge; AP 25-135:          Ms. Shweder opened the public hearing at 12:32 PM.  Mr. Sherman reviewed the site plan dated 1/20/15 to demolish an existing outdoor shower and deck; pour a slab-on-grade foundation to support a 110 sq. ft. addition for an indoor toilet, shower and sink.  A new outdoor shower will also be constructed past the addition and supported on piers.  The activity is within the 100-foot buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland that drains into a Coastal Pond.  The closest activity is approximately 60 feet from the wetland edge.

The Commission discussed the observations made at the site visit and commented the site is very wet and there was also additional clearing beyond the established lawn and closer to the wetland edges.  They asked if the wet conditions are the result of a malfunctioning sprinkler system or perhaps the water is collecting in a low spot with a clay substrate.  Mr. Sherman could not add any additional insight.  The Commission pointed out the wetland delineations on the site plan seem to be quite old—perhaps from when the house was built.  They also commented the site is quite developed considering the approximately ½ of the house is within a wetland buffer zone.  Mr. Sherman pointed out the proposed work is in an already disturbed space and is not closer to the wetlands.

After further discussion the Commission recommended continuing the hearing to a date when the applicant can have the wetland delineations updated, the 100-foot buffer zones of each added, have the edge of the established grass shown and the additional cleared area that is beyond the lawn’s edge outlined.  Mr. Sherman agreed.  A motion was made to continue the hearing to December 6 @ 12:40 PM to review the updated information.  The motion was seconded.  In discussion they asked Mr. Sherman to let the Conservation Agent know if he needs more time for the delineations and site plan translations.  The motion passed unanimously with seven in favor.

The draft November 1, 2017 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, December 6 @ 12:30 PM.

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 1:22 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.