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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/20/16

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Sandy Broyard, Chairman, Candy Shweder, Vice Chairman, Joan Malkin, Bob Hungerford, Russell Maloney, Maureen Eisner and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending were Reid Silva, George Sourati,     Mary Jane Pease and Lil Province.  Not attending were Pam Goff and Chris Murphy.  

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  Ms. Broyard appointed Alternate Commissioner Russell Maloney as a voting member.

RFD LIL PROVINCE FOR ALLEN FLANDERS; off 30 Flanders Lane; AP 26-31.1, 31.2:  Ms. Province reviewed the plan and plant list to create a green belt of screening vegetation between two lots; prune trees and install deer fencing.  A portion of the planting is in the buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.  The closest activity is approximately 65 feet from the wetland edge.  She added all plantings are native species and there will be a temporary irrigation system installed for two years –until the plantings are established.  Compost and compost tea will be used to amend the soil.  After brief discussion a motion was made for a negative determination.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with six in favor.

NOI SE 12 - 767; REID SILVA FOR BRICKYARD FIELDS LLC; 0 Brickyard Road;     AP 9-2.10:  Ms. Broyard opened the public hearing at 12:35 PM.  Mr. Silva summarized the history of how the existing buried power line was hand-dug by P.G. Harris.  The poles retained communications lines while the electrical service was below ground.  He then reviewed a site plan dated 4/4/16 to remove the utility poles and overhead line that are in a wetland and replace them with a 300 ft. underground utility conduit and lines a portion of which will run within the wetland and buffer zone.  Directional boring technology will be used to install the conduit.  Only one pole will remain and relocated from the wetland to a location in the buffer zone.  After brief discussion and with no public comment a motion was made to close the hearing at 12:43 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plan as presented with the following special conditions:  1.  Crane mats shall be used to protect the swamp as the direct boring machinery is located and used.  2.  The access point for the direct boring process shall be enclosed with siltation barriers and inspected by the Conservation Agent before work begins.  3.  There shall be no underground storage of fuel oil.  The motion was seconded and with no further discussion passed unanimously with six in favor.  

DISCUSSION SE 12 – 738 REID SILVA FOR MARY JANE PEASE; 11 Old Hunt Place; AP 24-201:  Mr. Silva explained an Order was issued in May 2015 for a 1400 ft. long elevated walkway over wetlands and salt marsh to Chilmark Pond.  The proposed 1400-foot long fiberglass grating for the deck is very expensive and he requests an alternative solution to condition # 4 in the Order.  He then offered a new location to the east that runs along the Phragmites line.  In this location the majority of the walkway will run over the mud flats where wooden planking is proposed in lieu of fiberglass decking.  There are two sections that are over salt marsh grasses that will retain the fiberglass decking.  The posts will be made of cedar with pin footings – as with the previously approved plan.  If approved all remaining special conditions outlined in the Order will remain in effect.  After much discussion a motion was made to declare the change as inconsequential and in a better location.  The motion was s seconded and unanimously approved.  A second motion was made to approve the revised plan as proposed with the following additional conditions:  1. The Conservation Agent shall make a site visit with Mr. Silva to identify the precise new location for the walkway—and this will be done ASAP while the pond is still open to the ocean.  2.  A revised site plan shall be prepared showing the new location of the walkway and seasonal dock extension and those sections that will have fiberglass grating and those with wooden planking.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with six in favor.

FOLLOW UP DISCUSSION SE 12 – 747 GEORGE SOURATI FOR PETER NORRIS; 19 Blueberry Ridge Lane; AP 8-59:  Mr. Sourati explained an Order was issued in October 2015 to install an irrigation well.  One condition was to return with the location for the underground, irrigation system.  He reviewed a plan showing the locations for an 8-zone, below grade system with three risers for each zone.  One inch PVC piping will be used and placed 12 inches below grade.  When asked, Mr. Sourati said the Board of Health approved the irrigation well.  After brief discussion a motion was made to approve the irrigation system as presented.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.   

DISCUSSION DRAFT REGULATIONS:  Sections 1.04; 5.01.  Ms. Malkin distributed copies of her suggestions on how to clarify and amend sections 1.04 and 5.01 of the Bylaw Regulations.  After brief comments it was agreed to not have a substantial discussion until all Commissioners are present.


The April 6 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.  

The following documents were signed:

Order of Conditions SE 12 – 767; Brickyard Fields, LLC; AP 9-2.10.
Determination of Applicability Flanders; AP 26-31.1, 31.2.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 4, 2016 @ 12:30 PM.  

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 2:06 PM.   

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.