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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/21/16

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Candy Shweder, Chairman, Pam Goff, Bob Hungerford, Sandy Broyard and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Reid Silva also attended.  Russell Maloney, Chris Murphy, Maureen Eisner and Joan Malkin did not attend.  

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  

SE 12 - 783; REID SILVA FOR DANIEL KARNOVSKY; 5 Chockers Lane; AP 33-167:  Ms. Shweder opened the public hearing at 12:30 PM.  Mr. Silva reviewed a site plan dated 11/3/16 to build a garage/shed within the 100-foot buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland on a 1.7-acre lot.  The building will have a slab-on-grade foundation.  The closest activity is 22 feet from the wetland edge.  The site visit was discussed and the Commission thought the proposed location was too close to the wetland edge because the wetland is a significant resource that had standing water during the site visit.  Mr. Silva sketched several options and a consensus was reached that an alternative location that is 34 feet from the wetland edge would reduce the impact of the project on the performance of the wetland buffer zone.  With no public comment a motion was made to close the hearing at 12:36 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  

A subsequent motion was made to approve the proposed garage/boat storage shed with the following special conditions:  1.  The proposed structure shall be relocated no closer than 34 feet from the wetland edge.  2.  A revised site plan shall be submitted to the Conservation Agent (CA) for approval before work begins.  3.  Silt fencing with hay bales shall be installed between the work area and wetland and approved by the CA before work begins.      4.  The excavation spoils for the slab-on-grade foundation shall be removed from the site daily.  5.  All construction debris shall be stored in a covered dumpster or removed from the site daily.  6.  The structure shall never be converted to habitable space.  The motion was seconded and with no further discussion passed unanimously with four in favor.

DISCUSSION SE12 – 780; REID SILVA FOR HEIDI PUTZE; 18 Greenhouse Lane;      AP 33-32:  Mr. Silva explained an Order was issued in October 2016 to re-vegetate an eroding coastal bank on the Atlantic Ocean.  One of the conditions was to return to the Commission within 60 days to review a proposed managed retreat plan for the house as it is only 5 feet from the top of the bank at its closest point.  He distributed a narrative for a proposed managed retreat plan dated 12/21/16 and a corresponding site plan dated 12/21/16.  He added this is a preliminary plan because the owner is trying to hire an architect to design the plan to relocate a smaller portion of the house that is 45 feet from the top of the bank.  He added a section of the house would be removed as shown.

The Commission discussed that time is of the essence because of the current close proximity of the bank.  Mr. Silva agreed.  They also expressed concerns with the type of foundation that would support the relocated smaller house.  The relocation of the Conroy house with the support piers was discussed as a way to reduce the excavation that would be required for a standard poured concrete foundation.

After further discussion a motion was made for the following managed retreat plan and schedule:
  • The applicant shall return on the April 5, 2017 meeting with the final schematic design and construction plans and methods.  A septic plan should also be included.
  • If there is a significant storm event before April 2017 that exposes the wall of the current foundation the applicant shall return within two weeks after the storm event with a plan to immediately remove the structure.
  • If there is no significant storm event before the April 2017 meeting the final retreat plan shall be fully permitted for a planned construction start date of October 1, 2017.  This includes any and all required permits such as an approved Order of Conditions, any Board of Health permits, any Zoning Special Permits and a Building Permit.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with four in favor.

The December 7, 2016 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.

The following document was signed:     
        Order of Conditions SE 12 – 783; Karnovsky AP 33-167.

The draft 2016 Annual Report was reviewed and discussed.  A motion was made to approve the report as drafted provided the section about the Squibnocket project is isolated as its own paragraph.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with four in favor.

Best wishes for the holiday season were shared and with no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 1:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.