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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/02/11
Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Pam Goff, Sandy Broyard, Bruce Bartels, Caitlin Jones, Donald Poole and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending were Nelson Smith, Paul and Edna Barry, George Milewski and Chuck Sullivan.  Andrew Fischer, Richard Steves and Dick Smith were absent.

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  Ms. Goff was appointed as acting Chair.  Associate Commissioners Ms. Jones and Mr. Poole were appointed as voting members for the day.  The site visits for today were made on March 1.

RFD GEORGE MILEWSKI FOR EDWIN COHEN; 20 Eliot Ave.; AP 33-23:       Mr. Milewski summarized the plan to excavate and install foundation waterproofing material with a continuous French drain along the house foundation edge and remove and replace the existing stone patio to do the work. A mini excavator and hand tools will be used.  The closest activity is approximately 15 feet from the top of the coastal bank to Stonewall Pond.  The excavated soil will be placed on the lawn to the west side of the house.  After brief discussion a motion was made for a negative determination with the following condition:  1.  A silt fence with hay bales will be installed between the  area where the excavated soil will be stored and the pond.  2.  The silt fence and hay bales will be approved by the Conservation Agent before work begins.  The motion was seconded and unanimosuly approved with five in favor.

NOI SE 12 – 626; NELSON SMITH FOR LORNA T. FLANDERS REALTY TRUST; 26 Harbor Hill Rd.; AP 27.1-107:  Ms. Goff opened the public hearing at 12:40 PM.  Mr. Smith summarized the plan to abandon and fill two leaching pits that service Map 27.1 Lots 106, 107.  Excavate, trench & backfill two septic systems on    Map 27.1 Lot 107.  Cut trees, brush and remove organic material and topsoil in the construction area.  Grade, loam and seed will be added for the new lawn and ground cover.  Lastly, a walking path will be cleared and maintained along the north boundary line.  A revised site plan dated 2/28/11 was reviewed to show the walking path’s location.  The work will take place in the buffer zone of the Menemsha Basin coastal bank.  The Commission asked how the waste water is pumped up the bank to the tank.  Mr. Smith said the line is underneath the stairway down to the dock.  With no comment from the audience a motion was made to close the hearing at 12:45 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plan as presented.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with five in favor.

NOI SE 12 – 628; ROBIN HYDE FOR SPRING POINT ASSOCIATION; Beck’s Beach; AP 5-1:  Chuck H. informed the Commission that Mr. Hyde requested a postponement of the hearing to March 16 @ 12:30 PM because he is off island today.  A motion was made to accept the request.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

NOI SE 12 – 627; NELSON SMITH AND CHUICK SULLIVAN FOR PAUL AND EDNA BARRY; 22 Larsen Lane; AP 27.1-45:  Ms. Goff opened the public hearing at 12:50 PM.  Mr. Sullivan summarized the plans to excavate and pour concrete post foundations for a 12’ X 12 raised timber deck.  The existing remains of a storage shed will be removed and replaced with a ground-level 8’ X 9.5’ storage shed with an enclosed sunroom above.  The footprint for the shed will not change.  The foundation for the shed and sunroom will be an 18” grade beam.  The shed will only have access from the outside yard.  The activity will take place in the buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland.  The closest portion is 25 feet from the wetland edge.  Renovations will also be done to the existing single-family residence portions of which are also in the buffer zone.  Mr. Sullivan mentioned this activity will have less ground disturbance in the buffer zone than the new septic system had when it was installed last year.  The Commission asked what will support the raised deck.  Mr. Sullivan said it will have four concrete-filled sonotubes.

The Commission mentioned it is concerned about the expansion of use in the buffer zone while commenting this is unique in that the footprint expansion is limited to the four sonotubes for the raised deck.  Mr. Barry added the shed will have no in-ground footings.  After discussion a motion was made to close the hearing at 1:12 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plan as presented with the following conditions:  1. There shall be no enclosure below the raised deck and no enclosure or roof installed above the raised deck.  2.  Silt fencing and hay bales shall be installed between the work area and wetland and approved by the Conservation Agent before work begins.  3.  This erosion control system shall be left in place and maintained until the grass is re-established.  The motion was seconded and with no discussion approved with four in favor and one opposed (Mr. Poole).

NOI SE 12 – 621; NELSON SMITH FOR SCHEUER FAMILY PROPERTIES;      2 Chocker’s Lane; AP 33-4, 6:  Mr. Smith requested the continued hearing be postponed to April 6 @ 12:55 PM when Mr. Silva can attend.  A motion was made to approve the request.  The motion was seconded.  The Commission discussed the need for an additional site visit with Mr. Silva that should take place after March 28 and before   April 5.  Mr. Smith agreed and the motion passed unanimously.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE GEORGE SOURATI FOR QUINSON;         SE 12 – 608; 7 Flanders Lane; AP 27.1-202:  Chuck H. summarized the Order of Conditions that was issued to upgrade the septic system and connect the existing residence to the private Menemsha Water Company service.  The existing leach pits were disconnected, pumped dry and back filled.  The existing shed was renovated on the current footprint and dead trees were removed.  The activity was 50 feet from the edge of a bordering vegetated wetland and 53 feet from a perennial stream and within the first 100-foot section of the riverfront zone.  The Commission discussed the observations made at the site visit and felt it is not ready to vote on the request.  Chuck H. will ask Mr. Sourati to clear out the brush and debris from the slope leading to the stream; install a silt fence on the outer edge of the work area to protect the resource; then add a suitable topsoil and lawn seed to stabilize the sandy ground surface.  The Commission will reconsider the Certificate of Compliance after the lawn is established.  

The February 16, 2011 Meeting Minutes were approved as presented by consensus.

Chuck H. shared the following letters informing the Commission of the plans for replacement and repairs:

  • The Coast Guard’s plan to replace the fixed pier out to the existing floating dock in Menemsha Basin.  The original pier was destroyed by fire.  The work will take place between March 15 and May 1.
  • Debbie Hancock’s plan to maintain her Chapter 91-licensed fixed pier and floats in Menemsha Basin—18 Crick Hill Rd.  A few of the rotten spiles will be replaced with greenheart spiles.  The work will begin around March 7.
The following documents were signed:
        Order of Conditions Flanders; SE 12 – 626; AP 27.1-107.
        Order of Conditions Barry; SE 12 – 627; AP 27.1-45
Determination of Applicability Cohen; AP 33-23.
With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 1:47 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.