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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/01/14

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Sandy Broyard, Chairman, Candy Shweder, Vice Chairman, Pam Goff, Chris Murphy, Maureen Eisner, Joan Malkin, and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Reid Silva, James Hornblower, Josh Scott, Wendy Weldon, Jim Malkin and Allison Burger also attended.  Wesley Cottle and Bob Hungerford were absent.        

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  Ms. Broyard appointed Alternate Commissioner Ms. Eisner as a voting member for the day’s agenda.

NOI SE 12 – 714; MATT FLANDERS; 11 Highland Way; AP 26-31.2:  Ms. Broyard opened the public hearing at 12:35 PM.  Mr. Flanders reviewed an updated site plan dated 9/29/14 to develop a vacant 3.2-acre parcel.  He outlined the work as follows.  This work is within the 100-foot buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.  1. Install a water well with trenched water and power lines to the planned single-family residence.  The closest activity is 34 feet from the wetland edge.  2.  Improve an existing grass driveway to the house to a width of 12-15 feet and add native vegetation.  The road surface will be permeable hardener with a gravel surface.  A concrete apron will be built at the entrance to the garage.  The closest activity is 50 feet from the wetland edge.  3.  Trench utility lines to the house.  The closest activity is 55 feet from the wetland edge.  Mr. Flanders added he spoke with the NHESP because their report is not yet available.  They indicated that they do not see any problems with the proposal.  

With no comment from the public a motion was made to close the hearing at 12:46 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plan dated 9/29/14 with the following special conditions:  1. The silt fencing shall be installed as shown on the site plan and will be extended to go beyond the rock pile near the well.  2.  Hay bales will be added to the siltation barrier between the well and wetland to contain the well cuttings.  3.  The Conservation Agent shall approve all installed siltation barriers before work begins.  4.  After the rock pile is removed the mulch shall be spread in the area where the rocks were located and around the well after installation and trenching is complete.  5.  The project is approved as presented provided there is no significant comment from the NHESP.  6.  There shall be no underground storage of fuel oil.  The motion as conditioned was seconded and with no further discussion passed unanimously with six in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; SE 12 – 528; ROSALIE HORNBLOWER CATLIN; 17 Round Pond Rd.; AP 35-1.6:  Chuck H. reviewed photos for an Order of Conditions that was issued on 1/19/07 to excavate, construct and maintain a new 12 foot wide driveway and abandon the existing driveway.  A new underground utility line was installed and a portion of the existing underground line was abandoned.  The work was within the buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.  After brief discussion a motion was made to accept the report and declare the project is in full compliance.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with six in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; SE 12 – 540; LAUREN WALTERS;              18 Greenhouse Lane; AP 33-32:  Chuck H. explained how this project was completed and then destroyed by Hurricane Sandy.  He reviewed photos for the Order of Conditions issued on 9/19/07 to install slope protection along 180 feet of a coastal bank of a single family dwelling lot.  A combination of jute netting, planting and biodegradable coir waddles was used to secure the bank.  A motion was made to accept the report and declare the project in full compliance with an on-going condition that requires the filing of a new Notice of Intent if additional work on the coastal bank is desired.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; SE 12 – 665; LAUREN WALTERS;               18 Greenhouse Lane; AP 33-32:  Chuck H. explained this Order of Conditions was issued on 8/30/12.  He added the project was abandoned and the work was never done.  A motion was made to issue the Certificate under the invalid Order of Conditions section.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with six in favor.


Chuck H. explained that the Squibnocket Pond District Advisory Committee (SPDAC) requires a member of the Commission to serve.  Ms. Shweder volunteered.  Chairman Broyard subsequently appointed Ms. Shweder as the Commission’s representative on the SPDAC.

FOOL’S HIGH TIDE DEP APPEAL DRAFT LETTER.  The Commission reviewed the draft response letter for the September 22 site visit.  Ms. Malkin and Chuck H. will issue a revised letter before the October 6 deadline.  The Commission also asked      Chuck H. to research and contact an attorney for this appeal – should one be needed.

RATIFY MERKEL CLEARING ENFORCEMENT ORDER; 17 Howell Lane;     AP 27-1.1, 1.2, 1.3:  Chuck H. reviewed the Enforcement Order that was issued for this extensive clearing that was done in several resource areas without a permit.  A motion was made to accept and ratify the Enforcement Order as written.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with six in favor.

The following documents were signed:

Order of Conditions Flanders; SE 12 – 714; AP 26-31.2.
Certificate of Compliance Hornblower Catlin; SE 12 - 528; AP 35-1.6.
Certificate of Compliance Walters; SE 12 - 540; AP 33-32.
Certificate of Compliance Street; SE 12 - 665; AP 33-32.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, October 15, 2014 @ 12:30 PM.  If needed the Site Visit will take place on October 15 @ 12 noon.   

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.