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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/01/17

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Candy Shweder, Chairman, Joan Malkin, Vice Chairman, Pam Goff, Chris Murphy, Maureen Eisner and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Reid Silva, Sean Riley, Jason Hastings, Mike Andrews, Leah Littlefield and Scott Bermudes also attended.  Bob Hungerford, Russell Maloney and Sandy Broyard did not attend.  

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  

SE 12 – 803; SEAN RILEY FOR MICHAEL ANDREWS; US COAST GUARD CIVIL ENGINEERING; 20 Edy’s Island Way; AP 27.1-78:  Ms. Shweder opened the public hearing at 12:31 PM.  Mr. Riley reviewed the resources and explained the Coast Guard would like to replace the existing failing wastewater treatment facility that currently discharges into Green Pond.  The new system will include a grease trap for galley waste located in the upper parking area; a septic tank for sanitary waste from the Barracks and Operations buildings and a Perc-Rite Drip Dispersal System for soil absorption.  The project is within the 100-foot buffer zones of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland for Green Pond and a Coastal Bank for Green Pond that is not a sediment source.  The closest activity is 55 feet from the wetland edge and 15 feet from the bank.  
He added the only location with 12 feet of sand on top of clay is where the proposed drip dispersal system is located.  

Abutter Leah Littlefield asked how the system performs when the temperature is below freezing and what happens if a car drives across the drip system.  Mr. Silva explained the system has the potential of freezing if left stagnant because it is only six inches below the ground surface.  Mr. Riley added the system will get constant use all year long as the Coast Guard is always on call.  He agreed something could be done to protect the system.  After brief discussion and with no public comment a motion was made to close the hearing at 12:47 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the site plan as presented and dated 9/22/17 with the following special conditions:  1.  The excavation spoils shall be removed from the site daily.  2.  Siltation barriers shall be installed between the area of disturbance and the wetland and pond and approved by the Conservation Agent (CA) before work begins.  2.  If the old tanks are removed from the site siltation barriers shall be installed and approved by the CA before work begins.  3.  A rock perimeter or some other barrier shall be installed around the drip dispersal system to protect it from damage caused by excess weight.  4.  A small plaque shall be installed explaining the location and site of a sensitive septic system.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with five in favor.

FOLLOW UP SE 12 – 797; REID SILVA FOR 2 SISTERS REALTY TRUST;                        35 Harlock Pond Rd.; AP 1-12:  Mr. Silva explained a condition of approval was to review a revised site plan with the final well and buried utilities trench location.  He then summarized a revised site plan dated 11/1/17 for both items.  A motion was made to approve the revised site plan dated 11/1/17 as presented.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with five in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SE 12 – 370; MRS. JEFFREY YOUNG; Young’s Lane; AP 29-20,22:  Chuck H. explained an Order was issued in 1999 to create a lawn integrated with existing landscape vegetation to provide water views and a yard within the 100-foot buffer zone of the top of the Chilmark Pond Coastal Bank.  The project is in full compliance.  A motion was made to issue the Certificate with the following on-going conditions:  1. The lawn area as shown on the site plan dated 8/4/98 shall not be expanded.  2.  If additional pruning is desired within the 100-foot buffer zone the owner or the owner’s agent shall review the plan with the Commission before work begins.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with five in favor.

DISCUSSION SCOTT BERMUDES:  AP 33-53:  Mr. Bermudes apologized for not being on the agenda and asked if he could review the renovation plans for the house on this lot which is within a buffer zone.  He would like to take down and replace a vertical wall, re-shingle it and reconfigure the windows.  The footprint of the structure will not change and no ground disturbance is planned within the buffer zone.  The Commission commented that all construction debris shall be placed in a covered dumpster or removed from the site daily.  Also if any changes are made he shall review them with the Conservation Agent on site to ensure there will be no adverse impacts to the resource and/or the performance of the resource areas will not be harmed.    

The draft October 18, 2017 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.

Order of Conditions USCG; SE 12 - 803; AP 27.1-78.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 15 @ 12:30 PM.

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 1:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.