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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/01/17

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Candy Shweder, Chairman, Joan Malkin, Vice Chairman, Pam Goff, Sandy Broyard and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Bill Austin also attended.  Maureen Eisner, Chris Murphy, Bob Hungerford and Russell Maloney did not attend.    

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  

NOI SE12 - 785; BILL AUSTIN FOR CONSTANCE FULENWIDER; 35 Harlock Pond Rd.; AP 1-12:  Ms. Shweder opened the public hearing at 12:31 PM.  Mr. Austin reviewed the site plan dated 2/26/16 for an upgraded, 8-bedroom septic system within the 100-foot buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.  The closest construction is approximately 68 feet from the wetland edge.  Mr. Austin reviewed the resources affected and the required Title V setback distances for the system.  The Commission agreed with the location as it is on lawn area that is already cleared and up-grade from the resource.  After brief discussion and with no public comment a motion was made to close the hearing at 12:40 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plan as presented with the following special conditions:  1.  The siltation barriers as shown on the site plan dated 2/26/16 shall be installed and approved by the Conservation Agent before work begins.  2.  The siltation barriers shall be maintained in good condition and left in place until the grass planting is fully re-established.  The motion was seconded and with no further discussion passed unanimously with four in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SE 12 – 585; Molinari; 53 Wequobsque Rd.;                          AP 30-115, 116.1:  Chuck H. explained an Order was issued in July 2009 to replace an expired Order of Conditions for a set of seasonal beach stairs.  The stairs were never installed and he recommended issuing the Certificate as an invalid Order of Conditions.  A motion was made to accept the report and issue the Certificate as recommended.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with four in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SE 12 – 324; Monto; 8 Frog Alley; AP 12-5.5:      Chuck H. shared photos and explained an Order was issued in 1997 to install a driveway, garage, pool and utilities -- portions of which are within the 100-foot buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.  He recommended issuing a partial Certificate of Compliance as the pool was never installed and this portion of the permit should be revoked.  He also recommended the on-going conditions # 13, 14, 15 as outlined in the Order:  13.  Order is binding on the applicant, its employees and all successors.  14.  310 CMR 10.30(3) no coastal engineering structures.  15.  No underground storage of fuel oil.  After brief discussion a motion was made to accept the report and issue the Certificate as recommended.  The motion was seconded and passed with three in favor and one abstention (Ms. Goff who is a direct abutter).


The draft February 15, 2017 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.
The MACC educational pamphlet was reviewed.  The Commission asked Chuck H. to draft a simpler flyer that is specific to Chilmark.

Ms. Broyard explained to the Commission the purpose of the island’s We Stand Together Group  and reviewed how well it’s organized.  She discussed the potential environmental impacts of de-commissioning the Plymouth nuclear power plant.  While the power company is required to have evacuation plans in the event of an emergency the islanders have no such option.  Representative Bill Keating is speaking this Sunday, March 5 at the Hebrew Center from 9:00 – 10:30 AM.  The Commission agreed with taking some sort of action or letter of support for the Plymouth Conservation Commission.  Chuck H. will contact the Plymouth ConCom and report back.

The following documents were signed:

        Order of Conditions SE 12 - 785; Fulenwider; AP 1-12.
        Certificate of Compliance SE 12 – 585; Molinari; AP 30-115, 116.1.    
Certificate of Compliance SE 12 – 324; Monto; AP 12-5.5.

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.