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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/03/16

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Candy Shweder, Chairman, Joan Malkin, Vice Chairman, Maureen Eisner, Pam Goff, Bob Hungerford, Sandy Broyard, Russell Maloney and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending were Chris Alley, Michael Barclay, Andy Goldman, Janet Weidner, John Eisner and Jennifer Christy.  Chris Murphy did not attend.  

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  Ms. Shweder appointed Alternate Commissioner Maloney as a voting member for the day’s agenda.

SE 12 - 773; CHRIS ALLEY FOR CHRISTINA LURIE; 2 Gosnold’s Way; AP 14-1:      Ms. Shweder opened the public hearing at 12:31 PM.  Mr. Alley reviewed a site plan dated 6/15/16 to maintain the existing timber stairway that provides access to the shore; build and maintain a 10’ X 13’ boat storage platform and construct and maintain a 40 ft. walkway from the platform to the stony beach.  The activity is within the 100-foot buffer zones of the Vineyard Sound beach and the top of the coastal bank.  The closest activity is approximately 60 feet from the shoreline and 20 feet from the top off the bank.  A detail drawing dated 7/15/16 was also reviewed.

The DEP comments on the NOI were read for the record.  After much discussion the Commission agreed the resource areas impacted are the buffer zones of the beach and coastal bank.  The stair does not traverse a coastal bank because the land does not face seaward as defined in the Town’s regulations.

There was much discussion regarding the newly-cleared and widened paths, along the sides of the current stairway and the sides of the current walkway to the beach.  The Commission did not want this activity continued.  The need for a triangle kayak storage platform was also discussed.  Mr. Barclay offered to remove one of the sections from the plan.  After additional discussion on building materials and methods and with no public comment a motion was made to close the hearing at 1:00 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A second motion was made to approve the plans with the following design changes and revised specifications:
  • The Commission concluded the resource area for the work is the buffer zone of the coastal bank and stony beach.  The existing stairway is not located on a coastal bank as the land is not seaward-facing.
  • The plan is approved with the following changes to the revised site plan dated 6/15/16 and detail drawing of the Lurie Stairway/Platform/Boardwalk dated 7/15/16:
  • The existing stairway shall be maintained to the existing width of 34 inches.
  • To prevent erosion down the slope the cleared area along both sides of the existing stairway shall no longer be cleared and allowed to grown back to its original vegetated state.
  • The cleared path from the porch to the top of the existing stairs shall be maintained to a maximum width of four feet where the existing stones are placed.  The remainder of the cleared area outside the path shall no longer be mowed and allowed to grow back to its natural state.
  • The area on either side of the elevated walkway to the stony beach shall be allowed to grow back to its natural vegetated state.
  • No pressure-treated wood shall contact the ground.  All posts and materials that come into contact with the ground shall be mahogany.  The decking will be made of mahogany and the support stringers will be made of pressure-treated wood.
  • The 4” X 4” support posts shall be spaced 6 feet apart.
  • There shall be a minimum of 6 inches of space between the bottom of the stringers and the ground.
  • The deck boards shall be 1” X 4” with a minimum of ½ inch spacing between each board to allow light penetration.
  • As shown on the site plan dated 6/15/16 and the detail drawing dated 7/15/16 the straight section leading from the platform to the elevated walkway to the stony beach shall be eliminated.  Only the angled section from the platform to the elevated walkway shall be installed.
  • The support posts for the angled section between the platform and elevated walkway will be spaced 6 feet apart.
  • The mowing of the cleared walking path located to the northeast of the screened porch and in the buffer zone of the coastal bank shall immediately cease.  The area shall be allowed to grow back to its original vegetated state.
  • Both the site plan and detailed drawing shall be revised showing these changes and provided to the Conservation Agent before work begins.
  • An on-site conference shall take place among the Conservation Agent and contractor(s) to review this Order and revised plans before work begins.
  • On-going maintenance of the stairs, platform and elevated walkway is allowed provided the maintenance plans are approved by the Commission or its designee before work begins.
The motion was seconded and with no further discussion passed unanimously with seven in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SE 12 – 735; 2 Gosnold’s Way; AP 14-1:  Chuck H. explained an Order was issued in 2015 to reconfigure the footprint by moving a bedroom from the back of the house to the northeast side, renovate the house, install a new foundation under the main house and install a basement foundation under the relocated bedroom.  A screened porch will be added on top of the existing deck to the north.  The activity is within the 100-foot buffer zone of the top of the coastal bank on Vineyard Sound.  He recommended the project is in full compliance.  After discussion on the site visit a motion was made to accept the report with the on-going condition that the seasonal screened porch shall never be enclosed or insulated.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with seven in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AMENDED SE 12 – 749; RICHARD SCHEUER AND AMY COHEN; 267 State Rd.; AP 33-5:  Chuck H. explained this is the Amended Order SE 12 – 749 to build a set of stairs to the beach on Menemsha Pond.  He added that the amended Order has no work proposed on Map 33 Lot 5 and recommended partial certification with the condition Map 33 Lot 5 is released from the scope of work and Order.  A motion was made to accept the recommendation.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with seven in favor.

DICUSSION ANDY GOLDMAN AND THE PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING SITE COMMITTEE:   Mr. Goldman thanked the Board for its time and reviewed the criteria for selecting a site for a future public safety building.  There was much discussion over the need for a new building.  Mr. Goldman reiterated that his committee was only charged with identifying a possible site for the building.  The Commission thought it was a good site given the criteria and recommended having the wetlands delineated by a professional and returning with a draft site plan before purchasing the property.  It expressed concerns with structure location, blacktop, chemical and hazardous materials handling and storm water runoff because of the extensive wetland network on the property.  

PLANNING BOARD DISCUSSION – MENEMSHA MASTER PLAN UPDATE:            Ms. Weidner thanked the Board for agreeing to discuss this and explained the Planning Board is seeking comments from all town boards regarding subjects to consider.  Significant discussion followed with unanimous agreement that Menemsha Village is one of the jewels of Chilmark and the island.  There was much sentiment favoring the preservation of the village and its character as specified in the current Master Plan.  Regarding the residential and village development of Menemsha the Commission pointed out that Menemsha is a very sensitive site.  All the different water resources, dunes and beaches in the Village and along Basin Road should be delineated by a professional.  The long term needs and use of septic systems in Menemsha should also be evaluated.

The following documents were signed:

Order of Conditions SE 12 – 773; Lurie; AP 14-1.
Certificate of Compliance Amended SE 12 – 749; Scheuer; AP 33-5.
Certificate of Compliance SE 12 – 735; Lurie; AP 14-1.

The meeting minutes for July 20, 2016 were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.
With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.